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Guenther Brunthaler Apprentice

Joined: 22 Jul 2006 Posts: 219 Location: Vienna
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:05 pm Post subject: Updating to GCC 3.4/4? Want to use 2006.1 profile? READ THIS |
Hi all,
(You are reading version 1.19 of this guide.)
ABSTRACT: How to recompile your entire system / toolchain with MINIMUM PROCESSING TIME EFFORT.
If you plan to do a major compiler update for your Gentoo box, such as from GCC 3.3 to GCC 3.4, or from GCC 3.3/3.4 to GCC 4, then read on. (This will typically be the case when upgrading your Gentoo installation to the new 2006.1 profile.)
The problem is that in those cases the C++ ABI of the GCC changes, which requires recompiling most of your system.
In other words: You have in fact to recompile your ENTIRE SYSTEM in order to be sure no "undesired" side-effects may arise from your compiler upgrade.
This is especially true when using KDE/QT and other programs/libraries which extensively make use of the C++ language.
And here is the reason for this posting: While I have found many postings how to best recompile your entire Gentoo system in such cases, or how to rebuild your "toolchain" best, I found none of them being optimal.
The problem: Actually all of them require much more time to execute then is really necessary.
Because in my opinion the amazing truth is: It is in fact UNNECESSARY to recompile any package, including the new GCC, more than exactly once when rebuilding your entire system! (For those who cannot believe this, see my argumentation in the related article
Using my guide (and the accompanying utility script) presented here, you will be able to rebuild your entire Gentoo system with an absolute minimum of effort.
Compared to other guides which suggest recompiling the entire system up to 6 times "to be sure" (I will prove them wrong - their approach is not safer than my approach presented here, it only takes more time), my approach can save you days or even weeks of processing time!
And as weeks of unnecessary processing time equates days/weeks of unnecessary power consumption as well, this will certainly save you a few bucks on your next electicity bill.
I feel obliged to mention at this point that badpenguin has also written a guide how to recompile your entire system, taking about the same running time. Although not for the faint of heart (because it requires a stage 1 reinstallation of your system), I consider it to be a viable hardcore alternative to my guide. You can find it at
OK; let's be short: Here is my guide as of 2006-12-05:
Recompile Entire System Helper
Copy the script from the end of this article and save it to a text file. (Go to the section "HOW TO OBTAIN THE SCRIPT" of this article to get it.) Be sure to follow the instructions below before you use it!
Script version as of $Date: 2006-09-26T04:22:55.640944Z $
Written in 2006 by Guenther Brunthaler
This script will generate another script to be run by you. That other script will then recompile each and every package of your whole current system in the correct order.
This will typically be required on a major GCC upgrade.
IMPORTANT: Do not execute this script before all of the following prerequisites are met:
- Portage tree is up-to-date (emerge --sync)
- Your system is up-to-date (emerge --ask --update --deep --newuse world)
- gentoolkit is available. (The script uses it.) If you are unsure, just do an 'emerge --update gentoolkit' and it will be emerged unless it is already installed.
- OPTIONAL. Review the /var/lib/portage/world list of installed packages and consider unmerging packages you are no longer using. It's a good time cleaning up your packages: The less packages are installed, the faster the recompilation of the entire system will be finished.
- OPTIONAL. Now it might also be a good time to run "emerge --ask --depclean" in order to uninstall packages representing outdated old dependencies no longer used. Be sure to read the manual page for emerge before trying this!
- Run "revdep-rebuild". If there are problems found and fixed, repeat running "revdep-rebuild" until no more problems are reported.
- OPTIONAL. If you want to change your Gentoo system profile to a new one using "eselect profile", it is now also the right time to do it. Also do an env-update after changing the profile. (Be sure your kernel version is supported by the new profile! If necessary, upgrade the kernel, install it, reboot and continue following this guide only after that.)
- Do an "emerge --oneshot --update --newuse gcc". It is quite common that emerge will detect that the current GCC is already up-to-date at this point, and will therefore emerge nothing. (But for the less common situations, this step will prevent troubles later.)
- At this point, the new compiler you want should already be *installed*. (No packages need have to be recompiled with it yet. It also need not be the currently selected default compiler version yet.) As GCC allows multislot installations, it is not a problem in Gentoo to have both your current and a new compiler be installed at the same time. This guide even depends on that fact!
- If all the above conditions are met, and no more packages need to be compiled in order to have an up-to-date system, set the desired new system compiler as the new system default compiler using "gcc-config". (This will make the new GCC 3.4 or GCC 4 the new system compiler.)
- For those who have never used gcc-config before: "gcc-config --list-profiles" displays a list of all GCC versions which are currently installed on your box. The compiler you are currently using is marked with an asterisk. In order to change this "current" compiler to a different one from the list, remember the number between the brackets on the left side of the line which contains the compiler version you want to use. Then use "gcc-config <number>" to change the system default compiler to the list entry <number>, where <number> is the the number you remembered in the previous step.
- Do an "env-update". Then run "gcc-config --get-current-profile". Verify that the new compiler version is really displayed as the current system compiler.
- REBOOT! Many troubles when recompiling the system with a new compiler are due to the fact that the updated environment variables may not have been propagated to all active shell windows which you might be using for command input. A reboot ensures that every process in the system now uses the updated environment variables.
- Are you using ebuilds which install kernel modules? Typical examples are special ALSA drivers, closed source video drivers, virtual machine networking drivers, add-on encryption engines. Not sure? Then better assume this is the case, and do this: Optionally update your kernel first. Then recompile your kernel with the (newly installed) GCC. Or, if you are using genkernel, just re-emerge genkernel. This will eliminate potential build failures later when the kernel module ebuilds will be emerged as part of the system rebuild. For instance, Karsten1973 reported build failures for the nvidia drivers when following an older version of this guide which did not include this point.
- Download my utility script now if not already done. The link can be found at the beginning of this article. A good place where to put the script after downloading may be /usr/local/sbin/. (This is only a suggestion. Any other place will do as well.)
- Run it!
- The script will do nothing dangerous on its own. Not yet. Instead, it will use gentoolkit's services in order to construct a list of packages to be re-emerged when recompiling your entire system, and also determines the correct order in which those packages must be emerged. It also filters out unnecessary or duplicate emerges.
- Then it will construct a shell script which, when run by you, will emerge all the packages in the right order until every package in your system has been recompiled as required.
- The generated script will also allow to be aborted and resumed at any point. That is, you do not need to keep it running for days or weeks. The script remembers the last package successfully emerged, and will skip any packages already recompiled when run again later. This allows incrementally rebuilding your system. You can even shut down your system and continue recompiling the other day!
- Run the generated script to actually start recompiling your entire system.
- Run "revdep-rebuild". If there are problems found and fixed, repeat running "revdep-rebuild" until no more problems are reported. (Thanks go to devsk who identified possible problems when omitting this step.)
- Reboot. (Just to be sure. It's not strictly necessary.)
OK, that's the guide so far.
If my guide served you well, you might perhaps also be interested in my article where a promising new approach to prelinking is discussed.
Now some warnings and comments about the above guide. Although not necessary, it may be wise to read them also.
- The script is now tolerant when packages fail to compile. In this case, the failing packages will be skipped and their names will be recorded in a file. Then, after all remaining packages have been recompiled, the script attempts to recompile those failing packages again. This will be repeated until all packages have been recompiled, or until none of the remaining packages could be recompiled successfully. This new feature allows an interruption-free rebuild of the system, without a need for the administrator to periodically monitor the build progress. The idea for this very useful feature was contributed by count_zero. Thanks a lot!
- A different log file containing all of the screen output from the generated script will be created each time it is run. Together with the new interruption-free rebuild behaviour, this effectively turns system rebuilds into long-running batch-jobs.
- The generated script assumes your portage tree will remain in a consistent state during the rebuild process. So please don't do an "emerge --sync" again before your system has been recompiled completely! (This is because the generated script contains specific package version numbers which were extracted at the time the script was generated. If the portage tree was updated before the script finished, package dependencies might change and the assumptions of the script regarding package dependendies might thus become void.)
- In former versions of this guide, I strongly recommended running this script from the text mode interface, without an X-server running. Due to the experiences reported by Lloeki in his posting, I consider this no longer to be a prerequisite, as you follow the general guidelines from the referenced posting.
- Repeating from that post, those guidelines are: If you are heavily using KDE or other C++ based applications, start all such applications you may ever need during the update before running the script from my guide. Keep those applications running and use them until the update is finished. But don't ever close them, or there are chances you won't be able to start them again until the update is complete! Then, after the update, quit all applications, log out and reboot. (The trick here is that shared libraries which are already loaded will be kept im memory, even if their on-disk files are being replaced by different versions during the update. As long as you don't close those applications, the old versions will remain in memory, and all will remain consistent.)
- The above trick allows you to keep working with your applications using C++ shared libraries during the update, which normally would run you into troubles. If you have a second machine to work on during the update, it may still be better to shut down the X server during the update and keep the machine running in text mode.
- If you don't know how to get to the text mode, here is a short guide: First log out of your X session if necessary, so that you see the X login-widget of your kdm, xdm or gdm. Instead of entering your credentials here, press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F1] now. This should switch from the X login screen to the text console where you can log in as root. Then run "/etc/init.d/xdm stop" in order to shut down the X server.
- Although the approach presented in the above guide greatly reduces the amount of time required to rebuild your entire system in comparison to all the other guides I am aware of, rebuilding your system will nevertheless take bloody ages. (At least unless you have a distcc compiler farm at your disposal. Or unless you are a "Bot-Master", controlling thousands of hijacked Windows PCs serving as distcc-slaves...
So far for my comments - for now.
Here are the instructions how to get the utility script mentioned in the text of the article above.
- First select the text between (not including) the "---BEGIN SCRIPT---" and "---END SCRIPT---" lines (can be found at the very end of this article text) with the mouse.
- Then copy the selected lines into a text editor, using the mouse or copy/paste.
- Save the copied text to some file, such as "".
- Launch a command shell and go to the directory where you saved the text file.
- Run the command
This should decompress the actual script and leave it in the current directory as a file "recompile-entire-system-20060926".
Final remarks:
I wrote this guide not only as a small contribution to the Gentoo community, but also to the environment.
Yes, to the environment! Thousands and thousands of Gentoo users, all wasting weeks worth of processing power when following inefficient "recompile entire system"-style compiler upgrade guides, will waste an enormous amount of kilowatt hours of electrical power.
This energy not only costs money, but will also have to be produced, where it will contribute to even more pollution of air or water.
And that additional amount of completely unnecessary environmental pollution can easily be avoided by following the above guide... so that's why I wrote it.
Greetings from Vienna/Austria,
Guenther Brunthaler
Code: |
#! /bin/bash
# This is file "".
die() { echo "ERROR: $1" >& 2; exit 1; }
echo "Decoding attachment - please standby."
which openssl > /dev/null 2>& 1 || {
emerge --oneshot --update openssl || {
die "I need openssl for base64 decoding!"; } }; {
while read LINE; do test "$LINE" = "exit" && break; done
openssl enc -d -a; } < "$0" > || {
die "Error in base64-encoded text!"; }
ar -x || die "Cannot extract archive!"
N="recompile-entire-system-20060926"; md5sum -c $N.bz2.md5 || {
die "Checksum error in extracted bzip2 file!"; }
bunzip2 -f $N.bz2 || die "Corrupted bzip2 archive!"
echo "Script extracted successfully!"
rm $N.bz2.md5
Last edited by Guenther Brunthaler on Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:11 pm; edited 19 times in total |
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Nick C Guru

Joined: 18 Mar 2005 Posts: 526 Location: Portsmouth, England
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:42 pm Post subject: |
can you not just post the script in plain text inside code bb tags? Would save anyone wanting to follow your guide a bit of hassle.  _________________ Please add [solved] to the initial post's subject line if you feel your problem is resolved. |
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Guenther Brunthaler Apprentice

Joined: 22 Jul 2006 Posts: 219 Location: Vienna
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:06 pm Post subject: |
Nick C wrote: | can you not just post the script in plain text inside code bb tags? Would save anyone wanting to follow your guide a bit of hassle.  |
Sorry for the hassle!
Initially I wanted to do just as you suggested.
But then I had concerns that the whitespace and indentation of my script could be ruined by the BBCode formatting and/or careless copying/pasting.
There were also data integrity concerns: What if only part of the script was copied? This script does work vital to the future health of the system. It must be assured that its contents are intact before starting! (So I added an MD5 checksum file as part of the base-64 encoded text.)
Another problem is the script length: It is relatively large in uncompressed form, so I wanted to bzip2 it in order to get much smaller.
The optimum solution would certainly be to host it on some web server, and only provide a download link in the article.
But unfortulately I'm already quite a bit over quota with my ISP, so I wouldn't like to put it on my own web page.
However, if someone reading this has some bandwith left to waste, he/she is invited to host the decoded script at their web site and send me the download URL.
I would then thankfully included it within my article. |
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devsk Advocate

Joined: 24 Oct 2003 Posts: 3003 Location: Bay Area, CA
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:11 pm Post subject: |
please post a text version, no matter how long it is. A useful thing is never too long to cut&paste....
I was hoping someone actually wrote such a script. Thanks for doing that. |
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Nick C Guru

Joined: 18 Mar 2005 Posts: 526 Location: Portsmouth, England
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:14 pm Post subject: |
aslong as you use the code tags whitespace will be preserved _________________ Please add [solved] to the initial post's subject line if you feel your problem is resolved. |
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Earthwings Bodhisattva

Joined: 14 Apr 2003 Posts: 7753 Location: Germany
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:18 pm Post subject: |
Code: | $ ./
Encoding, please wait...
Generating move script... done.
$ ./move.bash
Moved from Installing Gentoo to Documentation, Tips & Tricks. |
_________________ KDE |
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Guenther Brunthaler Apprentice

Joined: 22 Jul 2006 Posts: 219 Location: Vienna
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:39 pm Post subject: |
devsk wrote: | please post a text version, no matter how long it is. A useful thing is never too long to cut&paste.... |
Actually, the attached base64-encoded "attachment" is already a script!
Look more closely at it: Although it undeniably contains a bunch of base64-lines at its end, there is bash code at the beginning which decodes the base-64 stuff at the end of the script, decompresses it and verifies the md5 checksum.
So, actually you have a script which you can copy/paste, and run.
You don't have to decode the base-64 stuff by hand - the script will do it for you.
If I posted the uncompressed script instead, you would have to do exactly the same: Copying, pasting into some text editor, saving as a file, running the script.
Only that the text to copy would be longer than it is now (because it is compressed).
Plus there is the the security bonus: The current version verifies its own data integrity. This would be hard to achieve with a fully expanded text version.
devsk wrote: | I was hoping someone actually wrote such a script. Thanks for doing that. |
Actually I wanted the script to get even better; namely an interactive, dialogue-based version which asks the user questions and performs most of the "preparation"-steps of my guide semi-automatically.
But then I could not get it finshed in time, and decided to choke on the interactivity: I definitively wanted to post the article before the majority of Gentoo users have switched to 2006.1, because otherwise they would have to use the old, inefficient guides that are available at that time. |
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MaBu-Gentoo n00b

Joined: 28 Sep 2005 Posts: 22 Location: Slovenia
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:49 pm Post subject: |
I have put the script on pastebin. I think it is a great script, but I have one question, when should I update glibc?
I konw have sys-libs/glibc-2.3.6-r4 and the new one is 2.4-r3. _________________ [IMG][/IMG] |
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devsk Advocate

Joined: 24 Oct 2003 Posts: 3003 Location: Bay Area, CA
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:55 pm Post subject: |
Guenther Brunthaler wrote: |
So, actually you have a script which you can copy/paste, and run.
You don't have to decode the base-64 stuff by hand - the script will do it for you.
| I understand all that... this is not the first time I am seeing something like this. But with the whole script in the page, I as a dev, can easily look at it and make a case for whether I want it or not. I can review it without copying it and then decide that Mr Guenther has done a good job with writing it, has handled errors and corner cases well. Even make suggestions to the parts which I think could be done better or in a different way. Its just that I am too lazy. And trust me there will be others with same problem.
code tags do preserve sanity and this is the standard way of copying scripts around here on these forums. |
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devsk Advocate

Joined: 24 Oct 2003 Posts: 3003 Location: Bay Area, CA
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:58 pm Post subject: |
MaBu-Gentoo wrote: | I have put the script on pastebin. I think it is a great script, but I have one question, when should I update glibc?
I konw have sys-libs/glibc-2.3.6-r4 and the new one is 2.4-r3. | thanks for doing that....  |
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Guenther Brunthaler Apprentice

Joined: 22 Jul 2006 Posts: 219 Location: Vienna
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:00 pm Post subject: |
Guenther Brunthaler wrote: | Actually, the attached base64-encoded "attachment" is already a script!
For the sake of clarity, I have edited my original article and removed all references to the fact that the script is internally base-64 encoded.
Those references were actually completely useless, as the fact that parts of the script are base-64 encoded is completely transparent to the user: The script itself handles the decoding; the user never comes in touch with the base-64 part of the script.
Also, it seems obvious to me now, that the mere mentioning of the term "base-64" has the potential to scare away half of the potential users right from the start - which really wasn't what I intended to happen. |
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Guenther Brunthaler Apprentice

Joined: 22 Jul 2006 Posts: 219 Location: Vienna
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:16 pm Post subject: |
devsk wrote: | MaBu-Gentoo wrote: | I have put the script on pastebin. I think it is a great script, |
Thank you very much for this! I will edit my article and add your link there as soon as possible.
devsk wrote: | MaBu-Gentoo wrote: | but I have one question, when should I update glibc?
I konw have sys-libs/glibc-2.3.6-r4 and the new one is 2.4-r3. | thanks for doing that....  |
This is easy: You don't have to. Recompiling the glibc will be one of the first things my generated script will do, and it will use the "current" version of the glibc as of the time when you ran your last "emerge --sync" before my script (which is one of the steps in my upgrade guide, btw).
Even if you decide to update the profile to 2006.1 (and not only update the GCC) this will be true: In this case, the newly activated profile will tell my script to use the new glibc version rather than the one from the old 2006.0 profile. (My upgrade guide also shows at what step one should upgrade to the new profile).
In other words: Dont bother; my script will take care of all the details.
Just be sure to follow all steps outlined in my guide exactly as described! |
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Guenther Brunthaler Apprentice

Joined: 22 Jul 2006 Posts: 219 Location: Vienna
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:29 pm Post subject: |
MaBu-Gentoo wrote: | I have put the script on pastebin. |
Thanks for your help, but unfortunately, the URL does not work for me!
But on the other hand, I have changed the "ATTACHMENT" from my original article into a script in the new version of the article.
So, the old version is outdated anyway. |
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Guenther Brunthaler Apprentice

Joined: 22 Jul 2006 Posts: 219 Location: Vienna
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:44 pm Post subject: |
devsk wrote: | But with the whole script in the page, I as a dev, can easily look at it and make a case for whether I want it or not. I can review it without copying it |
I agree; this is a comprehensible concern indeed.
On the other hand, I am not willing to sacrifice the MD5 integrity check on my script for security considerations. (There can too much go wrong with copy/paste, escpecially for inexperienced users.)
But in this case the solution is simple: I will post an expanded version of my script for review purposes only, but the download version will remain to be the MD5-protected version.
devsk wrote: | and then decide that Mr Guenther has done a good job |
I bet you would have been happier if you never saw that messy code... well, it's Perl code; and as such a good candidate for some code obfuscation contest... especially if written by me
On the plus side is that the messy Perl script only generates the script to do the recompilation.
And the generated script is a really plain and simple bash script without any blows and whistles. |
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Guenther Brunthaler Apprentice

Joined: 22 Jul 2006 Posts: 219 Location: Vienna
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:06 pm Post subject: OK, so here is the generator script for review! |
Due to several requests, here is a line-numbered copy of the generator script which will be generated if the script from my article at the top is copied/pasted, saved and then executed.
This version is for review purposes only, please use the version from the article at the top if you actually want to download it.
The reason: Much can easily go wrong with copy/paste; and this is especially dangerous in a language like Perl where a single missing period can cause a script to reformat your hardisk instead of doing some useful job
Which basically means, just carelessly copying/pasting can be dangerous. One must also be sure that the pasted text is identical (and not just similar) to the original text.
Which can best be achieved with checksums.
For this reason, the original script from my article contains a copy of the script below (in compressed form), and also an MD5 checksum. When the script is run, it expands the script below to your current directory, verifies its MD5 checksum and will warn you if the checksum does not match.
So please use the code below for review purposes only, but for the sake of security, use the version from the article at the top for downlading.
Code: |
1 #! /usr/bin/perl -w
2 #
3 # Generate a script which when run recompiles each and every package
4 # in the Gentoo system.
5 # This will typically be required on a major GCC upgrade.
6 #
7 # $HeadURL: /caches/xsvn/trunk/usr/local/sbin/recompile-entire-system $
8 # $Author: root $
9 # $Date: 2006-09-26T04:22:55.640944Z $
10 # $Revision: 390 $
11 #
12 # Written in 2006 by Guenther Brunthaler
15 use strict;
16 use File::Temp ':POSIX';
19 # Change this to any name you like.
20 my $script= "recompile-remaining-packages";
23 my $script_header= << '.';
24 #!/bin/bash
25 #
26 # Run this script repeatedly (if interrupted)
27 # until no more packages will be compiled.
28 #
29 # $Date: 2006-09-26T04:22:55.640944Z $
30 # $Revision: 390 $
31 # Written in 2006 by Guenther Brunthaler
37 die() {
38 echo "ERROR: $*" >& 2; exit 1
39 }
41 RM() {
42 rm "$1" || die "Could not remove file '$1': $!!"
43 }
45 MV() {
46 mv "$1" "$2" || die "Could not rename file '$1' into '$2': $!!"
47 }
49 CHMOD() {
50 chmod $* || die "Could not set permissions 'chmod $*': $!!"
51 }
53 save_progress() {
54 {
55 echo "$VERSION"; echo "$OURGCC"
57 } > "$STATE_FILE"
58 }
60 item() {
61 test "$PROGRESS" -ge "$1" && return
62 echo "Emerging package # $1 ('$2')..."
63 local RC; emerge --oneshot --nodeps "$2"; RC=$?
64 if [ $RC = 0 ]; then
65 echo "Package # $1 rebuild complete."
66 (( ++OK ))
67 elif [ $RC -gt 100 ]; then
68 echo "Emerge failed return code $?. Aborting on user request."
69 exit 1
70 else
71 echo "Emerge failed return code $? (will be retried later)."
72 (( ++FAILED ))
73 echo "$2" >> "$FAILURES_FILE"
74 fi
75 echo; PROGRESS="$1"; save_progress
76 }
79 BASENAME="${0##*/}"
82 LOG_FILE="$HOME/${BASENAME}_$(date '+%Y-%m-%dT%T').log"
83 REPEAT="--4ydzd3yuhmsynbjr644bbfzx5"
84 if [ "$1" != "$REPEAT" ]; then
85 exec > >(
86 echo "Note: Logging to file '$LOG_FILE'."
87 tee "$LOG_FILE"
88 echo
89 echo "Note: A log has been written to '$LOG_FILE'."
90 )
91 fi
92 OURGCC="`gcc-config --get-current-profile`" || die "gcc-config failed!"
94 {
96 } 2> /dev/null < "$STATE_FILE"
97 if [ "$VERSION" != "$SCRIPT_VERSION" -o "$OURGCC" != "$LASTGCC" ]; then
99 PROGRESS=0; OK=0; FAILED=0; save_progress
100 fi
102 # Now the list of packages to be recompiled follows.
103 .
105 my $script_tail= << '.';
106 # End of package list.
108 echo
109 if [ $FAILED = 0 ]; then
110 echo "Success! All packages have been re-compiled."
111 echo "Your system is now up-to-date with respect to $OURGCC!"
112 elif [ $OK = 0 ]; then
113 echo "Giving up: Could not compile any more packages in the current"
114 echo "recompilation phase."
115 echo "Look into the 'item'-lines of script '$0'"
116 echo "to see which packages could not be recompiled."
117 else
118 echo "Partial success: The current recompilation phase has"
119 echo "finished."
120 echo
121 echo "However, $FAILED packages were not compiled successfully"
122 echo "in this phase."
123 echo
124 echo "Therefore, another phase will be started now, where an attempt"
125 echo "will be made to recompile the remaining packages."
126 echo
127 echo "Note that this will *not* lead into an infinite loop:"
128 echo "In the last phase $OK packages have been compiled"
129 echo "successfully, and thus the total number of remaining"
130 echo "packages has been diminished already."
131 echo
132 ME="$0"
133 if [ ! -e "$ME" ]; then
134 ME="$(which "$ME")"
135 test -e "$ME" || die "Cannot locate '$0'"
136 fi
137 NEW="${ME}_$$.tmp"
138 (
139 IFS=$'\n'
140 while read -r LINE; do
141 test "$LINE" != "${LINE#item }" && break
142 echo "$LINE"
143 done
144 {
145 while read -r LINE; do
146 echo "item $(( ++PROGRESS )) $LINE"
147 done
148 } < "$FAILURES_FILE"
149 while read -r LINE; do
150 if [ "$LINE" = "${LINE#item }" ]; then
151 echo "$LINE"
152 break
153 fi
154 done
155 while read -r LINE; do echo "$LINE"; done
156 ) < "$ME" > "$NEW"
157 CHMOD --reference="$ME" "$NEW"; RM "$ME"; MV "$NEW" "$ME"
158 VERSION="NONE"; save_progress
159 exec "$ME" "$REPEAT"
160 fi
162 .
165 # Remove the largest common whitespace prefix from all lines
166 # of the first argument.
167 # (Empty lines or lines containing only whitespace are skipped
168 # by this operation and will be replaced by
169 # completely empty lines.)
170 # The first argument must either be a reference to a multiline
171 # string containing newline characters or a reference to an
172 # array of single line strings (without newline characters).
173 # Then optionally indent all resulting lines with the prefix
174 # specified as the argument to the -first option.
175 # For all indented lines do the same, but use the argument
176 # to option -indent as the value of the -first option then.
177 # If option -wrap <number> is specified, contiguous non-empty
178 # lines of the same indentation depth are considered paragraphs,
179 # and will be word-wrapped on output, resulting in a maximum
180 # total line length of <number> characters.
181 # The word-wrappin will occur on whitespaces, which can be
182 # protected by a backslash.
183 sub normalize_indentation {
184 my($tref, %opt)= @_;
185 my(@t, $t, $p, $pl);
186 $opt{-first}||= '';
187 $opt{-indent}||= ' ';
188 $t= ref($tref) eq 'ARRAY' ? $tref : [split /\n/, $$tref];
189 foreach (@$t) {
190 s/^\s+$//;
191 next if $_ eq '';
192 if (defined $pl) {
193 for (;;) {
194 substr($p, $pl= length)= '' if length() < $pl;
195 last if substr($_, 0, $pl) eq $p;
196 substr($p, --$pl)= '';
197 }
198 } else {
199 ($p)= /^(\s*)/;
200 $pl= length $p;
201 }
202 }
203 substr($_, 0, $pl)= '' foreach grep $_ ne '', @$t;
204 if (exists $opt{-wrap}) {
205 my $width= $opt{-wrap} - length $opt{-first};
206 my $i;
207 my $wrap= sub {
208 my($tref, $aref, $iref, $w)= @_;
209 my $buf;
210 my $insert= sub {
211 my($tref, $aref, $iref)= @_;
212 splice @$aref, $$iref++, 0, $$tref if defined $$tref;
213 undef $$tref;
214 };
215 return unless $$tref;
216 foreach (split /(?:(?<!\\)\s)+/, $$tref) {
217 s/\\\s/ /gs;
218 if (length($buf || '') + length > $w) {
219 &$insert(\$buf, $aref, $iref);
220 }
221 if (defined $buf) {$buf.= " $_"} else {$buf= $_}
222 }
223 &$insert(\$buf, $aref, $iref);
224 undef $$tref;
225 };
226 $width= 1 if $width < 1;
227 undef $p;
228 for ($i= 0; $i < @$t; ) {
229 if ($t->[$i] =~ /^(?:\s|$)/) {
230 &$wrap(\$p, $t, \$i, $width);
231 ++$i;
232 } else {
233 if (defined $p) {$p.= ' '} else {$p= ''}
234 $p.= $t->[$i];
235 splice @$t, $i, 1;
236 }
237 }
238 &$wrap(\$p, $t, \$i, $width);
239 }
240 for (my $i= 0; $i < @$t; ) {
241 if ($t->[$i] =~ /^\s/) {
242 push @t, splice @$t, $i, 1;
243 next;
244 }
245 if (@t) {
246 &normalize_indentation(\@t, %opt, -first => $opt{-indent});
247 splice @$t, $i, 0, @t;
248 $i+= @t;
249 @t= ();
250 }
251 ++$i;
252 }
253 if (@t) {
254 &normalize_indentation(\@t, %opt, -first => $opt{-indent});
255 push @$t, @t;
256 }
257 substr($_, 0, 0)= $opt{-first} foreach grep $_ ne '', @$t;
258 $$tref= join '', map "$_\n", @$t if ref($tref) ne 'ARRAY';
259 }
262 sub wrap0(@) {
263 my $text= join ' ', @_;
264 normalize_indentation \$text, -indent => ' ', -wrap => 79;
265 return \$text;
266 }
269 sub pwrap(@) {
270 print ${wrap0 @_};
271 }
274 $ENV{LC_ALL}= "C";
275 my $home= $ENV{HOME};
276 unless ($home && -d $home) {
277 die 'Please set $HOME to your home directory';
278 }
279 $home =~ s!/*$!/!;
280 substr($script, 0, 0)= $home;
281 if (-e $script) {
282 die "Please remove the existing '$script'.\nIt is in the way";
283 }
284 pwrap "$0 -", << '.';
285 Recompile Entire System Helper
287 Script version as of $Date: 2006-09-26T04:22:55.640944Z $
289 Written in 2006 by Guenther Brunthaler
291 This script will generate another script to be run by you. That other script
292 will then recompile each and every package in the whole system in the correct
293 order.
295 This will typically be required on a major GCC upgrade.
297 When the generated script will be run, it will log all of its screen output
298 to a log file.
300 Furthermore, the generated script will automatically skip failing packages and
301 automatically attempt to recompile them again after all the other packages
302 have been recompiled.
304 IMPORTANT: Do not execute this script without also following the steps of the
305 accompanying usage guide.
307 The guide can be found at
310 Press [Ctrl]+[C] now in order to abort processing if you are not following the
311 guide step by step. Come back and re-run this script after you have managed to
312 get the guide.
314 Press [Enter] now to continue if you dare.
316 .
317 <STDIN>;
318 my $tmp= tmpnam or die "No temporary file names left";
319 print "Collecting list of packages and evaluating installation order...\n";
320 my @head= qw(
321 sys-kernel/linux-headers
322 sys-devel/gcc
323 sys-libs/glibc
324 sys-devel/binutils
325 );
326 my $r= join '|', map quotemeta, @head;
327 $r= qr/ ^ (?: $r ) - \d /x;
328 open OUT, (
329 '| sort -k1,1 | sort -suk3,3 | sort -nk2,2 | sort -sk1,1 '
330 . '| cut -d" " -f3 >> "' . $tmp . '"'
331 ) or die "Cannot open output pipe: $!";
332 my $n= 0;
333 foreach my $f (qw/system world/) {
334 open IN, "emerge -pe $f |" or die "Cannot open input pipe for '$f': $!";
335 while (defined($_= <IN>)) {
336 if (/]\s+(.*?)\s/) {
337 (my $t, $_)= ($f, $1);
338 if (/$r/o) {
339 for (my $i= @head; $i--; ) {
340 my $L= length $head[$i];
341 if (length >= $L && substr($_, 0, $L) eq $head[$i]) {
342 print OUT "begin $i";
343 goto field3;
344 }
345 }
346 }
347 print OUT "$t ", ++$n;
348 field3:
349 print OUT " =$_\n";
350 }
351 }
352 close IN or die $!;
353 }
354 close OUT or die $!;
355 open IN, '<', $tmp or die "Cannot open file '$tmp': $!";
356 open OUT, '>', "$script" || die "Could not create '$script': $!";
357 print OUT $script_header;
358 $n= 1;
359 while (defined($_= <IN>)) {
360 next if m!^=sys-devel/gcc!; # It's already up to date!
361 print OUT "item $n $_"; ++$n;
362 }
363 print OUT $script_tail;
364 close OUT or die "Could not finish writing '$script': $!";
365 close IN or die $!;
366 unlink($tmp) == 1 or warn "Could not remove temorary file '$tmp': $!";
367 unless (chmod(0755, $script) == 1) {
368 die "Could not set permissions for '$script': $!";
369 }
370 pwrap << ".";
371 Done.
373 Script "$script" has been generated.
375 Run this script in order to recompile each and every package in the
376 system!
378 By the way, the generated script will do this in a recoverable way:
379 It can be aborted at any time by you, and will continue where it left off
380 when you re-run it. (The package where the script was interrupted will
381 have to be compiled again from its beginning, though.)
382 .
Last edited by Guenther Brunthaler on Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:26 am; edited 2 times in total |
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Abit667 n00b

Joined: 05 Nov 2003 Posts: 31 Location: PA
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:26 am Post subject: |
Wish I had seen this a little that I'm halfway into that stupid emerge -eav system and world crap from the guide. That always seemed so insanely inefficient to me... |
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staffan n00b

Joined: 31 Oct 2004 Posts: 29 Location: Sweden
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:10 am Post subject: |
Abit667 wrote: | Wish I had seen this a little that I'm halfway into that stupid emerge -eav system and world crap from the guide. That always seemed so insanely inefficient to me... |
I know the feeling...
Personally I was just about to start that crap again but thought I'd browse around in a few random forums for a bit first. And I just happened to see this thread and grabbed the script :D
The recompile is running right now (I'm posting this from my window$ machine) and it looks good so far. Of course I have a rather old CPU (an Athlon-XP-something (I always forget)) and a lot of packages so it will still take a while.
I especially like the abort and resume features. We've had a lot of thunderstorms around here recently so sometimes you have to shut everything down very suddenly. _________________ /S
"I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, 'What is that, swearing?'" (Larry Wall) |
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stahlsau Guru

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 584 Location: WildWestwoods
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:29 pm Post subject: |
thanks for the script, i think it's really valuable in this world of "i-recompile-my-system-a-thousand-times-to-be-uptodate" people. I can't say i'd need it since i've never encountered severe problems after updating gcc (i'm running 4.1.1 atm), but i think many people will find this useful. |
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KD-120RD Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 07 Mar 2004 Posts: 149 Location: Hamburg
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:45 pm Post subject: |
I have a question here: What is the purpose of switching the profile?
I thought gentoo is a meta-distribution. Just update your packages and configs (ie. baselayout) and there you are.
Besides I'm using gentoo for about two years now and as I recall I have not manually swicthed my profile.
When I take a look at my /etc/make.profile it is linked against ../usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/x86/2006.0/
Is that possible? |
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grimm26 Guru

Joined: 23 May 2004 Posts: 313 Location: Chicagoland, IL
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 4:17 pm Post subject: |
i don't understand the significance of my system profile matching my kernel. It's just default use flags and stuff, right? _________________ "Blessed is he who finds happiness in his own foolishness, for he will always be happy". |
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jure1873 Apprentice

Joined: 09 Feb 2006 Posts: 183
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 7:27 pm Post subject: |
This script seems very interresting to me, but how much does this approximately take? days?
I mean, I have and sempron 3000 with 1gb of ram but if I remember installing gentoo from stage3 wasn't all that fast (I mean to get to kde)
Upgrading gcc probably recompiles everything so this is basically a stage1 install? Could I grab a newer gentoo cd and get binary packages for some of the files from that cd and recompile the other files to make it faster? |
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CPUguy387 n00b

Joined: 05 Aug 2005 Posts: 44 Location: San Luis Obispo, CA
Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:44 am Post subject: |
I performed all the steps in the instructions before running the script, and everything worked great! Now I'm trying to run your script, but it quits quickly with an error:
Code: |
MATT-LAPTOP mstanisz # ./recompile-entire-system-20060901
./recompile-entire-system-20060901 - Recompile Entire System Helper
Script version as of $Date: 2006-09-01T14:15:49.548823Z $
Written in 2006 by Guenther Brunthaler
This script will generate another script to be run by you. That other script
will then recompile each and every package in the whole system in the correct
This will typically be required on a major GCC upgrade.
IMPORTANT: Do not execute this script before all of the following prerequisites
are met:
* Portage tree is up-to-date (emerge --sync)
* Your system is up-to-date (emerge --ask --update --deep --newuse world)
* gentoolkit is available. (The script uses it.) If you are unsure, just do an
'emerge --update gentoolkit' and it will be emerged unless it is already
* The new compiler you want is already *installed*. (No packages need have to be
recompiled with it yet. It also need not be the currently selected default
compiler version yet.) As GCC allows multislot installations, it is not a
problem in Gentoo to have both your current and a new compiler be installed at
the same time.
* If all the above conditions are met, and no more packages need to be compiled
in order to have an up-to-date system, set the new compiler as the new system
default compiler using "gcc-config".
* If you want to change your Gentoo system profile to a new one using
eselect profile, it is now also the right time to do it.
* Only then continue running this script!
Press [Ctrl]+[C] now in order to abort processing if some of the above
preconditions are not met. Come back and re-run this script after you have
managed to establish all the preconditions as specified.
Press [Enter] now to continue if you dare.
Collecting list of packages and evaluating installation order...
Died at ./recompile-entire-system-20060901 line 450.
MATT-LAPTOP mstanisz #
Could you help me? Thanks!
Matt |
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Guenther Brunthaler Apprentice

Joined: 22 Jul 2006 Posts: 219 Location: Vienna
Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:14 pm Post subject: |
KD-120RD wrote: | I have a question here: What is the purpose of switching the profile? |
A Gentoo profile sets lower and upper margins for the versions of some important tools (in the list of installed "system" packages), such as the GCC.
Packages which require a compiler (or other system tool) outside of the version range defined by your current Gentoo profile will be masked. That is, "emerge --update" will skip such versions. And "emerge --search" or "esearch" (if installed) will not show such versions to you.
KD-120RD wrote: | I thought gentoo is a meta-distribution. Just update your packages and configs (ie. baselayout) and there you are. |
This is correct. But the catch is that updates will just not be performed for packages which are outside the scope of your current profile...
But what are profiles good for at all?
Profiles protect users from changes that are so dramatic, that their entire system (or at least large portions of it) would have to be recompiled.
One such a change would be an upgrade from GCC 3 to GCC 4.
Without profiles, as soon as GCC4 has been marked as "stable", all Gentoo users running "emerge --update" would find themselves recompiling their whole system, which takes days if not weeks to complete.
Certainly, not all users would be happy then...
In order to avoid this, there are profiles: They allow the users to decide themselves when it is the right time to take such a big step and update their profile to the latest one. (And my guide might be very helpful in this case.)
KD-120RD wrote: | Besides I'm using gentoo for about two years now and as I recall I have not manually swicthed my profile. |
You are not alone! I am also still using the 2006.0 profile. I actually used my guide to update from GCC 3.3 to GCC 3.4 - and not to GCC 4. But it's all the same game.
KD-120RD wrote: | When I take a look at my /etc/make.profile it is linked against ../usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/x86/2006.0/
Is that possible? |
It is perfectly possible.
In fact, nearly everyone who has not yet updated to this newest 2006.1 profile will see the same.
Note: You can update your profile by using "eselect profile". |
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Guenther Brunthaler Apprentice

Joined: 22 Jul 2006 Posts: 219 Location: Vienna
Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:43 pm Post subject: |
grimm26 wrote: | i don't understand the significance of my system profile matching my kernel. It's just default use flags and stuff, right? |
The dependency between the system profile and your kernel is the linux-headers package.
This package contains a copy of selected header files which are taken from some linux kernel version (at the time the respective linux-headers package was assembled).
The header files in the linux-headers package are then used as the basis on which your glibc will be built.
The most important information which glibc gets from linux-headers is the syscall numbers.
Have you ever wondered how glibc, being a user-mode library, can actually output a character on your console - which typically belongs to the system, not to you (your user account)?
Glibc implements its write() function by stuffing the write() arguments into processor registers, loading the syscall-number for "write" into another register, and then performing an "int 0x80" processor instruction.
This instruction transfers control to the Linux kernel, which will verify the parameters and perform the write operation if your process is allowed to do so.
And the "syscall"-Number comes from one of the header files in linux-headers.
Now you can also see the relation between your current kernel version and glibc: If the version of the linux-headers package and your actual kernel drift too far apart, it may be that your new kernel provides syscall numbers that are not yet part of your (older) linux-headers package.
Admittedly, syscall numbers nearly never change, and new syscall numbers are also added only very rarely.
But *sometimes* they change, and then the linux-headers (and thus glibc) must be updated in order to take advantage of this.
Besides this, there are also different things in linux-headers which might be of interest for application programs (via glibc): IOCTL numbers. As more and more devices are supported by the Linux kernel, more and more IOCTL numbers (and related structs) are also added to the linux-headers.
And applications which want to use such IOCTLs might thus require newer versions of the linux-headers package.
On the other hand, it certainly would be a problem if linux-headers referred to a newer version of the Linux kernel than is actually installed on the machine.
In this case, the header files would contain IOCTLs that are not yet supported by your current kernel.
So, profiles are again the solution: The profile defines the *oldest* linux kernel that must be available, and linux-headers will have copies from the header files of that kernel.
As the profile ensures that your actual kernel will be at least as current as the headers in the linux-headers package, those header files will never contain anything your kernel does not support.
Last edited by Guenther Brunthaler on Tue Sep 19, 2006 9:48 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Guenther Brunthaler Apprentice

Joined: 22 Jul 2006 Posts: 219 Location: Vienna
Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:59 pm Post subject: |
CPUguy387 wrote: |
Code: |
Collecting list of packages and evaluating installation order...
Died at ./recompile-entire-system-20060901 line 450.
Hmmm - this is very strange: Line 450 closes a the pipe which was used for reading the packages... For READING!
I could understand if there was an error OPENING it - but closing it?!
CPUguy387 wrote: | Could you help me? Thanks! |
I'll try my best.
As I am unable to figure out the cause of the problem, you need to provide me with more information.
It may be easiest to perform some of the actions in the script manually, so we can find out which of the steps does not work.
First see whether the following commands work:
# emerge -pe system > system.list
# emerge -pe world > world.list
When running these commands, they should not print any error messages.
Then, do a
# less system.list
and after that a
# less world.list
and see if both files contain a list of packages, or whether there are obvious problems in the contents of those files.
My script assumes both files are non-empty contain lists of packages. |
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