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steveL Watchman

Joined: 13 Sep 2006 Posts: 5153 Location: The Peanut Gallery
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:41 am Post subject: |
swimmer wrote: | Hmm - it happens to me on one (of three) system that if one package fails to compile/install the chain seemed to be borked ... Code: | !! media-gfx/splashutils- failed to install.
! Failed so far: media-gfx/splashutils-
Checking dependencies..done
** update: Dependency Error - media-video/dvdrip-0.98.8 requires [0.98.6] which is not in the install list! |
It happened t ome quite often the last days on this system because splashutils does not build on it but I'm not sure whether the same happens as well on the other systems ... is this a known issue to you guys?
No it's not, thanks for reporting it swimmer; if you're on IRC, ask us in #friendly-coders but we'll put this on the list to sort out. We should get some failures from expat update ;)
Edit: do you have --verbose in your EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS by any chance? It looks like it's mistaking a prior version for an incoming one. There was another bug there, but I don't think that's what triggered that output.
Try this one md5sum: 564f32bb3ba84851b4a5a16d2cbda953
wget -O /sbin/update; md5sum /sbin/update
I added a check for --verbose as well as --quiet, and it should now go up or down with -v or -q from there. (You could always do -vv or -qq but now they'll start off at -v or -q based on EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS in make.conf; so if it's set at --verbose and you use -q it'll go down to normal.)
HTH. |
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steveL Watchman

Joined: 13 Sep 2006 Posts: 5153 Location: The Peanut Gallery
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 2:43 am Post subject: |
ryz wrote: | I have found the problem. First param is set to "-uDN" and then it calls checkFlags which ads another minus '-'. Either param should just be set to uDN or checkFlags has to check that if param is not empty that it does not already has an minus in front. |
Absolutely right; we did have this changed in working version (and I think I mentioned it to bunkacid on irc) but I totally forgot to put it into the beta release. My bad :S Sorry for not being awake before either ;)
Code: |
elif [[ $# -eq 1 && $1 = -* && ! $1 = *[^sqvpaFSCRM-]* ]]; then
if [[ $1 = *[FSCRM]* ]]; then
[[ $1 = *M* && $1 = *[SCR]* ]] && msg 'M covers all maintenance options'
checkFlags "$1"
All we did was move the last two lines up to the beginning of that block. beta_2b has this change (post above.) If it tests ok, I'll put it in original post.
Edit: Thanks for the bugfixing btw, sorry for hassle. set -x is good isn't it? :D (help set and help shopt) |
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swimmer Veteran

Joined: 15 Jul 2002 Posts: 1330 Location: Netherlands
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:51 am Post subject: |
steveL wrote: | No it's not, thanks for reporting it swimmer; if you're
on IRC, ask us in #friendly-coders but we'll put this on the list to
sort out. We should get some failures from expat update
Edit: do you have --verbose in your EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS by any chance?
It looks like it's mistaking a prior version for an incoming one. There
was another bug there, but I don't think that's what triggered that
Try this one md5sum: 564f32bb3ba84851b4a5a16d2cbda953
wget -O /sbin/update; md5sum /sbin/update
I added a check for --verbose as well as --quiet, and it should now go
up or down with -v or -q from there. (You could always do -vv or -qq but
now they'll start off at -v or -q based on EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS in
make.conf; so if it's set at --verbose and you use -q it'll go down to
HTH. |
Hi Steve
I do not use --verbose in my EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS ... but thanks for the fast
response and solution offered
I downloaded beta2b and will use it - the only problem is that I solved my
problem with splashutils and the emerge chain is now clean again ... no more
testcase :-/ Sorry about that.
Thanks again for the fast work
swimmer |
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steveL Watchman

Joined: 13 Sep 2006 Posts: 5153 Location: The Peanut Gallery
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:32 am Post subject: |
swimmer wrote: | I do not use --verbose in my EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS ... but thanks for the fast
response and solution offered :)
I downloaded beta2b and will use it - the only problem is that I solved my
problem with splashutils and the emerge chain is now clean again ... no more
testcase :-/ Sorry about that.
Hmm OK, that's odd then. I tried testing by setting it to fail automatically and it seemed to be ok; one problem was if one of the pkgs was blocked due to dep failing (eg device-mapper/udev) but it was giving us a message and had the package name highlighted. I'll tweak that for next beta. |
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steveL Watchman

Joined: 13 Sep 2006 Posts: 5153 Location: The Peanut Gallery
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:52 am Post subject: |
Beta 2c, minor bugfix for resume display bug. While I was there, took new resume code from development version, as it was written a while ago, and has been refined a bit as well. I really like it-- you'll only see it when there's more than 10 packages to emerge. They are sorted according to category, with the categories in order of emerge, nicely coloured. Toolchain and rebuilds are broken out of the compact listing:
Code: | dev-libs Upgrade expat libIDL
New fcgi
Upgrade openssl
sys-fs Upgrade device-mapper udev
media-sound Upgrade alsa-headers lame alsa-utils alsa-tools timidity++
sys-apps Upgrade busybox ed parted man-pages debianutils
app-arch Upgrade tar
media-libs Upgrade libpng libvorbis alsa-lib alsa-oss gstreamer openexr openal smpeg flac gst-plugins-base
sys-devel Upgrade gettext autoconf libtool
net-misc Upgrade rsync
New mDNSResponder
Upgrade curl openssh
dev-java New java-sdk-docs
app-admin Upgrade eselect-oodict
New apache-tools
app-text Upgrade multitail sgml-common
Rebuild aspell USE="gpm -examples% -nls"
Upgrade poppler gnome-doc-utils tetex
sys-kernel New gentoo-sources
dev-perl Upgrade XML-Parser
New XML-LibXML-Common
Upgrade XML-SAX
Upgrade XML-Simple
perl-core Upgrade Test-Simple
virtual New perl-Test-Simple
gnome-base Upgrade gnome-mime-data libbonobo libglade gconf gnome-keyring librsvg gnome-vfs libgnome libgnomeprint libgnomeprintui libbonoboui
dev-lang Upgrade tcl tk mono
Rebuild ghc USE="doc -bash-completion% -binary -ghcbootstrap"
x11-proto Upgrade inputproto compositeproto
net-libs Upgrade libpcap libnfsidmap
app-doc Upgrade xorg-docs
sys-process Upgrade psmisc
dev-scheme Upgrade gambit
x11-libs Upgrade libX11 libXi libXtst libXcomposite libXfont startup-notification fltk cairo pango libwnck vte
app-crypt Upgrade mit-krb5
x11-apps Upgrade iceauth setxkbmap xhost xrandr xinit
app-portage Upgrade eix kuroo
media-gfx New nvidia-cg-toolkit
Upgrade sane-backends
www-misc Upgrade htdig
dev-util Upgrade bouml catalyst gtk-doc devhelp quilt glade git bzr bzrtools
x11-misc Upgrade shared-mime-info icon-naming-utils
dev-cpp Upgrade libxmlpp
dev-dotnet Upgrade libgdiplus
x11-terms Upgrade xterm
x11-wm Upgrade fluxbox
x11-themes Upgrade gnome-icon-theme
dev-python Upgrade setuptools pyorbit
New PyQt
Upgrade pycurl gnome-python
net-dns Upgrade libidn
media-video Upgrade realplayer
gnome-extra Upgrade zenity evolution-data-server
Rebuild libvisual-plugins USE="alsa gtk jack mplayer opengl -debug -esd (-gstreamer%*)"
Upgrade gst-plugins-alsa gst-plugins-oss gst-plugins-xvideo gst-plugins-x
kde-base Upgrade kdelibs libkonq kdesu libkdenetwork libkmime kdebase-data kghostview kcminit kpersonalizer ktnef cervisia kate librss
khotkeys kcheckpass ksmserver kwin kreadconfig ksplashml mimelib libksieve kdeaddons-docs-konq-plugins quanta kcalc kde-i18n nsplugins kmenuedit
kcachegrind klinkstatus kimagemapeditor kommander kompare kfilereplace libkcal kicker knewsticker kfind kdepasswd kate-plugins kicker-applets
knewsticker-scripts kdepim-kioslaves certmanager kdeprint kpdf kcontrol khelpcenter konsole kdesdk-kioslaves kdm kmail libkdepim libkpimidentities kontact
kaddressbook knotes knode kaddressbook-plugins kdesktop kdebase-kioslaves kdebase-startkde konqueror kviewshell kdvi konq-plugins
net-irc Upgrade konversation
Rebuild openldap USE="berkdb crypt gdbm kerberos odbc perl readline sasl ssl tcpd -debug -ipv6 -minimal -overlays -samba* (-selinux) -slp -smbkrb5passwd"
dev-php Upgrade roadsend-php
app-emulation Upgrade wine
x11-base Upgrade xorg-server
x11-drivers Upgrade xf86-input-mouse xf86-video-nv
www-servers Upgrade lighttpd apache
dev-haskell New regex-base regex-posix regex-compat filepath
Upgrade mtl
* 205 in total
! There are blocking packages:
[blocks B ] <kde-base/kdesktop-3.5.6-r1 (is blocking kde-base/kdebase-kioslaves-3.5.7-r1)
[blocks B ] <=kde-base/kmail-3.5.6-r1 (is blocking kde-base/libkdepim-3.5.7-r1)
Upgrading kde-base/kdesktop to 3.5.7 from 3.5.5-r1
Upgrading kde-base/kmail to 3.5.7-r2 from 3.5.5-r2
About to proceed (Y/n)?
It looks much nicer on screen. Yes I still need to do expat, update is going to do it all for me thanks! ;P |
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swimmer Veteran

Joined: 15 Jul 2002 Posts: 1330 Location: Netherlands
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:23 am Post subject: |
Hi SteveL,
the error/bug is back!
Code: | tj portage # update
** Emerging -uDN world then running revdep-rebuild
!! media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.15_rc2 failed to install.
Packages installed so far: 5 of 6. 2 remaining
! Failed so far: media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.15_rc2
Checking dependencies..done
** update: Dependency Error - media-sound/alsa-utils-1.0.15_rc1 requires [1.0.14] which is not in the install list! |
I use the same version on 4 PC's and alsa-lib failed on every single of them but the error above only showed up on *one* of them?!?
The only difference that I can see is that I use EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--color y" on the 'erroneous' PC - I'll disable it for now and will see if that has any influence ...
And there are more strange differences: after compiling all the packages *except* alsa-lib the update process stops on 3 of 4 PC's - only on 1 (not the same with the error above btw.) asks if I want to continue with a revdep-rebuild. Strange ...
EDIT: Stupid me, on the PC's revdep-rebuild does not come in I have an alias for update: "update -D" :-/ Is emerge -aUDNR still default?
PS: I normally download the script on my main PC and distribute it via scp to the others - should be no difference ...
Last edited by swimmer on Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:17 am; edited 1 time in total |
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swimmer Veteran

Joined: 15 Jul 2002 Posts: 1330 Location: Netherlands
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:03 am Post subject: |
Ok - after commenting out EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--color y" the script works as presumed - it even asks if I want to continue with a revdep-rebuild
As far as I can see the script handles only "--quiet" and "--verbose" - very other option specified let's it bail out ...
swimmer |
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steveL Watchman

Joined: 13 Sep 2006 Posts: 5153 Location: The Peanut Gallery
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:02 pm Post subject: |
swimmer wrote: | the error/bug is back! :) |
Oh noes! ;P Glad it got sorted; added support for --color in EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS.
Quote: | Is emerge -aUDNR still default? |
Yeah, as long as you don't specify a target (like world/system or some package) and only use (any of) the following options: sqvpaFSR.
Quote: | I normally download the script on my main PC and distribute it via scp to the others - should be no difference ... |
None at all, it's just a text file. I think bunkacid had an ebuild, but we're not too worried about that til we get this version finished. Still got to do the config file update at some point, never mind depclean, prelink, eclean blah blah blah ;)
Quote: | As far as I can see the script handles only "--quiet" and "--verbose" - very other option specified let's it bail out ... |
OK I've added --color y/n (or Y/N) support (found a small bug in resume while I was looking at this, when you're resuming after the main install has happened, or there never was a main install.) This was a little bit tricky because of the interaction with NOCOLOR, but hopefully it should all be good. I won't put it on front page til tested (gotta go out now, so can't stress it atm.)
md5: e537c100060fe7603bcb0c7864ea3757
wget -O /sbin/update
Wrt to the other options, can you specify which ones break it? It's a PITA checking them TBH.
Thanks for your troubleshooting, Swimmer, hope this one works better ;) |
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swimmer Veteran

Joined: 15 Jul 2002 Posts: 1330 Location: Netherlands
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:12 pm Post subject: |
Ok - thanks for your fast reaction!
I'll be away the next 10 days so no time to troubleshoot
swimmer |
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steveL Watchman

Joined: 13 Sep 2006 Posts: 5153 Location: The Peanut Gallery
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 5:33 pm Post subject: |
swimmer wrote: | I'll be away the next 10 days so no time to troubleshoot ;-) |
No worries; have a good one! :-) |
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Pol Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 01 May 2003 Posts: 113
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:15 am Post subject: |
I have found a small bug...
When there are no more place left on the device, the script hang ... without exiting...
I discovered it when I did a genlop -c on a update of bzip  |
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steveL Watchman

Joined: 13 Sep 2006 Posts: 5153 Location: The Peanut Gallery
Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:43 pm Post subject: |
Pol wrote: | I have found a small bug...
When there are no more place left on the device, the script hang ... without exiting...
I discovered it when I did a genlop -c on a update of bzip  |
Thanks for the bug report, Pol. You mean if the hard disk (with /var/tmp/portage on it) is out of room? Hmm that's not good. Does emerge exit in that situation? |
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Pol Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 01 May 2003 Posts: 113
Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:55 pm Post subject: |
steveL wrote: | Pol wrote: | I have found a small bug...
When there are no more place left on the device, the script hang ... without exiting...
I discovered it when I did a genlop -c on a update of bzip  |
Thanks for the bug report, Pol. You mean if the hard disk (with /var/tmp/portage on it) is out of room? Hmm that's not good. Does emerge exit in that situation? |
Yes emerge exit
I use tmpfs ( and when /var/tmp/portage is full, thing that happens sometimes... the script does nothing... it doesn't exit, emerge does.
Thx for that script btw, it's very nice!
Bye |
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steveL Watchman

Joined: 13 Sep 2006 Posts: 5153 Location: The Peanut Gallery
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 2:57 pm Post subject: |
Pol wrote: | steveL wrote: | Thanks for the bug report, Pol. You mean if the hard disk (with /var/tmp/portage on it) is out of room? Hmm that's not good. Does emerge exit in that situation? |
Yes emerge exit ;) |
OK I'll have a look at this tonight and we'll have something fixed in a couple of days, tops.
OK, you should know that the -m option does this too. size=256 should be in /etc/update and is the default, giving you 256MB of tmpfs. You can ofc set it to whatever you like (I haven't tested it for ages, but nothing's changed with it, so I don't see why it should have stopped working :)
Quote: | Thx for that script btw, it's very nice! |
You're very welcome! |
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steveL Watchman

Joined: 13 Sep 2006 Posts: 5153 Location: The Peanut Gallery
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:03 am Post subject: |
New version. Gah didn't fix the outta space thing yet, sorry. This one has major changes (it's the one we've been working on for the last couple of months while only minor fixes have been going out.) As ever, bug reports welcome :) |
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lowtexx n00b

Joined: 31 Jan 2006 Posts: 12
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:15 pm Post subject: |
I found a problem in the new version.
After an error I get the message:
Code: |
!! No packages compiled successfully on this run, aborting.
/sbin/update: line 623: needMaint: command not found
needMaint seems to be defined. Is this a known problem?
lowtexx |
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steveL Watchman

Joined: 13 Sep 2006 Posts: 5153 Location: The Peanut Gallery
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:36 pm Post subject: |
lowtexx wrote: | I found a problem in the new version.
After an error I get the message:
Code: |
!! No packages compiled successfully on this run, aborting.
/sbin/update: line 623: needMaint: command not found
needMaint seems to be defined. Is this a known problem? |
Hi lowtexx it hasn't shown before, but it is a bug. This should have fixed it:
wget -O /sbin/update
md5sum: 026ff7fee5953d37f4a6f5c43ea7b794
Serves me right for messing about with aliases ;p |
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palchen n00b

Joined: 29 Dec 2007 Posts: 10
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:48 pm Post subject: Re: Update 0.1.4_beta3b
-- expat/binhosts the way we like ' |
I am stuck! The script stops while trying to install parted-1.8.7. I cannot emerge that version parted either but can emerge parted-1.8.8.
Would you please tell me where to change the package version as referenced by the update script?
Thanks a mill. |
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Naib Watchman

Joined: 21 May 2004 Posts: 6073 Location: Removed by Neddy
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:30 pm Post subject: Re: Update 0.1.4_beta3b
-- expat/binhosts the way we like ' |
palchen wrote: | I am stuck! The script stops while trying to install parted-1.8.7. I cannot emerge that version parted either but can emerge parted-1.8.8.
Would you please tell me where to change the package version as referenced by the update script?
Thanks a mill. |
if you just type emerge parted -vp what does it display _________________ #define HelloWorld int
#define Int main()
#define Return printf
#define Print return
#include <stdio>
HelloWorld Int {
Return("Hello, world!\n");
Print 0; |
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palchen n00b

Joined: 29 Dec 2007 Posts: 10
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:50 pm Post subject: Re: Update 0.1.4_beta3b
-- expat/binhosts the way we like ' |
Naib wrote: | palchen wrote: | I am stuck! The script stops while trying to install parted-1.8.7. I cannot emerge that version parted either but can emerge parted-1.8.8.
Would you please tell me where to change the package version as referenced by the update script?
Thanks a mill. |
if you just type emerge parted -vp what does it display |
This is what is displayed - thanks for the reply (I'm a noob with emerge ...)
emerge -vp parted
These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/parted-1.8.8 USE="nls readline -debug -device-mapper (-selinux)" 0 kB
When the script hung on installing parted-1.8.7 I stopped the script and tried an emerge and it too hung while trying to download parted-1.8.7.
I figured that the repository had changed as this world update had been running for about 20hrs. I did an emerge --sync (my bad I guess).
emerge -av parted does however install 1.8.8 which the update script tries to downgrade and hangs at the download stage? |
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Naib Watchman

Joined: 21 May 2004 Posts: 6073 Location: Removed by Neddy
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:15 pm Post subject: |
ok so it sounds more like a src download issue.
"update" is at its core a wrapper around emerge (a very clever wrapper I might add ) so when you type "update foo" what it eventually does is "emerge foo" (sorry steveL for reducing the script to its core).
So two interesting things here
1) there is no timeout/retries on the source (iirc there is an /etc/make.conf option)
2) portage is trying to install a version of parted that is, as far as your profile is concerned, depreciated
The only reason why an older version of a certain package is being pulled in/installed is because another application has got a setting that say "no newer versions"
What is the EXACT line you are typing when you are using update and also what is the output of emerge world -uvDp <= this might show what the real package that is giving issues is _________________ #define HelloWorld int
#define Int main()
#define Return printf
#define Print return
#include <stdio>
HelloWorld Int {
Return("Hello, world!\n");
Print 0; |
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palchen n00b

Joined: 29 Dec 2007 Posts: 10
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:30 pm Post subject: |
What is the EXACT line you are typing when you are using update
simply "update"
and also what is the output of emerge world -uvDp <= this might show what the real package that is giving issues is[/quote]
emerge world -uvDp
These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating world dependencies |
!!! Multiple versions within a single package slot have been
!!! pulled into the dependency graph:
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-base/xorg-server-1.4-r4', 'merge') pulled in by
('ebuild', '/', 'net-misc/vnc-4.1.2-r5', 'merge')
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-base/xorg-server-', 'merge') pulled in by
('installed', '/', 'x11-drivers/xf86-input-elographics-1.1.0', 'nomerge')
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-drivers/ati-drivers-8.443.1-r1', 'merge')
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-drivers/xf86-input-magellan-1.1.1', 'merge')
(and 77 more)
The script has been running for about 20hrs so I guess the above comes from that.
Then all the packages are listed with the following at the bottom:
Total: 359 packages (335 upgrades, 2 downgrades, 20 new, 2 in new slots), Size of downloads: 1,629,406 kB
An "emerge -av =parted-1.8.7" also fails while trying to download while an "emerge -av parted" pulls in 1.8.8?? |
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Naib Watchman

Joined: 21 May 2004 Posts: 6073 Location: Removed by Neddy
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:44 pm Post subject: |
ok type this:
update -p
need to see what update is trying to pull in AND in what order and for what reason. This is more a package dependency issue just causing problems with update/portage _________________ #define HelloWorld int
#define Int main()
#define Return printf
#define Print return
#include <stdio>
HelloWorld Int {
Return("Hello, world!\n");
Print 0; |
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palchen n00b

Joined: 29 Dec 2007 Posts: 10
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:39 pm Post subject: |
[quote="Naib"]ok type this:
update -p
Not compiling www-client/mozilla-firefox-
Not compiling app-office/openoffice-2.3.1
* 362 in total
** 2 Downgrades:
app-admin/equo-0.9.21 [9999-r2]
net-wireless/wpa_supplicant-0.5.8 [0.6.0-r10] USE="dbus gnutls gsm madwifi qt3 qt4 readline ssl"
wpa_supplicant-0.5.7.ebuild, wpa_supplicant-0.5.8.ebuild,
wpa_supplicant requires libs from /usr so it's moving back. Symlinks are in
place so that baselayout still works.
Toolchain: sys-kernel/linux-headers is being upgraded
! sys-kernel/linux-headers (2.6.23) is newer than running kernel (2.6.22)
- so it will not be installed; upgrade your kernel first
@ Not compiling sys-libs/glibc-2.7-r1
@ Not compiling sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.23-r2
dev-libs/expat-2.0.0 does not match from (<2) - you might wish to edit /etc/warning.
# The list of packages to be emerged is saved in /root/emerge/emergeList
# Skipped: www-client/mozilla-firefox- app-office/openoffice-2.3.1
sys-kernel/linux-headers (2.6.23) is newer than running kernel (2.6.22)
This is the only difference with the previous posting. There are 362 apps, do you want me to post all of the results?
I need some sleep and will continue this tomorrow.
Making a data backup
Thanks for your assistance. |
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steveL Watchman

Joined: 13 Sep 2006 Posts: 5153 Location: The Peanut Gallery
Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 12:11 am Post subject: |
palchen wrote: | An "emerge -av =parted-1.8.7" also fails while trying to download while an "emerge -av parted" pulls in 1.8.8?? |
If it's really just the download stage you can download the file from [1] and save it in /usr/portage/distfiles.
1.8.7 is marked unstable on most architectures, and 1.8.8 has been out for quite some time. Your best bet to sort this out is to log onto and ask in #gentoo, or we're in #friendly-coders. This really is a tree issue (the xorg thing is one too.) As Naib, said update is simply a fancy wrapper for emerge; as you've seen the problems show when you run vanilla emerge. (Not that update never borks; it just tends to shout with two red exclamation marks when something serious happens, and real bugs usually have a stack trace.)
To really see what's pulling it in, run emerge -puDNt world but do not post it directly here; it'll be pages and pages of output, and it takes some deciphering. Use a pastebin (I'd save it for a month) and post the link here or on irc.
You'll more likely get a quicker result on IRC tbh; there are always hundreds of people in #gentoo who are willing to help, and they're always up on what's going on in the tree.
[1] has link to mirrors, btw, if you need a nearer one. |
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