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Joined: 19 Oct 2002
Posts: 509

PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 7:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi !

How can you use a screensaver in the console ? I have always tried to use cmatrix, but I don't know how to start a program after a certain time of inactivity.
And to aalib :
Try compiling your mplayer with aalib, and choose it as videooutput (-vo). Pretty weird, but nevertheless cool :)
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 04 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i am all about aalib. there are some great programs out there for it. and for a screensaver, I have "setterm -blank 0" run at startup to disable console blanking, then run aalib on an empty console when i am done for a while. i am still trying to find a way to make it an actual screensaver like in freeBSD.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
Those who understand binary and those who don't...
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Joined: 04 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2003 1:47 am    Post subject: Editing /etc/issue Reply with quote

Hello, All:

I'm stumped: If your login screen doesn't need to change, why not just edit the /etc/issue file using vi? i.e., Why create a script that removes a file just to create the same file again?
Eric P.
Sunnyvale, CA
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 2:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

so the stats contained in the welcome message can be updated, like uptime, usage, etc..
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Joined: 04 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 7:21 am    Post subject: Re: Editing /etc/issue Reply with quote

:!: I'll repeat the question for clarity:
If your login screen doesn't need to change, why not just edit the /etc/issue file using vi?

I haven't seen a single solution here that uses a static /etc/issue but have seen many login screens that don't produce dynamic information. (The reason that I ask is this: I would like to know how to create a static login screen that contains the ANSI color escape codes without having to create /etc/init.d/issue. Every other solution on the 'Net also uses the `echo -e "\033[#;#m...` approach...
Eric P.
Sunnyvale, CA
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 1:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I made a custom startup screen that other Canadians might be interested in, here is a screenshot


and the source is


AUTHOR="Ryan Vilim"
Red="\033[1;6m\033[0;31m" # Red
White="\033[1;6m\033[1;37m" # White
Green="\033[1;6m\033[0;32m" # Green

#rm -f /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"|i|i|i|i|i|i|"$White"qmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmz"$Red"|i|i|i|i|i|i">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"i||||||||||||"$White"mQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQe"$Red"||||||||||||">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"|||||i||i||||"$White"mWQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQe"$Red"|||||i||i||i">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"||i||||||||i|"$White"mQQQQQQQQQQQQCWQQQQQQQQQQQQe"$Red"|||i||||||||">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"i|||i||i||i||"$White"mWQQQQQQQQQQ@"$Red"|"$White"]QQQQQQQQQQQQe"$Red"||||||i||i|i">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"|||i|||||||||"$White"mWQQQQQQQWTW"$Red"(||"$White"Q@YQQQQQQQQQe"$Red"|||||i||||||">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"i|||||i||i|||"$White"mWQQQQQQQW"$Red"||i||||j"$White"QQQQQQQQQe"$Red"||||i||||i|i">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"||i||i|||||||"$White"mQQQQQQQQQc"$Red"||||i|"$White"jQQQQQQQQQc"$Red"||||||||i|||">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"i||||||||i|i|"$White"mWQQQQQQQQz"$Red"||||||"$White"mQWQQQQQQQC"$Red"|||i|||i|||i">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"|||i||i||||||"$White"mWQQRWQk?Qk"$Red"|||i|i"$White"Q@(WQRQQQQe"$Red"||||||i|||||">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"i|||||||i||||"$White"mQQQc"$Red"|"$White"*"$Red"||"$White"?h"$Red"|||||"$White"xD"$Red"||"$White"}|+dQQQc"$Red"|||i||||||i|">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"||i||i|||||i|"$White"mWQQz"$Red"|||||"$White"I"$Red"|||||"$White"I"$Red"||||||"$White"QQQQe"$Red"||||||i|||||">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"i||||||i||i||"$White"mWQQk"$Red"|||||||||i||i||i|"$White"{QQQQe"$Red"|||i|||||i|i">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"|||i||i||||||"$White"mWQW1"$Red"|||||||i||||||||||"$White"4QQQc"$Red"|||||i||i|||">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"i|||||||||i||"$White"mWQQc"$Red"|||i|i|||||i||i||"$White"imQQQC"$Red"||i||||||||i">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"||i||i||i||||"$White"mQQQQp+i"$Red"||||||i|||i||"$White"xQQQQQe"$Red"|||||i||i|||">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"i||||||||||||"$White"mWQQQWp>"$Red"|||i|i|||i||"$White"uQQQQQQe"$Red"||||i|||||i|">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"|||i||i||i|||"$White"mQQQQQQm>"$Red"|||||||i||"$White"wQQQQQQQe"$Red"|||||||i||||">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"i|||||||i||||"$White"mWQQQQQWE"$Red"|||||||||"$White"{QQQQQQQQc"$Red"|||i||||||i|">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"||i||i|||||i|"$White"mQQQQQQQCiaww"$Red"z"$White"wwa%xQQQQQQQQe"$Red"|||||i|i||||">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"i||||||i|||||"$White"mWQQQQQQQQQWQ"$Red"k"$White"QWQQWQQQQQQQQc"$Red"|i||i|||||i|">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"|||i||i|||i||"$White"mWQQQQQQQQQQQ"$Red"k"$White"WWQQQQQQQQQQQe"$Red"|||||||||i||">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"i||||||||||||"$White"mQQQQQQQQQQQQ"$Red"k"$White"WWQQQQQQQQQQQc"$Red"|i||i||i||||">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"||i||i||i||i|"$White"mWQQQQQQQQQQW"$Red"k"$White"BQQQQQQWQQQWQe"$Red"|||||||||||i">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"i||||||||||||"$White"mWQQQQQQQWQQQ"$Red"m"$White"QQQQWQQQQQQQQe"$Red"|||i||i||i||">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"|||||i|||i|||"$White"mWQQQQQQQQQQQQQWQQQQQQQQQQQc"$Red"||i||||||||i">> /etc/issue
echo -e $Red"iiiiii|iii|ii"$White"3"$Green" A Proud Canadian Penguin "$White"1"$Red"ii|iiiiiiii|" >> /etc/issue
echo >>/etc/issue
cp -f /etc/issue /etc/

I got a picture of the canadian flag, used gimp and aalib to export it to a text file, then did the colouring myself :D
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 5:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe I am dyslexic, but how do you make the cowsay appear when i open up aterm? I saw a screenshot with something like that happening, but it could have been only an ssh loging?
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 5:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nevermind, I think its fixed now.
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Joined: 14 May 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for this great thread. I have really enjoyed setting this up on my computer. I have a question though. The script that I have cobbled together from posts in this thread updates correctly /etc/issue and /etc/ and it works correctly as far as I can tell. But I keep getting errors from the cron daemon.

The errors are as follows:


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 09:45:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: Cron Daemon <>
Subject: Cron <root@shadow>  /etc/init.d/issue
TERM environment variable not set.


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 09:45:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: Cron Daemon <>
Subject: Cron <root@shadow> root /etc/init.d/issue
/bin/sh: line 1: root: command not found

I get this error everytime the cron job runs and it is just annoying to have it fill up my mail box. The bash script that I run every ten minutes via cron is the following:

if [ -f /etc/gentoo-release ]; then
R=$(cat /etc/gentoo-release | awk '{ print $5,$6 }')
C=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | awk '{ print $4,$5,$6 }')
CS=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cpu MHz' | awk '{ print $4 }')
CB=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'bogomips' | awk '{ print $3 }')
K=$(uname -r)
H=$(/bin/hostname -f)
M=$(( `dmesg | grep "Dentry" | awk '{print $9}'` / 1024 ))
KS=`dmesg | grep "Swap" | awk '{print $3}'`
S=$(( ${KS%k} / 1024 ))
F=$(fortune 40% calvin 30% hitchhiker 10% chalkboard 10% starwars 10% bofh-excuses)
DARK="\033[1;30m" # dark grey
GREY="\033[0m" # default grey / white
WHITE="\033[1;37m" # bright / bold white
PURPLE="\033[0;35m" # purple
BR_GREEN="\033[1;32m" # bright green
BR_BLUE="\033[1;34m" # bright blue
BLACK="\033[0;30m" # black
RED="\033[0;31m" # Red
LT_RED="\033[1;31m" # Light Red
YELLOW="\033[1;33m" # Light Red
/usr/bin/clear >> /etc/issue
echo -e " " >> /etc/issue
echo -e "$BR_GREEN Gentoo$BR_BLUE Linux$RED Release $R" >> /etc/issue
echo -e " " >> /etc/issue
echo -e "$GREY Hostname: $WHITE $H" >> /etc/issue
echo -e " " >> /etc/issue
echo -e "$GREY Kernel:   $WHITE $K" >> /etc/issue
echo -e "$GREY Processor:$WHITE $C ( $CS MHz => $CB bogomips)" >> /etc/issue
echo -e "$GREY Memory:   $WHITE $M Mb    $GREY Swap:  $WHITE $S Mb" >> /etc/issue
echo -e "$GREY Uptime:  $WHITE $U" >> /etc/issue
echo -e " " >> /etc/issue
echo -e "$YELLOW$F$WHITE" >> /etc/issue
echo -e " " >> /etc/issue
cp /etc/issue /etc/
cp /etc/issue /etc/motd
chmod 644 /etc/motd

The crontab entry looks like this:

*/10 * * * *     root    /etc/init.d/issue

Any suggestions would be most appriciated. Thanks in advance.
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Joined: 14 May 2003
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Location: Davis, CA

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 7:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In case anyone else is having the same error. The solution is to change these lines:

/usr/bin/clear >> /etc/issue
echo -e " " >> /etc/issue

To This
TERM=linux /usr/bin/clear > /etc/issue
printf "\e[2J\e[H" >> /etc/issue

That fixes the first error of the environment variable not being set. The next error of root not being a command, is because I am noob and added in the job to the cron daemon wrong. I looked at /etc/crontab for how to format the entry and it has root in as the sixth entry, but when you do a crontab -e, the sixth item should be the job and the user should not be listed. So the crontab entry should look like this:

*/10 * * * *     /etc/init.d/issue
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 6:33 am    Post subject: linux_logo for remote login Reply with quote

it is possible
<after a few hrs of hairpulling>

add these lines to /etc/profile

linux_logo -L 3

now even my remote users can see the goodness =)
ps. i followed all previous posts to get the linux_logo workin
Dual Opteron 280/1M (dual core = 4 procs) , 16G reg ECC ram, 4TB disc, NvIDIA GF 6800 PCI-E, SB X-FI
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 6:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[quote="Master_Of_Disaster"]Fine, made it as Sedated suggested, there is just one anoying problem:
fuero@bmfh fuero $ sudo /etc/init.d/issue start
 * Could not get dependency info for "issue"!
 * Could not get dependency info for "issue"!
 * Building Linux Welcome Message
 *      Creating /etc/issue...                     [ ok ]
 *      Creating /etc/                 [ ok ]
fuero@bmfh fuero $

/sbin/ will fix the dependancy errors.

I added the start/stop to my script and then ran /sbin/ and those errors are now gone.
For those about to compile...we salute you!
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 10:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi all...

I started to make my own /etc/init.d/issue after reading this thread a while :)
This is what I ended up with:
    .vir.       Gentoo Gnu/Linux       
 $$$$( )$$$b    Hostname:
 Q$$$$$$$$$$B   Kernel:   2.6.0-test8-mm1
   "$$$$$$$P    Uptime:   3:02

Wed Oct 22 01:02:19 EEST 2003

The g is taken from the linux-logo -ebuild's gentoo logo and the rest is mostly inspired by this thread :) I used a simple awk line to take just the uptime and nothing but the uptime from the output of "uptime". It's not as easy as you might think ;)

Here is the code (if someone is interested):


# Let's simplify this a bit :)
UPTIME=`uptime | awk '{for ( i = 3; i <= NF-7; i++ ) if ( i != NF-7 ) \
        print $i; else print substr($i,1,length($i)-1);}'` 

rm -f /etc/issue
echo -e $PURPLE'                                                ' >> /etc/issue
echo -e $PURPLE'    .vir.       Gentoo '$WHITE'Gnu/Linux        ' >> /etc/issue
echo -e $PURPLE' .d$$$$$$b.                                     ' >> /etc/issue
echo -e $PURPLE' $$$$( )$$$b    '$LGRAY'Hostname: '$(hostname -a) >> /etc/issue
echo -e $PURPLE' Q$$$$$$$$$$B   '$LGRAY'Kernel:   '$(uname -r)    >> /etc/issue
echo -e $PURPLE'   "$$$$$$$P    '$LGRAY'Uptime:   '$UPTIME        >> /etc/issue
echo -e $PURPLE'  d$$$$$$P"                                     ' >> /etc/issue
                                'CONDEMNED TO DIE!' >> /etc/issue
echo -e $PURPLE' `Q$$P"                                          '>> /etc/issue

echo -e $LGRAY"\n$(date)" >> /etc/issue
echo -e $COLOR_RESET >> /etc/issue
cp -f /etc/issue /etc/

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Last edited by quark on Thu Oct 23, 2003 2:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 12:57 am    Post subject: Re: Welcome Message on Boot Reply with quote

lain iwakura wrote:

echo -e $COLOR3"Welcome to the Wired!">>/etc/issue

<offtopic> apparently more than me who like s.e lain ^_^</offtopic>
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 6:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

sorry for this bumpage but i'm having some problem with this

i got the issue file to display correctly before i am able to log in but i have another problem

i created an and enabled banner /etc/

then i ssh in from my windows machine though putty and i get no message, zip nada, none

so is it just something with putty or ?



if i log in using ssh1 i get nothing just a login prompt then when i log in it display last time i log in.

now if i switch to ssh2 i get a log in prompt i type in the login name, then i get the message from then it presents me with the password field.

this is partway there but i want it to all display BEFORE the login thing is even printed to screen meaning it print to screen then let u to log in. and also wondering why it partly work with ssh2 but not ssh1

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 5:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here are some screenshots of some simple ones i just did. Its my first attmept at this but i thought it was cool. Hope yall like them.


If you want me to send the text files let me know.
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 6:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just put the issue to run level default,but when I reboot it say
issue dependency error?

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 12:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi, I think this is a cool topic. It is one of those things that makes your computer "special".
Maybe anyone knows a script that outputs the number of the terminal you are logged in to? I searched google and the fora but I couldn't find anything.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 9:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I thought I'd mention that some of you guys might be interested in trying figlet, it's a great program for making banners out of ASCII "fonts"... like so:


localhost odinsdream # echo "farscapeone" | figlet -f chunky -w 120
.'  _|.---.-.----.-----.----.---.-.-----.-----.-----.-----.-----.
|   _||  _  |   _|__ --|  __|  _  |  _  |  -__|  _  |     |  -__|
|__|  |___._|__| |_____|____|___._|   __|_____|_____|__|__|_____|
localhost odinsdream #

emerge figlet && showfigfonts | less

... I'm working on adding this kind of functionality to /etc/init.d/issue, so that I can get a chunky output of uname -r...

But, is the definitive answer that this isn't just a matter of dropping stuff into /etc/issue itself? Is there no way to convert that into a script? What process reads and prints the contents of /etc/issue? man issue talks about expansions of anything that getty understands, like \s. Where can I find more information about getty, what it is, and what it can expand on?
s/(?<!gnu\/)linux(?! kernel)/GNU\/Linux/gi

Don't blame me. I didn't vote for him.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 10:04 pm    Post subject: issue.logo instead of issue ? Reply with quote

For some reason I can't get my box to use either /etc/init.d/issue or /etc/issue instead of /etc/issue.logo

anyone know how I can fix that ?
Note: This post is a natural product. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects.
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Joined: 14 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

./greet: line 14: / 1024 : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/ 1024 ")

That is when I get when I try to run (
Line 14 is;
S=$(( ${KS%k} / 1024 ))

Anyone got an idea?

Found it
KS=`dmesg | grep "Swap" | awk '{print $3}'`
should be;
KS=`dmesg | grep "swap" | awk '{print $2}'`

(watch the Swap to swap to)
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Joined: 13 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 2:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

cat messaggio | cowsay -f daemon


\ , ,
\ /( )`
\ \ \___ / |
/- _ `-/ '
(/\/ \ \ /\
/ / | ` \
O O ) / |
`-^--'`< '
(_.) _ ) /
`.___/` /
`-----' /
<----. __ / __ \
<----|====O)))==) \) /====
<----' `--' `.__,' \
| |
\ /
______( (_ / \______
,' ,-----' | \
`--{__________) \/

For colors output with cowsay apply my simple patch


--- cowsay      2004-10-17 16:19:14.905063424 +0200
+++ cowsay      2004-10-17 16:18:59.743368352 +0200
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 use Text::Wrap qw(wrap fill $columns);
 use File::Basename;
 use Getopt::Std;
+use Term::ANSIColor;
 use Cwd;

 $VERSION = "3.03";
@@ -20,6 +21,15 @@
 @message = ();
 $thoughts = "";

+## Colors output
+my %colors = (
+       'yellow' => 'bold yellow',
+       'red' => 'bold red',
+       'blue' => 'bold blue',
+       'cyan' => 'bold cyan',
+       'green' => 'bold green',
 ## Yeah, this is rude, I know.  But hopefully it gets around a nasty
 ## little version dependency.

@@ -68,8 +78,8 @@
-print @balloon_lines;
-print $the_cow;
+print colored("@balloon_lines",$colors{'red'});
+print colored("$the_cow",$colors{'green'});

 sub list_cowfiles {
     my $basedir;

Sorry for paste
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