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Joined: 17 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 4:01 pm    Post subject: One security tip Reply with quote

keep dd in a seperate group and make it 770 , it is too easy to steal resources and cause a local DoS with a simple bash loop such as while /bin/true ; do dd if=/usr/bin/* of=/dev/null & ; done & . which will continuously spawn dd processes reading your entire /usr/bin/ . oh, and I guess if others would share a security tip to continue this thread, that would be nice.
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Joined: 30 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 4:04 pm    Post subject: Re: One security tip Reply with quote

g2g591 wrote:
keep dd in a seperate group and make it 770 , it is too easy to steal resources and cause a local DoS with a simple bash loop such as while /bin/true ; do dd if=/usr/bin/* of=/dev/null & ; done & . which will continuously spawn dd processes reading your entire /usr/bin/ . oh, and I guess if others would share a security tip to continue this thread, that would be nice.

Read on ulimit to know how to limit the resources that a given user can use.
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 6:59 pm    Post subject: Re: One security tip Reply with quote

i92guboj wrote:
g2g591 wrote:
keep dd in a seperate group and make it 770 , it is too easy to steal resources and cause a local DoS with a simple bash loop such as while /bin/true ; do dd if=/usr/bin/* of=/dev/null & ; done & . which will continuously spawn dd processes reading your entire /usr/bin/ . oh, and I guess if others would share a security tip to continue this thread, that would be nice.

Read on ulimit to know how to limit the resources that a given user can use.

/etc/security/limits.conf specifically. You'll need to set hard limits if you have untrusted users.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:20 pm    Post subject: Re: One security tip Reply with quote

g2g591 wrote:
keep dd in a seperate group and make it 770 , it is too easy to steal resources and cause a local DoS with a simple bash loop such as while /bin/true ; do dd if=/usr/bin/* of=/dev/null & ; done & . which will continuously spawn dd processes reading your entire /usr/bin/ . oh, and I guess if others would share a security tip to continue this thread, that would be nice.
This gains nothing--the same "vulnerability" exists for cp, tar, cpio, mv, zip, gzip, cat, more, all shells, .... What would you have users do, log in and watch the pretty lights and nothing more? Read up on ulimit/limits.conf, as advised.
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Joined: 30 Nov 2004
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Location: Córdoba (Spain)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:29 pm    Post subject: Re: One security tip Reply with quote

timeBandit wrote:
g2g591 wrote:
keep dd in a seperate group and make it 770 , it is too easy to steal resources and cause a local DoS with a simple bash loop such as while /bin/true ; do dd if=/usr/bin/* of=/dev/null & ; done & . which will continuously spawn dd processes reading your entire /usr/bin/ . oh, and I guess if others would share a security tip to continue this thread, that would be nice.
This gains nothing--the same "vulnerability" exists for cp, tar, cpio, mv, zip, gzip, cat, more, all shells, .... What would you have users do, log in and watch the pretty lights and nothing more? Read up on ulimit/limits.conf, as advised.

Yep. In fact, you don't even need a program. We all know about the infamous bash logic bombs (whoever who's reading this, please, don't run it because it will take your system down):


 : (){ : |:& };:

This creates a function called ":" (it could be any other name, it's just cooler), and then launches it. Since it's a recursive function and it's forked on each recursion, it will soon suck all the resources from your machine, forcing you to reboot unless you are extremely patient and know now to fight against the bomb.

So, even if you limit the permissions (which is impossible of course), you can still be screwed by a simple bash function that does nothing, but forking itself once and again, and again and again.
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