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Lepaca Kliffoth l33t

Joined: 28 Apr 2004 Posts: 737 Location: Florence, Italy
Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 8:46 pm Post subject: |
I don't know if you guys realize it and I haven't read the thread, but the stopword madness is making the forum useless. I'm having the old hated "could open default font fixed" error and I remember I have to re-emerge a package to get rid of it but I can't remember which one. I have to use google and find the solution somewhere else when I know it's already here because every word is refused except "font". This is beyond ridiculous. _________________ It isn't enough to win - everyone else must lose, and you also have to rub it in their face (maybe chop off an arm too for good measure).
Animebox! |
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DaysSinceTheDoor n00b

Joined: 30 Oct 2004 Posts: 7
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:38 pm Post subject: |
I am so sick of this I am actually planning on setting up one of our companies servers to run ht://dig against the forums. If our server can handle the bandwidth I might actually make it publicly available.
We use Gentoo on just about all of our major servers. When a I get some sort of a cryptic error either during an update or configuration of a new package I have to go to google and type " ERROR_MESSAGE". The only problem with this is that you are limited to the threads posted before google last crawled (thus my own search engine). The funny thing is when I do this I usually find a number of posts that are basically the same error over and over again. I think that this attempt to keep the index files from getting huge was a complete waste of time on the part of the forums maintainers as it has probably led to far more duplicates than just about anything else. Rather than asking the community to help out and provide storage or extra computers to handle the load of the forums, they choose to cripple them. |
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pilla Bodhisattva

Joined: 07 Aug 2002 Posts: 7731 Location: Underworld
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:48 pm Post subject: |
DaysSinceTheDoor wrote: | I am so sick of this I am actually planning on setting up one of our companies servers to run ht://dig against the forums. If our server can handle the bandwidth I might actually make it publicly available. |
We will block the entire IP block and notify your boss if necessary, banning you as well. _________________ "I'm just very selective about the reality I choose to accept." -- Calvin |
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VinnieNZ Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 11 Mar 2004 Posts: 126 Location: New Zealand
Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:55 pm Post subject: |
Argh, this thread is now three years old and still no real solution.
Using Google is useless, it throws too many unhelpful results, separated as one result per post, not per thread! And you don't know whether or not they are going to be any help, as they don't provide enough information in the preview.
The stop words muck up all searches now, even when using non common words related to specific packages and issues. I can't even get a result on a a topic with a title I know exists.
Something has to be done. Other site admins must have had this problem before and managed to solve it.
Even if you locked the entire phpBB site, and moved to something else with a better search, it would be better than continuing with the stop words. |
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cubancigar11 Guru

Joined: 10 Jan 2005 Posts: 340
Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:05 pm Post subject: |
May be we should use some other forum. I know really a LOT of online forums have ditched phpBB because it sucks. |
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hunky l33t

Joined: 19 Nov 2003 Posts: 914 Location: Alaska
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:20 pm Post subject: |
something needs to be done - the forum is getting pretty worthless with lousy search. The community support is one of gentoo's selling points - and if you can't access it...
I haven't read this particular forum yet so maybe there's some tricks to searching but reading through a few of the posts here it seems my assessment is widely confirmed.
In another thread here I finally found out why the only search function that worked for me: "" on google has stopped being worth anything. I had no idea someone ended that relationship. I've actually started searching for other distros to move from gentoo because I cannot find anything on the forums anymore. (I'll admit I'm not the best at search syntax on this forum platform - but I suspect that may be the rule rather than the exception). (Haven't landed on another distro that would yet make me migrate yet but I am looking..)
apologies if I covered exact points of others since I haven't read through this entire thread - but at least you can add my vote to do something.
Otherwise, I do appreciate the unpaid volunteers' work. I'm a sysadmin (very small company - less than 60 employees) and know the nature of thankless jobs.
cheers, JD |
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juantxorena Apprentice

Joined: 19 Mar 2006 Posts: 201 Location: The Shire
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:39 pm Post subject: |
I know that things need to be tested and done well, but 5 years is a lot of time. For some reason the google index of these forums has been reseted. Even worse, it seems that there is a 189 hits cap in the search results, so we can only have 4 pages of searches. Now, the search function and the gentoo forums as a whole are useless. Right now I was doing a latex-beamer presentation for tomorrow, and I was trying to search how to install 3rd party latex packages. As you can imagine, I haven't found anything, since the only word remaining in the searches that I've tried is "latex".
Please, when the gentoo forums become usable again, announce it on the gentoo front page. _________________ I cannot write English very well. Please, correct any mistake so that I can improve. |
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bunder Bodhisattva

Joined: 10 Apr 2004 Posts: 5947
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juantxorena Apprentice

Joined: 19 Mar 2006 Posts: 201 Location: The Shire
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 2:48 pm Post subject: |
Thanks for the info. Despite being on the first page, I suppose that I haven't found those post because I was trying to search for them, and having "forums" and "gentoo" in the banned word list didn't help. They don't say anything about the 189 findings cap, at least I have been unable to find anything (using the search function, so that doesn't mean anything).
The result is that the forums are useless, and every change made just increases its uselessness, and that creating a bug in Gentoo Infrastructure or Gentoo Website, or mailing to some list isn't going to change anything (that's what I think after reading those links).
I could start a rant here insulting admins, mods and anybody else, but nobody would read it because nobody would be able to find it anyway. That's why I rather save the effort. _________________ I cannot write English very well. Please, correct any mistake so that I can improve. |
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madisonicus Veteran

Joined: 20 Sep 2006 Posts: 1130
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:00 pm Post subject: |
It would be difficult to underestimate my frustration with this state of affairs. With almost 500 words on the blocked list, I'm contstantly accidentally including one of them. When combined with blocked search engines and a minimally-functional native search capability, there is very little if any way to find information contained in these forums now, effectively eliminating their utility.
What is the current status of this now four-year-old problem? What can we as the community do to help the moderators and admins balance the need of community members to find information within these forums with the need to reasonably limit bandwidth usage? I'd be more than happy to help lend my meager skills to working toward a solution.
-m _________________ Please add [SOLVED] to your message title if you feel that your question has been answered.
Intel Q9300 Core2 Quad * Gigabyte GA-EP35C-DS3R
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bunder Bodhisattva

Joined: 10 Apr 2004 Posts: 5947
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:41 pm Post subject: |
madisonicus wrote: | It would be difficult to underestimate my frustration with this state of affairs. |
i know. me too.
madisonicus wrote: | What is the current status of this now four-year-old problem? What can we as the community do to help the moderators and admins balance the need of community members to find information within these forums with the need to reasonably limit bandwidth usage? I'd be more than happy to help lend my meager skills to working toward a solution.
-m |
zero. wait for phpbb3, if/when the current fgo team gets their act together and upgrade the forums. it sucks, but there's not much users, or myself can do about it.  _________________
Neddyseagoon wrote: | The problem with leaving is that you can only do it once and it reduces your influence. |
banned from #gentoo since sept 2017 |
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desultory Bodhisattva

Joined: 04 Nov 2005 Posts: 9410
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sigra Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 03 Feb 2006 Posts: 137
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 9:28 pm Post subject: |
I read this thread eager to see if someone would post the obvious solution. And finally someone did:
DaysSinceTheDoor wrote: | when it gets back the search for the terms not on the black list it searches through the search results for the dropped words and moves those to the top. |
I would replace "moves those to the top" with "discards the rest".
I understand that storing and updating a list of the IDs of all posts containing the word "error" (or a similarly common word) takes too much resources. So having 2 categories of words seems like a good idea.
The unusual words are indexed, which means that for each unusual word, the database stores and updates a list of the IDs of the posts that contains the word. So each search must contain an unusual word (such as "okular").
A search in the database for "okular compile error" would return all posts containing "okular". But the next stage must be do discard each post that does not include "compile" and "error".
In the search input field, this could be visualized by making the common words gray ("okular compile error").
It would even be possible to handle quoted multiword strings by discarding posts that don't include the quoted string. |
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