yzh n00b

Joined: 25 Feb 2011 Posts: 53
Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 11:40 am Post subject: grub-static or grub-1.99-r2? |
I have a few questions regarding grub on amd64 gentoo:
- It seems when performing 'emerge grub' on a amd64 stage3, it will try to install grub-9999 (and need to unmask stuff). I expect that with a clean portage and stage3 it will install the most stable version, not live from source..
- Is there any reason to install grub:2 over grub-static on amd64 machines? My partitions are going to be GPT and they work fine with the current grub versions. When i want to use grub:2 i need to create an extra partition and the configuration is slighlty different. The machines i'm installing are all servers so they will not be performing any dual boots. Are there any good reasons to switch over to grub:2 ? |