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Bootable 64-bit RPi3 Gentoo image (OpenRC/Xfce/VC4) UPDATED
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dr_wulsen wrote:
@roylongbottom: First, thank you for providing your benchmark suite and results, this led me to some interesting investigations on the CFLAGS used.

The Whetstone benchmark code is not really suitable for demonstrating advanced CPU functions that use vectorisation. You might experiment with my maximum MFLOPS programs.

Following are 64 bit results, from the benchmarks/stress tests in

  One Core MFLOPS
                                    Single Precision MFLOPS
                       MHz    2 Ops/word   8 Ops/word   32 Ops/word

  Raspberry Pi 3      1200

  notOpenMP-MFLOPS64              718         1720          1496
  MP-MFLOPS64                     730                       1579               
  MP-MFLOPSNeon      Compiled     N/A
  MP-NeonMLOPS64   Intrinsics     729                       2640
  burninfpuPi64   L2 cache data  1721         3796          1562

The burninfpuPi64 program has command options for data size, 2, 8 or 32 floating point adds or multiplies per data word, and running time. Best result is more than 10 times those for Whetstone benchmark MFLOPS but that 32 ops per word could be better.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


one additional thing while I remember - in addition to changing /etc/fstab, you will also need to modify /boot/cmdline.txt (i.e. the file cmdline.txt, located at the top level of the microSD card's first partition's filesystem), as this currently specifies root=PARTUUID=<...> (the UUID of the second partition of the microSD card).

It's also possible to boot directly from the USB incidentally, no microSD card required (but try this at your own risk!)

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 1:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sakaki wrote:

one additional thing while I remember - in addition to changing /etc/fstab, you will also need to modify /boot/cmdline.txt (i.e. the file cmdline.txt, located at the top level of the microSD card's first partition's filesystem), as this currently specifies root=PARTUUID=<...> (the UUID of the second partition of the microSD card).
Thanks for the reminder! I'm just about to start copying the files back to the partitions... But first I need to decide how much I need swap.
I wish there was some actual RAM USB sticks. Then I'd just create a boot service that would initialize the RAM stick as swap. I quite centain that swap will be on frequent use on my system, therefore bombarding a regular flash memory stick with swap reads and writes will lessen the life of said stick.

Sakaki wrote:
It's also possible to boot directly from the USB incidentally, no microSD card required (but try this at your own risk!)
I've discussed that with Neddy before on some RPi3 topic... I'm not gonna try that one out. Despite booting from SDcard is supposed to be faster, because the hardware initializes it faster at boot time for some reason (that's what I've read from somewhere).
..: Zucca :..

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Zucca wrote:
But first I need to decide how much I need swap.
I wish there was some actual RAM USB sticks. Then I'd just create a boot service that would initialize the RAM stick as swap. I quite centain that swap will be on frequent use on my system, therefore bombarding a regular flash memory stick with swap reads and writes will lessen the life of said stick.
You could export a ramdisk from your PC over NFS, and mount that on the RPi3 as swap?

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sakaki wrote:
You could export a ramdisk from your PC over NFS, and mount that on the RPi3 as swap?
Only when at home. The intel Optane memory would maybe fit the case, but I guess there isn't any USB ones available (yet?).
..: Zucca :..

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 4:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Zucca wrote:
Only when at home. The intel Optane memory would maybe fit the case, but I guess there isn't any USB ones available (yet?).

That's going to be quite an expensive RPi3 ^-^
Why not just use a small HDD via a USB3-SATA adaptor (with an external power supply if necessary)? Or, if you have access to an old rooted Android smartphone, export a ramdisk from that for use as swap, when not at home?

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 4:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sakaki wrote:
That's going to be quite an expensive RPi3 ^-^
Why not just use a small HDD via a USB3-SATA adaptor (with an external power supply if necessary)? Or, if you have access to an old rooted Android smartphone, export a ramdisk from that for use as swap, when not at home?
Quite a hack. :)
Well... I can manage quite fine with swap on a normal USB stick + zswap.

But now I have all set up, but booting failed. :\ I saw a lightning logo in the right upper corner after uboot was loaded (after the "rainbow"), nothing else. Pi itself was lit with red led. Sometimes flashing and at the same time the lightning logo disappeared and reappeared. So I thought it was a sign of insufficent power. Is that correct? I tried two different USB cables and two different USB power supplies - none worked.

Any wild guesses?
..: Zucca :..

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 5:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Zucca wrote:
But now I have all set up, but booting failed. :\ I saw a lightning logo in the right upper corner after uboot was loaded (after the "rainbow"), nothing else. Pi itself was lit with red led. Sometimes flashing and at the same time the lightning logo disappeared and reappeared. So I thought it was a sign of insufficent power. Is that correct? I tried two different USB cables and two different USB power supplies - none worked.

Any wild guesses?
The lightning icon is an under-voltage indication. If sufficiently bad your RPi3 will force-reboot, although generally it is survivable. I ended up using the official RPi3 power supplies to prevent this, but YMMV. If you have a lot of USB devices plugged in it will obviously be easier to trip out.

One thing I'd do initially, to ease bring-up debugging, is to comment out the "dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d" line in /boot/config.txt. That'll then force use the vanilla framebuffer, so you'll get the kernel console output visible sooner. You shouldn't need U-Boot incidentally - the RPi3 should just boot kernel8.img directly from the microSD card, if you have copied / retained the /boot (first) partition from the image.

Also have you tried booting the image in its original format (i.e., just xzcat to the microSD card, and boot)? Leave any USB devices plugged in when you try, then try again without any USB devices.
Then try your re jigged microSD-card /boot + USB stick /root system, with original kernel8.img
Then try the same, but with U-Boot (if you want to use it) plus your own kernel / module set.

That way hopefully you can isolate what works and what does not.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 5:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sakaki wrote:
But now I have all set up, but booting failed. :\ I saw a lightning logo in the right upper corner after uboot was loaded (after the "rainbow"), nothing else. Pi itself was lit with red led. Sometimes flashing and at the same time the lightning logo disappeared and reappeared. So I thought it was a sign of insufficent power. Is that correct? I tried two different USB cables and two different USB power supplies - none worked.
Any wild guesses?

I get that flashing on a particular monitor. I don't think that it uses 1920 x 1080 pixels.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 6:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sakaki wrote:
Also have you tried booting the image in its original format (i.e., just xzcat to the microSD card, and boot)? Leave any USB devices plugged in when you try, then try again without any USB devices.
Then try your re jigged microSD-card /boot + USB stick /root system, with original kernel8.img
Then try the same, but with U-Boot (if you want to use it) plus your own kernel / module set.

That way hopefully you can isolate what works and what does not.
I used the same USB power supplies as when I ran Gentoo "version" Neddy provided; with USB thumbdrive plugged in. But not the same cable. I'll try with the same cable as I used last time (if I were to find it). If that doesn't work I'll xzcat the "vanilla" image of yours to one other microSD card I have here.

It was 2.5A that RPi3 required. Right?

roylongbottom wrote:
I get that flashing on a particular monitor. I don't think that it uses 1920 x 1080 pixels.
I use the same monitor (TV to be precise) as earlier.
..: Zucca :..

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 9:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


The Red led goes out when the Pi is under voltage, so flashing is a bad sign.
The lightning symbol is a 5v over current indicator. I've only seen it once, when I tried to power a SSD from the Pi USB system.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 3:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


The problem I had was an user error. Both of those power supplies were insuficent for the Pi. 2.0A and 2.3A. For some reason I remembered that both were capable of powering Pi.
So I xzcat the image to one spare 16GB µSD. The Pi powered up ok. But the lightning logo kept appearing frequently even when there was no USB devices plugged in. The red led was almost constantly on. This bothers me, since Raspberry Pi should be pulling most of 1A when there's no other devices attached. Can anyone confirm this?

I'll start looking for proper power sources in hopes I have some luck with them. I have some old USB hub power sources, which deliver 5DCV. I think I'll have to do some soldering then. I might eventually hook a female µUSB port directly to the pins (I have some with mounting holes lying around). That way I can free the OTG port.
..: Zucca :..

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Tux's lil' helper
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Zucca,

I can confirm that my Pi3 runs fine on a 2.5A supply, Overclocked to 1,3GHz and compiling the whole system without issues.
No red LED or whatsoever. Running idle I'd expect a 2.3 to do the job.

Important thing (no, I'm not esoteric, I'm a plain mechatronics guy) a proper cable between the supply and the Pi. Enough wire gauge/cross-sectional area and the shorter the better in terms of voltage drop on the cable.
Not a Fanboy of specific brands, I use USB cables from Anker, which have a good cross-section and 90cm length.

I know it's possible to power the Pi from the USB outlets (those Y-spliced cables for USB HDD are great for it). But: the micro USB inlet has a fuse that cuts in case of wiring error etc. using the outlets or GPIO to apply power to your Pi bypasses the fuse and you can make a beautiful fried pi in case of issues.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dr_wulsen wrote:
Important thing (no, I'm not esoteric, I'm a plain mechatronics guy) a proper cable between the supply and the Pi. Enough wire gauge/cross-sectional area and the shorter the better in terms of voltage drop on the cable.
Not a Fanboy of specific brands, I use USB cables from Anker, which have a good cross-section and 90cm length.
I have been using one gold plated from Deltaco. But also very short one (under 10cm) Nokia branded. I remember the Deltaco one being working flawlessly. I just need to find it... :\

dr_wulsen wrote:
I know it's possible to power the Pi from the USB outlets (those Y-spliced cables for USB HDD are great for it). But: the micro USB inlet has a fuse that cuts in case of wiring error etc. using the outlets or GPIO to apply power to your Pi bypasses the fuse and you can make a beautiful fried pi in case of issues.
I'm gonna add a fuse there anyways. I find it a little strange that there is no fuse on the GPIO side. :o
I think I'll bring my lab PSU from the attic. Also I'll try to measure the voltage from the USB power supplies when the load is around 2A.
..: Zucca :..

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I found some parts from the attic:

  • USB hub power supply: 2.5A@5DCV
  • a 3A fuse with holder
  • cables and connectors

When in use the voltages are between 4.99 to 5.05. Should be whiting spec. The red led it lit almost all the time. Sometimes it turns off for a sec or so. The lightning logo however isn't in sync with the red led. It does not appear on the screen as frequently as the red led is lit.

Next I'll measure the current draw... I'll expect it to be ok, since nothing is really heating up...

EDIT: Preliminary measurements:
  • max: ~500mA
  • idle 280-300mA
  • after shutdown: 96mA

To me it seems that the idle current draw is bit too high...

A strange side note; while measuring the current the red led was less often lit. Maybe I need to add a filter cap to make sure the voltage stays stable...
..: Zucca :..

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Tux's lil' helper
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I expect the Pi is clean and dry and shows the same behaviour on an isolating surface?

I'm thinking of a creeping current on the measurement side, that would mess up the data it receives.
A damaged/scratched PCB or bad soldering spot could do the same.

96mA/500mW seems high to me too.
on the other hand i found this:
look for shutdown - h
they say the lan chip draws quite much and their measurements are close to yours.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


The HDMI output is a load on the 5v. You can alter the drive strengths in config.txt.

Don't bother with a fuse. Its a source of volt drop and too slow acting to protect the Pi. Just don't mess up.
If you have a lab PSU set its current limit to about 5A. That will be plenty.

Not all SD cards are created equally. Power load is proportional to speed.
SD cards that are capable of higher speeds tend to need more power anyway.

Be careful of mobile phone chargers. They are often only 4.7v as they are intended to charge Li-Ion batteries.
They may well be marked 5.0v though.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok. I went back to power the Pi using my most powerful USB brick with 2.3A. Now the red led barely flashes, but the lightning logo still appears quite often.
I hooked my multimeter to the 5V GPIO pin and to one of the GNDs to measure the voltage on board. Once I saw the voltage drop to 4.98V. Otherwise it was 5.10V to 5.12V. Then I started four cat /dev zero > /dev/null -processes to roughly simulate full load on CPUs. Voltage was exactly 5.00V.

After reading some of the forums posts on the Raspberry Pi site it seems that the current draw and voltages are ok.
..: Zucca :..

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


A multimeter will measure the average voltage. The voltage needs to be kept in spec under transient conditions too.
That needs an oscilloscope to make the measurement.

e.g. The voltage could be going between 4v and 6v and sill read 5v on a multimeter.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeddySeagoon wrote:

A multimeter will measure the average voltage. The voltage needs to be kept in spec under transient conditions too.
That needs an oscilloscope to make the measurement.
That is true. Unfortunately I don't have oscilloscope (at least yet). I could add one cap there to filter and to act as a "buffer". I have many caps lying around here. Even some 500F super caps, although those would fry the power supply as they don't charge in a fraction of a second. :P

I'll continue investigating that tomorrow.

But I played a video trough Firefox and that took the voltage down to 4.92V. It seems that if the GPU side is working hard it consumes more power..?
..: Zucca :..

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Correct, A CMOS logic gate is like a very small capacitor.
Every time it switches it either charges or discharges and a small amount of charge is transferred across the power terminals.
Switching cycles per second is current flow (charge * time)

The more gates switching, the higher the current.

Power is current * voltage.

Beware multimeters on low AC voltages. How well they read depends on the waveform.
They are usually calibrated for a sinewave. They may also apply the input voltage to a diode, so won't read anything useful under 1v.
You won't need a very large capacitor. Its impedance needs to be low compared to the input impedance of your meter at the frequency of interest, since the capacitor and meter form a high pass filter.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeddySeagoon wrote:
Beware multimeters on low AC voltages. How well they read depends on the waveform.
They are usually calibrated for a sinewave. They may also apply the input voltage to a diode, so won't read anything useful under 1v.
The multimeter I have isn't the cheapest one, but isn't a Fluke (the brand) either. The AC measuring might be intended only for sinewave AC measurements, as you said.

NeddySeagoon wrote:
You won't need a very large capacitor. Its impedance needs to be low compared to the input impedance of your meter at the frequency of interest, since the capacitor and meter form a high pass filter.
Good point. Then it's better to have few smaller caps in parallel rather than single big cap, I guess.
..: Zucca :..

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If it is labelled "true RMS" (root mean square) it should do for quite some deviation from sine too, but as neddy said, an oscilloscope will give you the most proper reading, in combination with a precision shunt resistor.

The power draw on the Pi is not so high, so a cap of in the thousands of microfarad will do.
Also the current fluctuations are not so high, so a standard type will. do the job.

I remember the many blown-up cas on early Pentium4 boards which were not low-ESR and died because of too quick changes in current (100A/microsecond). But the Pi is not such a monster, a standard cap should do here.

I'd use one electrolytic cap for buffering and one ceramic one (47-100nF) for filtering.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 11:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Probably for a completely different problem, there were protracted messages regarding power supplies causing that rainbow coloured square whilst running my stress tests on a Raspberry Pi 2. I bought a DROK Digital Ampere Voltage Multimeter and that did not identify any power issues. Also, there was no difference in the frequency of failures using 1.5 amp and 2.5 amp power supplies. Extensive testing revealed that the problem was caused by overheating, particularly associated with installation of a new OpenGL GLUT driver.

The same problem occurred with my Raspbery Pi 3, the rainbow display appearing after a few minutes of stress testing. This time I did not disconnect power immediately and noted that all programs, including an OpenGL test, logged correct termination. Continued running with a faulty display suggests that there was nothing wrong with power supplies.

I installed a newer version of Raspbian and no display failures occurred. Higher temperatures, up to 85.4°C were recorded, but probably more effective CPU throttling prevented the failures. The high temperature issue was fixed by using a FLIRC case.

In your case, perhaps there are other things to consider besides power supplies.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 1:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I currently use one USB 2.3A power brick and a thick cable. The lightning logo appears less frequently and the red led stays lit except for few flashes during boot and shutdown. I have haven't yet placed any caps for filtering. I'll evetually put caps when I install my Pi into a bigger box.

I wanted to boot my SDcard + USB stick Gentoo now, but it seems that only the bootloader runs and then the operation stalles. Blank screen, but the signal is there.
..: Zucca :..

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