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Joined: 16 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 10:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ff11 wrote:
Well, the message of error is only when emerge need to read "/var/lib/portage/preserved_libs_registry" without permission. That according to the initial proposition, it worked previously, but not now. And for me, that would be a bug that has been fixed.
EDIT: to reproduce, maybe you need to force some to populate the "/var/lib/portage/preserved_libs_registry" first, i guess.
Possibly. I have another system where preserved_libs_registry has an entry in it. I don't see the eror there either. Although that system is complaining about some perl droppings, so maybe it doesn't try to read preserved_libs_registry up to that point. I'll try to resolve the perl issue (thought I had) and see if that changes output.

logrusx: wrote:
1) it hasn't been kept empty, but deleted in the past, once preserved libs has been successfully rebuilt, or
2) the permissions it has been created with by portage have been changed at a certain point in time.
I don't think either of those are correct. Unless my previously mentioned perl issue is affecting results, I'm not seeing the error on a system where it exists and is populated. And the file exists on another system that doesn't cause the error. In that case, the file contains only a set of curly braces and no \n.
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Joined: 22 Feb 2018
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

pjp wrote:

logrusx: wrote:
1) it hasn't been kept empty, but deleted in the past, once preserved libs has been successfully rebuilt, or
2) the permissions it has been created with by portage have been changed at a certain point in time.
I don't think either of those are correct. Unless my previously mentioned perl issue is affecting results, I'm not seeing the error on a system where it exists and is populated. And the file exists on another system that doesn't cause the error. In that case, the file contains only a set of curly braces and no \n.

That's exactly why I think an unintentional change has happened. Last night I went through the git history of portage, but couldn't find anything relevant.

And if it was a bug fix as ff11 has suggested, it should have left traces.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

logrusx wrote:
And if it was a bug fix as ff11 has suggested, it should have left traces.

No, what i have said is that emerge should not be allowed to access one file that it don't have permission (no suid for emerge), and if it was possible before and not now then it got fixed.
If you want one suggestion then: I think that nothing have changed, and that it happen only in one specific situation that emerge with that command need to access /var/lib/portage/preserved_libs_registry and that has just the first time that you found that singular condition. And that if you want to use even in that singular condition, then you should open one bug to ask the default permission of the /var/lib/portage/preserved_libs_registry to include o+r (you can ask for the logs /var/log/emerge* and for the ebuld situation too, if you want). That's my suggestion.
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