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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

audiodef wrote:
I was thinking about this a bit more and wondering if, while my symlink solution is in place, if a package asking to be installed to /usr/lib/lv2 would get redirected to install to /usr/lib64/lv2 because of the symlink. I'd only want to stop using the symlink when all packages used by Gentoo Studio stop needing it.

My prediction:
1) Most likely: you won't even notice the difference.
2) Worst case: emerge will report a file collision and fail to install the package.
3) If you have some plugins installed outside of emerge: Orphaned files are not protected, these will be updated and claimed, and emerge will print a collision warning. This is what happens e.g. when installing full-blown versions of minimalistic tools you have had provided by busybox (via symlinks named like the)
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 12:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's hoping number 1 is true.

szatox wrote:
audiodef wrote:
I was thinking about this a bit more and wondering if, while my symlink solution is in place, if a package asking to be installed to /usr/lib/lv2 would get redirected to install to /usr/lib64/lv2 because of the symlink. I'd only want to stop using the symlink when all packages used by Gentoo Studio stop needing it.

My prediction:
1) Most likely: you won't even notice the difference.
2) Worst case: emerge will report a file collision and fail to install the package.
3) If you have some plugins installed outside of emerge: Orphaned files are not protected, these will be updated and claimed, and emerge will print a collision warning. This is what happens e.g. when installing full-blown versions of minimalistic tools you have had provided by busybox (via symlinks named like the)

decibel Linux:
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 12:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So I'm going to be updating the installer script. I recently built a new PC for my studio with an M.2 drive, which showed a big hole in the script: it doesn't account for /dev/nvme drives.

But now that I've gotten Gentoo Studio installed on my shiny new machine using locally hacked tweaks, I now don't have a spare machine with an M.2 drive to test the install script on when I'm ready to test an updated installer.

If you do and you'd like to help out with some testing, please let me know.

I'm also going to see if Virtualbox can be made to emulate a /dev/nvme drive.

EDIT: Virtualbox test with an nvme drive was successful, though I had to select the drive from a shell post install to boot from. Only a real-world hardware test will confirm it works as expected, but the virtual install didn't reveal any issues.
decibel Linux:
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 1:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

System update instructions have been updated:
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 5:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Came up with a welcome doc to place on the users' desktop:


Welcome to Gentoo Studio.

For a complete list of installed packages, go to You may need to scroll down to see the app list. Note that the app list on the web site may differ slightly from y
our installed apps, because the installer may have been updated since you installed Gentoo Studio.

The primary DAW software for Gentoo Studio is Ardour. ( The free, compiled-from-source version is installed by default. If you like it and use it frequently, please consi
der purchasing Ardour for literally any price you feel you can afford - yes, even $1. You can also subscribe to be a monthly financial contributor, as Ardour is always in active development
 for even more improvements. You can find support for Ardour on their web site, or by joining #ardour on Libera.

If you are a mix engineer, Harrison Mixbus and Mixbus 32C, both based on Ardour, are available at I highly recommend 32C.

Gentoo Studio uses JACK2 and ALSA as its sound back end. If you know how and would prefer to, you can use Pipewire and/or Pulseaudio, but those are not currently officially supported by Gen
too Studio. (Perhaps in the future, though.)

All sound, MIDI and recording programs can be found in the main menu -> Multimedia.

For questions, comments and suggestions about Gentoo Studio, you may use any of the following:
Discord: (preferred by me, as this is the fastest way to get a response. Discord on my phone will notify me.)
IRC: #gentoostudio on Libera
Gentoo forums:
Please be patient, as my day job keeps me busy.                 

If your question is more about Gentoo itself, you are free to use the above channels of support, but you may get more/better/faster answers by posting to the Gentoo Forums. (https://forums.

I hope you enjoy Gentoo Studio and using Gentoo as a platform for MIDI and audio. :)

decibel Linux:
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 8:39 pm    Post subject: July 2023 Update Reply with quote

Posted an update to the site:
decibel Linux:
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:52 pm    Post subject: answering this here so i dont keep irc'ing a reply forget-fu Reply with quote

audiodef wrote:
This is pretty cool... Digit came by on #gentoostudio to say he dropped the tarball into his Bedrock Linux and it worked out. I wish he'd stayed long enough for me to inquire what he mixed it with. But still, very cool. :)

I "mixed" an imported gentoostudio on bedrocklinux with (iirc) 4 other gentoos a void a couple devuans and other strata on an x220t thinkpad, and, more recently, imported gentoostudio into a strata aside a hijacked ubuntustudio on a t495 thinkpad.

2 gentoostudios, one on each my main daily use machines, and prioritised.



gentoostudio, much appreciated. in its own time. :)
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 2:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


That is awesome. High five. :)
decibel Linux:
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 3:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So I've decided Gentoo Studio will live. (Thank you to my friends on #gentoostudio for the nice chats!) I plan to implement some changes designed to make Gentoo Studio more of a fork with its own base. Starting today I'm trying out a new name. Go take a peek at If it sticks, I'll set up a new domain. Stay tuned for more news. :)
decibel Linux:
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 1:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A simple update to the installer now shows you a graphical introduction dialog and a graphical list of available devices to install onto. More to come on that front.
decibel Linux:
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 10:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sorry to hear about your experience, but I'm glad you're keeping the project alive even though I don't use it. For what it's worth, I like the new name.

As for catalyst, I ultimately never trusted it due to the lack of official documentation.
Is there an official guide for Catalyst? wrote:
Currently, there is no official guide for Catalyst. If you are interested in writing one please do. It can be created your personal user space here on the Wiki and then moved to a more official location upon review by Catalyst developers.
I looked into using it a long time ago and found something lacking (I no longer remember what). I know that I looked at releng's scripts in git or svn, but wasn't able to understand how they were using them. Trying to decode how undocumented things worked was more involved than my interest level or time available. I considered trying to run it in a chroot, but I only have so much disk space. I'm left with the perception that it is a tool primarily for releng, and if it works for "you," fine, but don't rely on it. Discontinuing v3 reinforces that perception for me. *shrug*

As an aside, I kept notes and references about your use of catalyst, so at least in spirit, I appreciated your efforts there.

For similar reasons as mentioned above, I'm also not willing to trust a 9999 versioned package without having the secret decoder ring on how things work. I put version 3 in a local repo, but I probably won't use it. I'll be curious to see if version 4 is ever released, or if it's just "easier" to continue using 9999. By definition, I thought 9999 versions couldn't be expected to be stable. So yeah, it might work today, but what about after someone flubs an update next week?
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 12:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That all makes sense, though catalyst has always worked for me - once I was able to get the correct info. But you raise an excellent point about a 9999 version. I've already decided to keep local copies of catalyst, so if an update explodes, I'll still have a working version. I've also thought about how to create stage4's without catalyst. I used to make them manually. It worked, but it was cludgy. I'm thinking about writing my own "catalyst" to script stage4 creation, which, right now in my head doesn't seem all that hard. No doubt there's a ton of stuff in releng's catalyst that I will never need, so a simpler version of my own might be more reliable in the long run.

Anyway, thanks for the kudos and for sharing your thoughts, pjp. :)
decibel Linux:
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 3:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

-9999 versions are as stable, or not, as their committers feel like guaranteeing. Some projects have tooling and enforcement that master is always stable enough to release at any time, and confine the experimental work to branches or developer's personal forks. Others let master be a dumping ground that may not even build, or may build and trash your work. I have no knowledge of which end the catalyst projects tends toward.

audiodef, I watch your threads pretty routinely, but I don't often have much to contribute, so I tend to stay quiet.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 2:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for clarifying. Without specific information indicating otherwise, presuming instability of 9999 packages seems like a good starting point (for me). For a project that is known to prefer stability, I'd have to wonder why they don't create point releases.


After looking at the new logo, I did wonder why the top part of the image was reversed from right to left rather than mirrored vertically. I thought it might have been two different meters, but the numbers are indeed upside down and flipped l/r. However you like it is fine, it just caught my attention so thought I'd ask. I've done "layout" work in the past, and I still sometimes focus too much on those details.

Also, when you officially rebrand, we can start a new thread. Although I wonder about whether it should go into Unsupported Software.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 10:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Decibel: Linux with a bang ;)

However you like it is fine, it just caught my attention so thought I'd ask

The new logo is fine (even without bangs), and if it made you pause and look at it for a few seconds longer and think about it, it's actually even better :lol:
Reminds me some banner with company name written upside-down. It was short, so still easily readable, but was just weird enough to be the first thing you noticed passing by.

Screensavers Screensavers interrupt sessions and consume resources. If you need to leave your session unattended for a while, manually turn off the video monitor if you are concerned about it.
Hint: X has a builtin screen-saving features.
xset q # check settings
xset s 300 30 # display white-and-black grid after 300 seconds of inactivity, flip the colors every 30 seconds
xset s blank # cut the signal to the monitor instead of displaying screensaver pattern (makes most displays go into a powersave mode)

there's also xset [+-]dpms for explicitly sending a standby signal to the display, unlike blanking, this one has its own timer.
No extra resources consumed, and I don't think you're going to just sit there staring at the screen for 5 of 10 minutes straight, doing absolutely nothing, yet still being involved in the process.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 4:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

szatox wrote:
if it made you pause and look at it for a few seconds longer and think about it, it's actually even better :lol:
Well, my only interest in it at all is that it was posted here and created by a long time regular user. Also, it was new. That kind of attention probably works most of the time. Excluding this project, I'm more likely to consider it an indicator of similar problems elsewhere ;)
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 6:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excluding this project, I'm more likely to consider it an indicator of similar problems elsewhere

And now I wonder if this is the sentiment behind literally half of the internet using the same shitty wordpress template. Until now I just thought it's the same 5 monkeys pumping out one copy of the only thing they know after another. However, if other people consider not doing things exactly the same way as everyone else a problem, then maybe those monkeys actually have a point.

To me, stuff like red text on blue background would be a problem, it is an objectively bad match because of the way our eyes work.
Using axial symmetry instead of planar symmetry is just a convention, neither better nor worse than the alternative.
I'm kinda curious how common our takes on this really are, though this may not be the best place to discuss it at length.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 1:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

When you do have something to say, I always find it useful, so thank you. :)

Hu wrote:
-9999 versions are as stable, or not, as their committers feel like guaranteeing. Some projects have tooling and enforcement that master is always stable enough to release at any time, and confine the experimental work to branches or developer's personal forks. Others let master be a dumping ground that may not even build, or may build and trash your work. I have no knowledge of which end the catalyst projects tends toward.

audiodef, I watch your threads pretty routinely, but I don't often have much to contribute, so I tend to stay quiet.

decibel Linux:
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 1:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I used a kaleidoscope filter in gimp. Initially, top and bottom were both backwards, but I flipped the bottom one. I left the top reversed just for fun.

decibel Linux is still basically Gentoo, and I advertise that on the site, but I trust your judgement as to making a new thread and where to place it. Multimedia and Unsupported Software both make sense. I like that it's under Multimedia, as I find it a bit more logical, but I will go with the flow. :)

pjp wrote:
Thanks for clarifying. Without specific information indicating otherwise, presuming instability of 9999 packages seems like a good starting point (for me). For a project that is known to prefer stability, I'd have to wonder why they don't create point releases.


After looking at the new logo, I did wonder why the top part of the image was reversed from right to left rather than mirrored vertically. I thought it might have been two different meters, but the numbers are indeed upside down and flipped l/r. However you like it is fine, it just caught my attention so thought I'd ask. I've done "layout" work in the past, and I still sometimes focus too much on those details.

Also, when you officially rebrand, we can start a new thread. Although I wonder about whether it should go into Unsupported Software.

decibel Linux:
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

decibel Linux: We'll bang, okay? :P

Actually, I find it useful to never have my screen blank. While I'm in the studio, I might need to glance over and check something on-screen even though it's been 5+ minutes. But yeah, you are right. Perhaps I should change the wording there.

szatox wrote:
Decibel: Linux with a bang ;)

However you like it is fine, it just caught my attention so thought I'd ask

The new logo is fine (even without bangs), and if it made you pause and look at it for a few seconds longer and think about it, it's actually even better :lol:
Reminds me some banner with company name written upside-down. It was short, so still easily readable, but was just weird enough to be the first thing you noticed passing by.

Screensavers Screensavers interrupt sessions and consume resources. If you need to leave your session unattended for a while, manually turn off the video monitor if you are concerned about it.
Hint: X has a builtin screen-saving features.
xset q # check settings
xset s 300 30 # display white-and-black grid after 300 seconds of inactivity, flip the colors every 30 seconds
xset s blank # cut the signal to the monitor instead of displaying screensaver pattern (makes most displays go into a powersave mode)

there's also xset [+-]dpms for explicitly sending a standby signal to the display, unlike blanking, this one has its own timer.
No extra resources consumed, and I don't think you're going to just sit there staring at the screen for 5 of 10 minutes straight, doing absolutely nothing, yet still being involved in the process.

decibel Linux:
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 1:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Agreed! In this case, the whole thing with releng I guess ultimately inspired me to think about pushing Gentoo Studio even further along once Neddy & co gave me a nice pep talk. Kind of like "this child of Gentoo is ready to grow up a bit more." :)

pjp wrote:
szatox wrote:
if it made you pause and look at it for a few seconds longer and think about it, it's actually even better :lol:
Well, my only interest in it at all is that it was posted here and created by a long time regular user. Also, it was new. That kind of attention probably works most of the time. Excluding this project, I'm more likely to consider it an indicator of similar problems elsewhere ;)

decibel Linux:
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 4:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

szatox wrote:
Excluding this project, I'm more likely to consider it an indicator of similar problems elsewhere

And now I wonder if this is the sentiment behind literally half of the internet using the same shitty wordpress template. Until now I just thought it's the same 5 monkeys pumping out one copy of the only thing they know after another. However, if other people consider not doing things exactly the same way as everyone else a problem, then maybe those monkeys actually have a point.
My observation and these sites seem to have nothing in common. The websites seem mostly an SEO ad grab than anything else. But I haven't looked at a wordpress site in ages due to their nature of being a vector for spreading whatever they've been exploited to do. Similar with medium when it was new (SEO), and now seemingly the substack craze. Am I looking for art, or something that is supposed to be closer to a functional service or product? Some people were willing to spend lots of money on low quality, poorly built Italian sports cars. But they weren't buying a functional product as much as they were buying a "membership" into an exclusive club.

szatox wrote:
To me, stuff like red text on blue background would be a problem, it is an objectively bad match because of the way our eyes work.
Using axial symmetry instead of planar symmetry is just a convention, neither better nor worse than the alternative.
I'm kinda curious how common our takes on this really are, though this may not be the best place to discuss it at length.
I agree with red on blue and similar design styles that result in poor usability. Again, that's functional. I also think the same of the horribly exaggerated monochromatic font color and background color; the result is similarly hard to read. Amusingly that supposedly comes from the idea that 100% black text on 100% white background is (I believe was the claim) "hard on the eyes." OK, fine. That doesn't mean you keep reducing the contrast to some ridiculously low level. Not if you want it to be readable. Similarly with the modern trend of dark color schemes.

Additionally, I thought it was possible that the two "meters" might have been representative of actual meters, whose needles would have moved toward each other, so I was curious to see if that's what it was rather than the flipped mirror image. I admit I was a little disappointed to learn that it wasn't two separate meters!

Being unique like everyone else is wonderful, unless it is poorly executed for the intended purpose.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hm, I could play with the design a bit more and make it two separate meters. That's kind of a fun idea.
decibel Linux:
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 6:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I believe I'd seen it on some "high end" (probably mid since there was likely only 1 digit left of the comma) home audio gear. I thought it looked neat. Otherwise I don't think the coloring was particularly noticeable. I do like the colors in current version of the logo.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 8:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

After some testing, I've changed the file for the installer. It's now
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