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PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 10:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

GDH-gentoo wrote:
De-Javu wrote:
If you don't wish to change the bootloader at all, certainly I recommend using efibootmgr to shift things into place so your bootloader at least does the job it should.

szatox wrote:
What surprised me there was the idea that you're not supposed to edit refind config manually.

You certainly can edit your refind.conf manually, but it's very easy to break it that way too. :wink:

It's recommended to use efibootmgr to manage it.

I rarely touch efibootmgr - generally I prefer to make my boot entries myself, then re-install the entire bootloader, so it has my changes applied. It's very quick to do this so I haven't bothered with efibootmgr unless it is needed for a specific task.

I don't understand this at all. When using GRUB or rEFInd, efibootmgr is needed only once, when the bootloader you plan to use is installed for the first time. And, like I said, in GRUB's case, grub-install does that for you behind the scenes.

I think I was not clear with my English. I can see how my post was interpreted as saying, "I run efibootmgr each time I make a change to my system". Not the case, I actually never use efibootmgr. Since I use systemd-boot, any of my boot entries that need updating are automatically processed during install of a new kernel, so really I never touch it unless I am manually editing configurations and want it to update immediately instead of at the next kernel upgrade.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 9:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Please do not confuse efibootmgr with an EFI binary such as rEFInd.

From "man 8 efibootmgr":

efibootmgr is a userspace application used to modify the UEFI Boot Manager. This application can
create and destroy boot entries, change the boot order, change the next running boot option, and

Details on the UEFI Boot Manager are available from the UEFI Specification, v1.02 or later,
available from:

Note: efibootmgr requires that the kernel support access to EFI non-volatile variables
through /sys/firmware/efi/vars or /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/.

So efibootmgr is a userspace application (ELF) for the operating system to interact with the firmware. Other operating systems have other applications to interact with non-volatile firmware variables.

rEFInd is an EFI binary (PE32+) and can be loaded directly by the firmware when booting in EFI mode.

efibootmgr and rEFInd are two completely different binaries with different scope. You do not need efibootmgr to install an EFI binary.

De-Javu wrote:
In this context, imagine efibootmgr as doing "grub-install" 's job.

No, no, no. "grub-install" is installing the Grub EFI binary and is calling efibootmgr to do efibootmgrs job (creating/updating EFI variables). Executing "grub-install --no-nvram" will not call efibootmgr but will nevertheless do what "grub-install" is supposed to do. The option "no-nvram" is helpful if the EFI firmware is blocking write access to EFI variables.

The whole discussion is now pretty off-topic. The documentation is about changing an operating system detail (the correct/standardised mountpoint).
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 1:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I completely agree with your post. Thank you very much ! :D

P.S.: Yesterday and today I have updated these Wiki articles:

Still not updated is our article about grub:

(and maybe some other articles having a reference to the mountpoint of the ESP)
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sMueggli wrote:

I see my analogy wasn't clear. I am surprised to see this is how my comments were interpreted. If the off-topic comments are eventually moved out of this thread, I'd be happy to continue that discussion, as it's clear there is still much confusion regarding proper use of UEFI bootloaders and their tools :? Like, you do understand that one of efibootmgr's many features is to install EFI binaries to the proper locations?

pietinger wrote:
P.S.: Yesterday and today I have updated these Wiki articles:

Still not updated is our article about grub:

(and maybe some other articles having a reference to the mountpoint of the ESP)

Thank you for the updates! Additionally this page will need to have /boot/efi changed to /efi ->
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 8:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have not updated because it is too complicated for me (too many translation tags; I dont know how to handle). The same is true for

But I encourage all wiki editors to make these pages. You help not only our chief wiki editor @maffblaster but all readers.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 8:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

De-Javu wrote:
Like, you do understand that one of efibootmgr's many features is to install EFI binaries to the proper locations?

This is a function I've missed, and cannot find in "man efibootmgr". Can you point me at some documentation for it - it sounds interesting.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 10:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Goverp: From efi's (and efibootmgr's ) point if view, booting into refind is no different than booting into a stub kernel or anything else.
It is not a different function.

Seriously, the whole thing feels like a gimmick; there was nothing wrong with the old way of preparing motherboard to boot (setting boot device in BIOS, like we used to before efi became all the rage), and - IF you use an on-disk bootloader, like almost everyone - there is no point in changing this old way.
Saving you a single reboot by setting vars from within the OS is hardly an improvement, and definitely not worth all the confusion there is around managing EFI "the right way", demonstrated by last 2 pages worth of posts in this thread.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Goverp wrote:
De-Javu wrote:
Like, you do understand that one of efibootmgr's many features is to install EFI binaries to the proper locations?

This is a function I've missed, and cannot find in "man efibootmgr".

You didn' t find it because it doesn't exist. efibootmgr manipulates some boot-related EFI variables, it doesn't install anything anywhere.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 2:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

GDH-gentoo wrote:
Yes. In my earlier posts, I meant by that "you shouldn't create manual boot stanzas for Linux kernels (with menuentry) in rEFInd's global configuration file".
Note: Don't create manual boot stanzas unless you need to do so! Many people try to create them when rEFInd's auto-detection mechanisms will do the job just as well and with less hassle and chance of error. (Note that you can pass kernel options to a Linux kernel in the /boot/refind_linux.conf file; see the Methods of Booting Linux page for details.) Efforts to create manual boot stanzas when auto-detection can do the job just create pointless work for yourself!
Thanks for the additional info. I'll be testing the automatic method given the examples szatox provided on page 2. Although I still lean toward preferring the root= part associated directly with the rest of the information, specifying intent rather than guessing.

De-Javu wrote:
However, to answer your other question, typically rEFInd is installed using efibootmgr, and you pass the options for configuration to efibootmgr for install. In this context, imagine efibootmgr as doing "grub-install" 's job. Edit: Responding to sMueggli on the next page: You use efibootmgr to install rEFInd, remember! :-)
Why would a user of rEFInd not use refind-install instead of efibootmgr?
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 3:26 pm    Post subject: Re: Mountpoint for the ESP Reply with quote

pjp wrote:
GDH-gentoo wrote:
If at some point you used GRUB on a UEFI machine, grub-install calls it automatically (unless you tell it not to with an option), so that might be why you don't recall using it. However, you should have used it for setting up rEFInd, you don't remember that?
I configured it in late 2017, so no, I don't. If it is required, then I must have.

By the way, I was wrong here. refind-install also calls efibootmgr automatically, as the Wiki article says.
NeddySeagoon wrote:
I'm not a witch, I'm a retired electronics engineer :)
Ionen wrote:
As a packager I just don't want things to get messier with weird build systems and multiple toolchains requirements though :)
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 6:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I didn't read 3 because everyone knows that's "profit." :)

As I only have the "backup" .efi file (bootx64.efi), I suppose efibootmgr must have installed it.

Hopefully RISC-V doesn't require UEFI.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 6:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nothing really complicated about uefi.

I have the driver for gummiboot loader,
then per kernel, I have vmlinuz and the system map, from the compile,
and a small text file to go with it.

$ cat /boot/loader/entries/gentoo.conf
title          Gentoo -- -> Current <-
linux          /current/vmlinuz
options        root=/dev/nvme0n1p2 acpi_enforce_resources=no amd_pstate=passive

When the sytem boots, the above along with all other entries is in a simple click it menu.
UM780, 6.12 zen kernel, gcc 13, openrc, wayland
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 6:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pjp wrote:
As I only have the "backup" .efi file (bootx64.efi), I suppose efibootmgr must have installed it.

pjp, maybe there is a misunderstanding what "efibootmgr" does. It never install files. It "talks" with your UEFI BIOS (via filesystem: efivarfs; therefore it must be mounted (rw) before) ... and begs for:
- creating a new entry in UEFI boot table, or
- deleting an entry, or
- changing boot order.

So, if some installs grub (or refind), these install-routines will COPY the own start-binary (e.g. grubx64.efi) into the \efi-directory of the ESP ... AND ... then ... they call efibootmgr (as helper) to create an UEFI boot entry pointing to its own start-binary.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 6:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anon-E-moose wrote:
Nothing really complicated about uefi.
It's not so much that it is or isn't complicated, rather some of the choices made for it. I'd say it seems to have unnecessary complexity.

pietinger wrote:
pjp wrote:
As I only have the "backup" .efi file (bootx64.efi), I suppose efibootmgr must have installed it.

pjp, maybe there is a misunderstanding what "efibootmgr" does. It never install files. It "talks" with your UEFI BIOS (via filesystem: efivarfs; therefore it must be mounted (rw) before) ... and begs for:
- creating a new entry in UEFI boot table, or
- deleting an entry, or
- changing boot order.
I'm sure the detail about the variables is one of the elements I'd forgotten. After GDH-gentoo commented about refind-install calling efibootmgr, I went to the efibootmgr page. That mentions needing to boot into EFI mode rather than firmare MBR mode. Is that a special EFI boot mode rather than a normal EFI boot mode? Or is "firmware MBR mode" referring to legacy booting?

pietinger wrote:
So, if some installs grub (or refind), these install-routines will COPY the own start-binary (e.g. grubx64.efi) into the \efi-directory of the ESP ... AND ... then ... they call efibootmgr (as helper) to create an UEFI boot entry pointing to its own start-binary.
What happens if neither grub-install, refind-install, or efibootmgr are used? Is the generic bootx64.efi copied from firmware to he ESP?
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pjp wrote:
That mentions needing to boot into EFI mode rather than firmare MBR mode. Is that a special EFI boot mode rather than a normal EFI boot mode?

It's the normal EFI boot.

pjp wrote:
Or is "firmware MBR mode" referring to legacy booting?

It's referring to CSM/BIOS/Legacy mode. If supported by the firmware and enabled.

pjp wrote:
What happens if neither grub-install, refind-install, or efibootmgr are used?

Nothing is installed, nothing is modified. Next time the computer is powered on or rebooted, it will run whatever boot manager it ran in the last power on or reboot (if it is still there).

pjp wrote:
Is the generic bootx64.efi copied from firmware to he ESP?

NeddySeagoon wrote:
I'm not a witch, I'm a retired electronics engineer :)
Ionen wrote:
As a packager I just don't want things to get messier with weird build systems and multiple toolchains requirements though :)
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 2:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks. That would seem to indicate I had to have done something for /boot/EFI/BOOT/boox64.efi to exist.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 2:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In this post I gave two links for UEFI and CSM booting:
(I have alos gave a list what you will need for an UEFI boot)


if you buy a new computer there is usually a windows installed. Therefore there is an UEFI boot entry pointing to the start programm in \efi\microsoft\...

What happens if the BIOS loses its information (empty BIOS battery; reset by User) ? If now a windows user would power on this computer, the BIOS would tell that there is no OperatingSystem ... and the windows user then gets a heart attack.

In order to protect the user from this heart attack, some manufacturers have additionally added an "emergency system programm". It was copied onto the harddisk into the ESP of the harddisk in the directory \efi\boot and was named bootx64.efi.

bootx64.efi is a name every UEFI BIOS must recognize without having an boot entry in its table ... it is "hardcoded" into UEFI. If UEFI has no EXPLICIT entry to an EXISTANT boot-file then it will ALWAYS search for this name ... Necessary for booting from a removable(*) medium, like a USB stick (because you want not create an extra boot entry only to be able to boot from a stick). This name can be used also for a file on your harddisk.

(* --removable is also the NAME of a parameter for grub-install ... because this is the sense)

Back to Windows:

As long as your UEFI have an entry pointing to MicrosoftWindows it will boot Windows. Two ways to lose it:

a) If your harddisk gets broken and cannot boot Windows anymore, THEN there is still an UEFI entry, but UEFI cannoot load (and start) the Windows-binary ... so, UEFI tries to start the "hardcoded" bootx64-file.

(Also UEFI will delete this entry in its table because for UEFI it is not a functional entry)

b) If BIOS looses the entry because of a reset, it tries also to start the "hardcoded" bootx64-file

If you build your system with a new mainboard and a new harddisk, then you will have no "emergency application" from a mnaufacturer. You will have no bootx64.efi ... nothing ... empty harddisk. You boot now a Linux from a stick or a CD-ROM and this will install ... something ... but USUALLY NOT a bootx64.efi file. For example: grub will install you a \efi\gentoo\grubx64.efi (I dont know what refind installs).

Now we have one exception with grub: Because there exists some old mainboards with a "bad" UEFI BIOS - NOT accepting a new UEFI boot entry - grub-install ALLOWS you, to install (the first part of) grub AS bootx64.efi (instead grubx64.efi). If you never use the parm --removable you will never have a bootx64.efi on your harddisk ... I also dont have it, because I have build my system too.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 4:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

pietinger wrote:
What happens if the BIOS loses its information (empty BIOS battery; reset by User) ? If now a windows user would power on this computer, the BIOS would tell that there is no OperatingSystem ... and the windows user then gets a heart attack.
That's what I thought. I wanted to clarify to eliminate my confusion. That on a new, previously unused internal SATA SSD, the only way for bootx64.efi to exist is for it to be intentionally put there. Meaning I had to do it, presumably with efibootmgr, because there is no other file with a similar name (grub*.efi, refind*.efi or *.efi).

pietinger wrote:
Back to Windows:

As long as your UEFI have an entry pointing to MicrosoftWindows it will boot Windows.
If it exists. My efivars references the original HDD that came with the laptop. I replaced the HDD with an SSD that never had windows installed to it. The efivars "BootCurrent" points to identifier "001B" which is "ATA HDD0".

So it appears that the UEFI finds HDD0 which in turn has bootx64.efi that loads the refind boot menu.

pietinger wrote:
a) If your harddisk gets broken and cannot boot Windows anymore, THEN there is still an UEFI entry, but UEFI cannoot load (and start) the Windows-binary ... so, UEFI tries to start the "hardcoded" bootx64-file.

(Also UEFI will delete this entry in its table because for UEFI it is not a functional entry)
How does it get deleted? Automatically, or only if some command is executed to update the efivars? The "Windows Boot Manager" entry points to "\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi" which has never existed on this SSD, but it obviously hasn't been deleted. That's why I ask how "UEFI will delete this entry in its table."

pietinger wrote:
If you build your system with a new mainboard and a new harddisk, then you will have no "emergency application" from a mnaufacturer. You will have no bootx64.efi ... nothing ... empty harddisk. You boot now a Linux from a stick or a CD-ROM and this will install ... something ... but USUALLY NOT a bootx64.efi file. For example: grub will install you a \efi\gentoo\grubx64.efi (I dont know what refind installs).
By "this will install ... something," you don't mean automatically, do you? I presume it requires running one efibootmgr, grub-install, refind-install, or similar to install a <something>.efi file, correct? In my case, the only file is bootx64.efi. If there is an option for the user to provide a name, then I must have provided the name, or either refind-install or efibootmgr used that name.

pietinger wrote:
Now we have one exception with grub: Because there exists some old mainboards with a "bad" UEFI BIOS - NOT accepting a new UEFI boot entry - grub-install ALLOWS you, to install (the first part of) grub AS bootx64.efi (instead grubx64.efi). If you never use the parm --removable you will never have a bootx64.efi on your harddisk ... I also dont have it, because I have build my system too.
Looking at my emerge log, the first entries likely coincide with the initial install, and the log does not contain a reference to grub. I did install the following, and they are still installed: efibootmgr, gnu-efi, refind, and efivar. I don't believe I used gnu-find.

And I presume this is normal, otherwise, to abuse a quote, there's some "spooky action" going on:
$ file /boot/EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi
/boot/EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi: PE32+ executable (EFI application) x86-64 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows, 6 sections
As I mentioned, Windows was never on this SSD, and the laptop doesn't support two. Theoretically I could have manually copied it from the original HDD to another system or a USB drive, but that seems very unlikely.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 10:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

pjp wrote:
[...] That on a new, previously unused internal SATA SSD, the only way for bootx64.efi to exist is for it to be intentionally put there.

pjp wrote:
[...] Meaning I had to do it, [...]

pjp wrote:
[...][...] presumably with efibootmgr,

No. efibootmgr does not install any FILES ... it "makes" UEFI boot entries.

pjp wrote:
How does it get deleted? Automatically, or only if some command is executed to update the efivars?

IF ... IF it gets deleted - I am not sure if every UEFI does it - THEN UEFI has done it automatically. But - of course - you CAN delete also entries.

pjp wrote:
The "Windows Boot Manager" entry points to "\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi" which has never existed on this SSD, but it obviously hasn't been deleted. That's why I ask how "UEFI will delete this entry in its table."

MAYBE ... only maybe ... you have a UEFI BIOS from a manufactorer who loves Microsoft so much, that it creates also a "hardcoded" entry for Windows. You might try to delete it manually with:
1. Ask for the number with
# efibootmgr

2. Delete the number (Example: it is the entry with number 1) with:
# efibootmgr -b 1 -B 1

If you cannot delete it, THEN you will know it is a "very hardcoded" entry :lol:

pjp wrote:
By "this will install ... something," you don't mean automatically, do you? I presume it requires running one efibootmgr, grub-install, refind-install, or similar to install a <something>.efi file, correct?

Yes, I dont have meant automatically. It requires running one XXXXXXXXX, grub-install, refind-install, or similar to install a <something>.efi file.

pjp wrote:
In my case, the only file is bootx64.efi. If there is an option for the user to provide a name, then I must have provided the name, or either refind-install or efibootmgr used that name.

If you have only a bootx64.efi ... AND ... you say your system boots refind (I dont know) ... THEN ... it must be refind.

pjp wrote:
And I presume this is normal, otherwise, to abuse a quote, there's some "spooky action" going on:
$ file /boot/EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi
/boot/EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi: PE32+ executable (EFI application) x86-64 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows, 6 sections
As I mentioned, Windows was never on this SSD, and the laptop doesn't support two. Theoretically I could have manually copied it from the original HDD to another system or a USB drive, but that seems very unlikely.

Dont worry that there is a "MS Windows" ... that does not mean it must be a file from the OperatingSystem:Windows ... please dont forget who EFI has invented ;-)

With "file" you ask for the type of a file ... and EVERY BOOTABLE EFI-file must be a PE32+ ... for example, this is my grub:
/boot/efi/gentoo # file grubx64.efi
grubx64.efi: PE32+ executable (EFI application) x86-64 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows, 4 sections
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 6:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pietinger wrote:
pjp wrote:
[...][...] presumably with efibootmgr,

No. efibootmgr does not install any FILES ... it "makes" UEFI boot entries.
I relapsed from an earlier clarification that refind calls efibootmgr. Naturally it does so to manipulate boot entries.

pietinger wrote:
IF ... IF it gets deleted - I am not sure if every UEFI does it - THEN UEFI has done it automatically. But - of course - you CAN delete also entries.
Manually I understand. Knowing that it may also be automatically deleted is helpful.

pietinger wrote:
If you cannot delete it, THEN you will know it is a "very hardcoded" entry :lol:
Also good to know. I doubt I'll put the old HDD back in, but I'll leave the entry for now.

pietinger wrote:
If you have only a bootx64.efi ... AND ... you say your system boots refind (I dont know) ... THEN ... it must be refind.
That's what I was hoping to learn from using file. Oh well. It seems reasonably presumable that it is from refind.

pietinger wrote:
Dont worry that there is a "MS Windows" ... that does not mean it must be a file from the OperatingSystem:Windows ... please dont forget who EFI has invented ;-)
I primarily wanted to verify that I didn't copy the old one manually. I can't imagine having done it, but who knows. I think I was unfamiliar enough with EFI that it wouldn't have occurred to me.

Intel developed EFI for Itanium, but I'm sure they consulted Microsoft. They would have been foolish to not consult them given when it was created. My first exposure to it was in an HP SuperDome.

pietinger wrote:
With "file" you ask for the type of a file ... and EVERY BOOTABLE EFI-file must be a PE32+ ... for example, this is my grub:
/boot/efi/gentoo # file grubx64.efi
grubx64.efi: PE32+ executable (EFI application) x86-64 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows, 4 sections
I presumed it was related to the file, but it still seems odd :).

Thanks for the comments everyone!

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

De-Javu wrote:
pietinger wrote:
Still not updated is our article about grub:

Thank you for the updates! Additionally this page will need to have /boot/efi changed to /efi ->

Both articles have been updated in the meantime !
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