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worth switching to wayland?
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Joined: 21 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 2:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. do you have a session manager running like elogind
2. do you have the appropriate XDG variables set ( env | grep -i xdg )
3. how are you launching your wayland WM and I don't mean the DM (like sddm, greetd...), what is the actual script/desktop being launched

I use gtkgreet to call one of many scripts depending on the WM I want to use or test

Each one is almost the same

cat do_sway

# Session

source /usr/local/bin/

dbus-run-session  sway $@

cat do_hyprland

# Session

source /usr/local/bin/

dbus-run-session Hyprland $@

IE set the local specific XDG session, source common wayland env, launch the WM via a DBUS session


export QT_QPA_PLATFORM="wayland;xcb"

export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1

export CLUTTER_BACKEND=wayland
export SDL_VIDEODRIVER="wayland,x11"
export SDL_AUDIODRIVE=pipewire

export WLR_RENDERER=vulkan
export VDPAU_DRIVER=radeonsi

export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland


But then each WM then has its own startup to launch desirable applications, including portals

~/.config/sway/config -> include ~/.config/sway/config.d/*.conf

exec gentoo-pipewire-launcher restart

exec /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk -r
exec /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-wlr -r
exec /usr/libexec/flatpak-portal --no-idle-exit -r
exec "sh -c 'sleep 5;exec /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal -r'"

exec xhost +SI:localuser:$(id -un)
exec xhost +SI:localuser:root
exec discord
exec openrazer-daemon --respawn
exec thunar --daemon
exec mako
exec xrdb ~/.Xresources
exec waybar
exec flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam -console

Likewise for hyprland (as they list at their wiki...

exec-once = ~/.config/hypr/scripts/
exec-once = ~/.config/hypr/scripts/
source= ~/.config/hypr/scripts/exec.conf

sleep 1
killall -e xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
killall -e xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
killall -e xdg-flatpak-portal
killall xdg-desktop-portal

/usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk -r &
/usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-wlr -r &
/usr/libexec/flatpak-portal --no-idle-exit -r &
sleep 2
/usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal -r &

In short
1. your login must create the key XDG variables and run dir. elogind will do alot for you otherwise you will need to (as per gentoo wiki: which also state a mising dbus session is bad. This isn't unique to sway)
2. the login must start a user dbus session and create the env DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS
3. the user then must launch the required portals.

An integrated desktop like GNOME and KDE will do all this for you (X11 or Wayland) but the moment you hand-craft a session you take responsibility to ensuring everything is launched and in the right order.
#define HelloWorld int
#define Int main()
#define Return printf
#define Print return
#include <stdio>
HelloWorld Int {
Return("Hello, world!\n");
Print 0;
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Joined: 21 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 2:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

kimchi_sg wrote:
Naib wrote:
why not use waybar, the tray works great and is a better panel

The waybar tray works but does not blend in with as well as the stock bars.

Never mind, I am done with wayland, until maybe libreoffice becomes wayland-only, or xorg-server gets p.masked, or some similar earth-shattering event happens.

This is actually covered by sway (and the other WM)...
Status icon doesn't show up
There are two standards for status icons: XEmbed and StatusNotifierItem (SNI). XEmbed is legacy and unimplemented in Sway. SNI is supported by swaybar. If your app uses XEmbed, the status icon won't show up. You should ask them to upgrade to SNI.

For network-manager-applet, see

so this isn't "wayland isn't ready" this is developers not providing legacy support
#define HelloWorld int
#define Int main()
#define Return printf
#define Print return
#include <stdio>
HelloWorld Int {
Return("Hello, world!\n");
Print 0;
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for your help.

1. do you have a session manager running like elogind
$ loginctl
      3 1000 aps  seat0 tty7

1 sessions listed.

2. do you have the appropriate XDG variables set ( env | grep -i xdg )
env | grep -i xdg

I wonder what the last line is doing here.
3. how are you launching your wayland WM and I don't mean the DM (like sddm, greetd...), what is the actual script/desktop being launched
sddm + this:
$ cat .xinitrc
# Ensure dbus is either already running, or safely start it
if [[ -z "${DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS}" ]];
    eval $(dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session)

I have other issues.
E.g. if I switch off my TV, after switching it on, sometimes the system is logged off (sddm screen) or I cant even switch to ttyx (no signal).
Mouse cursor is turning to a custom one only after opening a gtk program (I need to test it more).
Rhythmbox is not playing (no sound) - it is more or less 50/50 times.

I will switch to desktop profile and uninstal gnome and sddm to see if this helps.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 7:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

after uninstalling gnome I have:

 ps ax | grep xdg-desktop-portal
 3399 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal
 3426 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
 5607 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep --colour=auto xdg-desktop-portal

So gnome portal was blocking wlr
Let's see if now it will be better.
I will remove sddm and load Hyprland directly

P.S. this issue with my TV and restarting the session...
Now I noticed that the session was not restarted, BUT I ended up with all windows closed after turning off my TV ....

P.S.2 Removed X USE and uninstalled Xorg and sddm.
Now Hyprland is starting automatically (--autologin in /etc/inittab and .bashrc)
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hu wrote:
The compiler version requirement is getting worse. Older versions of Hyprland still in tree only require gcc-12.1 or above. That requirement was there when Julien added hyprland-0.25.0 in May 2023 as a new package. If I read the Gentoo git history correctly, gcc-12 became stable for amd64 on Jan 23 2023; gcc-13 only became stable for amd64 on Sep 24 2023. Hyprland-0.30 was added Sep 29 2023 with the gcc-13 requirement. This is all fine by Gentoo's policy that you cannot need a testing package to install a stable package, but I can see the complaint that it is operating right at the edge.
I'm fine with that being the choice made, I'm just not willing to chase the version dragon. Without intending criticism, Wayland still seems a ways of from usability outside of KDE / GNOME, and I'm giving those projects the benefit of the doubt regarding resources. In the case of hyprland, if it isn't suitable for stable within Gentoo because of upstream progress (rapid or breaking changes), then adding on top of that the "latest and greatest" compiler specific requirements is simply one or two too many choices for instability, depending on my mood and the problems I encounter.

Anon-E-moose points out hyprland's use of c++/c23, which is fine. But again, this seems more like an eager developer wanting to "have fun." Again, fine. But not an experience I willing to deal with. It's something that needs to consistently work reliably. My last use Linux / X as a desktop lasted only a couple / few years until had an update that caused my mouse to not work. From approximately 2010 toward the end of 2017, I used Windows, and only switched back due to Telemetry™.

Anon-E-moose wrote:
Unfortunately as people rush to create new programs for wayland, this is likely to happen more often,
it's not the 1st time I've had to run ~ packages, but that's usually when running the latest or alpha/beta versions.
I expect a rough transition, as it seems there is going to be at least one attempt to force abandonment of X before Wayland is ready. If you're not using KDE or GNOME, tough. As bad as Windows and OSX are, Linux seems to belch "Hold my beer!"

After not installing hyprland, I installed sway, but that's mainly get some familiarity with the general "how does it work." Wayfire emphasizes 3D, not something I want. hikari mentions CWM, and dwl mentions dwm. Neither of those are choices I'd make willingly. I don't want to use i3 (and sway by extension), but that at least gives me something I'm familiar with to see what the fuss is about. And since it hasn't faded away, I'm likely to have to deal with it eventually.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pjp wrote:
[Wayfire emphasizes 3D

There is a "cube" extension which can be activated with a certain key/mouse combination, and IIRC, by default there are some extensions enabled which do some animations.
However, it is no problem to switch off all these extensions, and to configure the panel in a sane way.
What you have then is essentially something what you get with fvwm if you use some non-fancy fvwm-crystal theme, just less buggy.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mv is correct about wayfire, I turned off almost all animations, etc, when I was using it.

I can recommend labwc (wayland-desktop repo) as a pretty decent openbox clone (some things change given that it's wayland not X).
It's under constant development, though they don't chase wlroots, quite as hard as hyprland, but it's reasonable stable.
They're still adding pieces to it but that's pretty much the same with all wayland compositors, including kde/gnome.
UM780, 6.12 zen kernel, gcc 13, openrc, wayland
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anon-E-moose wrote:
I can recommend labwc ... though they don't chase wlroots, quite as hard as hyprland,
Floating vs tiling, at least by default.

Thks 4 ur attention, interest & support.
USE="-* ..." in /etc/portage/make.conf here, i.e. a countermeasure to portage implicit braces, belt & diaper paradigm
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 9:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Guys, I completely changed my opinion about Wayland.
I managed to solve all my issues with it. Now everything works smoothly.
As far as I can see, There is no return to X for me.
I removed Xorg, and I am not even using Xwayland (-X USE).
So far, so good.
Again, thanks for the help and passive motivation ;)
So, in my opinion, it isn't an unfinished product anymore.
I can recommend it.
I still need to install all my tools, but I hope there will be no issues.
It could be better, too because now I have one additional problem.
Every time I restart the system, I have no signal. My TV goes into "no signal mode". I have to disconnect an HDMI cable, connect it again and restart. I can't even switch to tty because there is no signal.
This is the only way my system works now.
This is how I love Wayland :)
It has something to do with the way Hyprland starts automatically. If I leave the TV in game mode, the system can start without issues.
But then I have 30Hz instead of 120, so it is unacceptable.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

kj184050 wrote:
Every time I restart the system, I have no signal. My TV goes into "no signal mode". I have to disconnect an HDMI cable, connect it again and restart. I can't even switch to tty because there is no signal.

Especially the latter indicates that it is a signal detection problem of your monitor and not a particular wayland problem.
It might be that X has chosen a different frequency which works better with that automatic detection.
My experience with such problems is that switching off/on the monitor helps.
But if you really need to disconnect/connect an HDMI cable, I would suggest that you buy an HDMI switch even if you do not use the second entry: Such switches are not expensive.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 6:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

But this happened only after removing sddm and starting Hyprland as:

First, I have an automatic login in tty as a user
if [ -z "${WAYLAND_DISPLAY}" ] && [ "${XDG_VTNR}" -eq 1 ]; then
   dbus-run-session Hyprland
in .bashrc

Previously, when using sddm There was no issue.
So it is not my TV's fault.
I have to add something to the starting script.

I noticed another issue.
On Firefox, YouTube videos are smooth.
I installed Vivaldi and Opera, which are not smooth on full screen. At least I know that Chromium-based browsers work on Wayland with my setup, unlike previously.
I have to install chromium. Vivaldi is crazy fast when compared to Firefox. I also have to try Thorium. Hopefully, one of the Chromium-based browsers will work flawlessly with Wayland. I need it for work.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 6:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

kj184050 wrote:
So it is not my TV's fault.

It is: Obviously, a signal is there, and it is not shown. Apparently, first showing a different signal (with a different frequency/resolution or whatever) helped by accident.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 7:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry, but I don't understand what are you saying.
As I wrote, there was no issue when I was using ssdm, so clearly, I have to add something to my Hyprland starting script.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 10:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

kj184050 wrote:
Sorry, but I don't understand what are you saying.
As I wrote, there was no issue when I was using ssdm, so clearly, I have to add something to my Hyprland starting script.

What does your monitor line from the hyprland config look like, ie

monitor = <some value>
UM780, 6.12 zen kernel, gcc 13, openrc, wayland
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What does your monitor line from the hyprland config look like, ie

cat .config/hypr/hyprland.conf | grep monitor

hyprctl monitors                                                                                                                         
Monitor HDMI-A-1 (ID 0):
   3840x2160@119.88000 at 3199x0
   description: Samsung Electric Company QBQ90S 0x01000E00 (HDMI-A-1)
   make: Samsung Electric Company
   model: QBQ90S
   serial: 0x01000E00
   active workspace: 3 (3)
   special workspace: 0 ()
   reserved: 0 0 0 0
   scale: 1.20
   transform: 0
   focused: yes
   dpmsStatus: 1
   vrr: 0
   activelyTearing: false

OK, I changed to:

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do you have 2 monitors?

3840x2160@119.88000 at 3199x0

The placement is puzzling if you don't have 2 monitors.

This is how I set my monitor up
and hyprctl sees
3840x2160@59.99700 at 0x0

I don't like auto configuration, it's not always right
UM780, 6.12 zen kernel, gcc 13, openrc, wayland
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do you have 2 monitors?

This is how I set my monitor up

I changed to:

cat .config/hypr/hyprland.conf | grep monitor                                                                                             

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

there should be a log file what does it say about the monitor
UM780, 6.12 zen kernel, gcc 13, openrc, wayland
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

there should be a log file what does it say about the monitor

cat /tmp/hypr/$(ls -t /tmp/hypr/ | head -n 1)/hyprland.log | grep monitor
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: monitorLayoutChanged
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: monitorRemoved
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for HDMI-A-1
[LOG] Added new monitor with name HDMI-A-1 at [0, 0] with size [3840, 2160], pointer 55f9feab2f30
[LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 1, exists: 0
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: monitorAdded
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for HDMI-A-1
[LOG] Background created for monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] LayerSurface 55f9febf79d0 (namespace hyprpaper layer 0) created on monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] Destroy called for monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] Removed monitor HDMI-A-1!
[WARN] Unplugged last monitor, entering an unsafe state. Good luck my friend.
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for HEADLESS-1
[LOG] Added new monitor with name HEADLESS-1 at [3199, 0] with size [1920, 1080], pointer 55f9febfd330
[LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 2, exists: 0
[LOG] Removing monitor HDMI-A-1 from realMonitors
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for HDMI-A-1
[LOG] Added new monitor with name HDMI-A-1 at [0, 0] with size [3840, 2160], pointer 55f9feab2f30
[LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 3, exists: 0
[LOG] moveWorkspaceToMonitor: Moving 2 to monitor 0
[LOG] Destroy called for monitor HEADLESS-1
[LOG] Removed monitor HEADLESS-1!
[LOG] moveWorkspaceToMonitor: Moving 4 to monitor 0
[LOG] Removing monitor HEADLESS-1 from realMonitors
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for HDMI-A-1
[LOG] Background created for monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] LayerSurface 55fa00c0b640 (namespace hyprpaper layer 0) created on monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] Map request dispatched, monitor HDMI-A-1, window pos: [2.00000, 2.00000], window size: [3195.00000, 1795.00000]
[LOG] New LayerSurface has no preferred monitor. Assigning Monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] LayerSurface 55fa00c7bcd0 (namespace wofi layer 2) created on monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] Map request dispatched, monitor HDMI-A-1, window pos: [2.00000, 2.00000], window size: [1594.00000, 1795.00000]
[LOG] New LayerSurface has no preferred monitor. Assigning Monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] LayerSurface 55fa00cd4fe0 (namespace notifications layer 2) created on monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] New LayerSurface has no preferred monitor. Assigning Monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] LayerSurface 55f9fea85fc0 (namespace wofi layer 2) created on monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] Map request dispatched, monitor HDMI-A-1, window pos: [2.00000, 2.00000], window size: [3195.00000, 1795.00000]
[LOG] New LayerSurface has no preferred monitor. Assigning Monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] LayerSurface 55fa01e72570 (namespace wofi layer 2) created on monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] Map request dispatched, monitor HDMI-A-1, window pos: [1604.00000, 2.00000], window size: [1593.00000, 1795.00000]
[LOG] Map request dispatched, monitor HDMI-A-1, window pos: [2.00000, 904.00000], window size: [1594.00000, 893.00000]
[LOG] New LayerSurface has no preferred monitor. Assigning Monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] LayerSurface 55f9fe860140 (namespace notifications layer 2) created on monitor HDMI-A-1

Headless? I didn't set up that.

BTW. Is there a way to install Gnome-light without Xorg?
When I set desktop/gnome profile, and -X in make.conf, Xorg is pulled in.
Is there a way to prevent it?
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 5:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know much about gnome, including gnome-light.

If you rename the hyprland config file or hide it and use hyprland defaults, does the monitor show up then?
UM780, 6.12 zen kernel, gcc 13, openrc, wayland
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 1:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you rename the hyprland config file or hide it and use hyprland defaults, does the monitor show up then?

It starts with the screen, 60Hz and VRR on even if it is not reported:

hyprctl monitors
Monitor HDMI-A-1 (ID 0):
3840x2160@60.00000 at 0x0
description: Samsung Electric Company QBQ90S 0x01000E00 (HDMI-A-1)
make: Samsung Electric Company
model: QBQ90S
serial: 0x01000E00
active workspace: 1 (1)
special workspace: 0 ()
reserved: 0 0 0 0
scale: 1.00
transform: 0
focused: yes
dpmsStatus: 1
vrr: 0
activelyTearing: false

cat /tmp/hypr/5b8cfdf2efc44106b61e60c642fd964823fd89f3_1699319002/hyprland.log | grep monitor                                                                         
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: monitorLayoutChanged
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: monitorRemoved
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for HDMI-A-1
[LOG] Added new monitor with name HDMI-A-1 at [0, 0] with size [3840, 2160], pointer 564183d83b40
[LOG] New monitor: WORKSPACEID 1, exists: 0
[LOG] [hookSystem] New hook event registered: monitorAdded
[LOG] Applying monitor rule for HDMI-A-1
[LOG] Background created for monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] Map request dispatched, monitor HDMI-A-1, window pos: [22.00000, 22.00000], window size: [3796.00000, 2116.00000]
[LOG] Map request dispatched, monitor HDMI-A-1, window pos: [22.00000, 22.00000], window size: [1891.00000, 2116.00000]
[LOG] New LayerSurface has no preferred monitor. Assigning Monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] LayerSurface 564185f137c0 (namespace wofi layer 2) created on monitor HDMI-A-1
[LOG] Map request dispatched, monitor HDMI-A-1, window pos: [22.00000, 22.00000], window size: [1891.00000, 2116.00000]
[LOG] Searching for matching rules for kitty (title: hyprctl monitors ~)
[LOG] Window 564185ed4a50 set title to hyprctl monitors ~
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

you're running at 60hz with vrr off

Vrr handling is flaky depending on which monitor/video card is used.

And with a little googling, I've seen recommendations to update the firmware on the tv, especially with windows and nvidia video cards
not sure if that's the problem.

I recommend playing with the config file, start with just a few things enabled, including the monitor line until it works like you expect.
I would leave vrr set to off, untill you get everything else working. Then setting the rest of the config should be easy at that point.
UM780, 6.12 zen kernel, gcc 13, openrc, wayland
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

you're running at 60hz with vrr off

No, the TV reports VRR on.
Vrr handling is flaky depending on which monitor/video card is used.

I don't need it on Linux.

And with a little googling, I've seen recommendations to update the firmware on the tv, especially with windows and nvidia video cards
not sure if that's the problem.

I have auto updates. There was one yesterday.

I recommend playing with the config file, start with just a few things enabled, including the monitor line until it works like you expect.
I would leave vrr set to off, untill you get everything else working. Then setting the rest of the config should be easy at that point.

I agree.
I spent a few weeks to resolve many issues on Wayland. I don't want to give it up.
Last night I spent 5h to solve many small issues.

I noticed that nvidia settings app on Wayland is... almost non existant ;) It has like maybe 5% of
the information displayed.

I recompiled chromium with clang and vaapi USE (Arch Wiki recommendation)
[ebuild   R    ] www-client/chromium-118.0.5993.117:0/stable::gentoo  USE="cups hangouts official proprietary-codecs screencast system-harfbuzz system-icu system-zstd vaapi wayland -X -custom-cflags -debug -gtk4 (-headless) -kerberos (-libcxx) (-lto) -pax-kernel (-pgo) -pulseaudio -qt5 -qt6 (-selinux) -system-png -widevine" L10N="en-GB -af -am -ar -bg -bn -ca -cs -da -de -el -es -es-419 -et -fa -fi -fil -fr -gu -he -hi -hr -hu -id -it -ja -kn -ko -lt -lv -ml -mr -ms -nb -nl -pl -pt-BR -pt-PT -ro -ru -sk -sl -sr -sv -sw -ta -te -th -tr -uk -ur -vi -zh-CN -zh-TW" 0 KiB

And nothing...full-screen YouTube 4k is still slow and sluggish.

Firefox YT full-screen is fine and smooth.
Browsing on Chromium is as expected and much faster than on Firefox.

Firefox has issues with benchmarks on
in Speedometer 2.0 Firefox had 19 :) Vivaldi and Chromium over 220.
in MotionMark1.2, Firefox has frozen
Vivaldi and Chromium have over 1100

So, still, something needs to be fixed.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 1:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Vrr is on for the tv, but wayland ignores it, since it's off as far as it's concerned.

I have an nvidia card, in my system, but it's only used for vm passthrough. So I don't keep up with the latest as far as linux is concerned.
Not sure which nvidia drivers you're using, but I know that nvidia is working on making wayland work correctly.
So if not running arch versions of drivers you might consider that.

Much as I hate to say it, you'll just have to play with various settings, as well as checking places like nvidia forum (linux subforum) for potential solutions.

I've been playing with linux/unix for a long time, and I remember when X was similar to the way wayland is now, lots of tinkering to get it to work right.
Persevere and things should get better.
UM780, 6.12 zen kernel, gcc 13, openrc, wayland
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Joined: 29 Sep 2021
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 2:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not sure which nvidia drivers you're using,

This morning I switched from stable (535.113.01) to the newest (545.29.02) because I heard they solve most of the issues with Wayland (which I don't see)
I've been playing with linux/unix for a long time, and I remember when X was similar to the way wayland is now, lots of tinkering to get it to work right.

I have used Linux since 98. I remember these times. It was worse because we were almost forced to use it in a short period of time.

Persevere and things should get better.

Well, I agree, but it is difficult if you need a PC for work. I still have a few days.
A moment ago I managed to solve Vscodium issue.
There are many, many small and bigger issues with Wayland.
But this is the direction, there is no way back to X.

Maybe this can help someone:
nvim .config/VSCodium/User/settings.json 
"window.titleBarStyle": "custom"   

run vscodium:
codium --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform,WaylandWindowDecorations --ozone-platform=wayland

I was able to run vscodium ONLY LIKE THIS.
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