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[solved] startx and wayland dbus-launch ok, but sddm crashes
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Joined: 19 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:37 pm    Post subject: [solved] startx and wayland dbus-launch ok, but sddm crashes Reply with quote

I've seen several posts that start with similar symptoms -- I get good Plasma sessions started with either x11 via cmdline startx or wayland via cmdline dbus-launch as outlined below and in wgetpaste info linked at the bottom of this OP,
but sddm crashes when I try to boot into that display manager in the default runlevel -- (error summary: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1", more below) --
Here are a couple of the threads I reviewed, but those fixes did not apply to my situation. Advice?

I recently got a nucbox based on intel's N97 cpu, and I've been working to set it up as stable plasma desktop
Operating System: Gentoo Linux 2.15
KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.11
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.116.0
Qt Version: 5.15.14
Kernel Version: 6.6.38-gentoo-x86_64-joetoo (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11 ##[when started with "$ startx" and ~/.xinitrc contains "exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session startplasma-x11"
Graphics Platform: Wayland ##[when started with "$ dbus-launch --exit-with-session startplasma-wayland"
Processors: 4 × Intel® N97
Memory: 11.4 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: Mesa Intel® Graphics

 # eselect profile list | grep '*'
  [27]  default/linux/amd64/23.0/desktop/plasma (stable) *

# grep -i keywords /etc/portage/make.conf

And I have stable kde-plasma/plasma-meta installed, but I've been struggling to get it running right when launched by the sddm display-manager
# eix plasma-meta
[I] kde-plasma/plasma-meta
     Available versions:
     (5)    5.27.11-r1{gpkg:2}
     (6)    ~6.1.4
     Installed versions:  5.27.11-r1(5){gpkg:2}(12:30:29 PM 08/12/2024)(bluetooth browser-integration colord crash-handler crypt cups desktop-portal discover display-manager elogind grub gtk handbook kwallet legacy-systray pulseaudio sddm smart wallpapers -accessibility -firewall -flatpak -networkmanager -plymouth -sdk -systemd -thunderbolt)

After validating Gentoo wiki articles including
I think I have my kernel set up as advised, but every time I log in, sddm's greeter takes about 40 sec to get the session started, and that lasts about one minute before it crashes...
 $ grep EE /var/log/sddm.log
[16:42:34.300] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("root"): Operation not permitted

I decided to go way back to basics and validate as much as possible, like I used to do years ago, with --

I got twm and xterm installed and got a good graphical session running. So I moved on to try
-- plasma(x11) session works with startx ~/.xinitrc contains
exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session startplasma-x11
and this works

-- plasma(wayland) started from the cmdline with
dbus-launch --exit-with-session startplasma-wayland
and this also works

So, I have tried adding display-manager back into my default runlevel -- but it still keeps crashing with the error above. I've tried choosing Plasma(x11) and Plasma(wayland) sessions when entering user's password on sddm greeter -- but both crash. I have not tried other display-manager options. I have sddm working on two other ~amd64 desktops running Plasma 6.

Here is /etc/conf.d/display-manager

# cat /etc/conf.d/display-manager
# We always try and start the DM on a static VT. The various DMs normally
# default to using VT7. If you wish to use the display-manager init
# script, then you should ensure that the VT checked is the same VT your
# DM wants to use.
# We do this check to ensure that you haven't accidentally configured
# something to run on the VT in your /etc/inittab file so that
# you don't get a dead keyboard.

# What display manager do you use ?
#     [ xdm | greetd | gdm | sddm | gpe | lightdm | entrance ]
# NOTE: If this is set in /etc/rc.conf, that setting will override this one.


I've tried both plasma(x11) and plasma(wayland) choices from the sddm greeter -- but both crash.

elogind is in the default runlevel and I added rc_need="elogind" to /etc/conf.d/display-manager ...
I also re-emerged xorg-server with suid and tried the plasma(x11) session again ... no joy.

Here is /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-modesetting.conf

Here is /var/log/sddm.log

Here is the output of $ emerge --info

Last edited by brendlefly62 on Tue Jan 28, 2025 11:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 23 Mar 2019
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Two options:
Either make sure elogind is enabled @boot and running or rebuild xorg-server with USE="suid"
Its all about rootless X.
Also please remove


from display-manager file in /etc/conf.d
Not really necessary.
I am not sure about wayland but I guess you need elogind.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 11:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks, alamahant.

Since you said "either/or," I assume you mean "not both" - I guess I'd prefer "rootless X" so, since I already had xorg-server built with suid, I have now recompiled xorg-server with USE= -suid, and as you advised, I removed the rc_need line from /etc/conf.d/display-manager.

I interpret "elogind enabled @boot" to be satisfied where I have it in the default runlevel. (In this post, NeddySeagoon had said the boot runlevel is too early).

However, with these changes, the display-manager still crashes. :(

More specifically --
* I see the normal boot proceeding in console output
* then I get the sddm greeter full-screen graphical dialog with a box for my user's password (and I have "Plasma(x11)" selected in the lower left corner) -- I enter the user's password in the box
* then the sddm greeter disappears and I can see a regular text login prompt on the tty console (this stays this way for about 45 sec) and then I get the breeze splash screen with KDE logo and spinning gear
* then the full-screen graphical desktop pops in and I can use it for about 60 seconds, and then it crashes, leaving a black screen with single under-score cursor in the upper left

The full sddm.log is in the wgetpaste link below, the error message is (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("root"): Operation not permitted

I notice that if, during the 45sec pause at tty screen login prompt, I log in as user, the crash error one minute after graphics come up looks like this -- (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("<myusername>"): Operation not permitted
mynucbox /var/log # grep -i '(ee)' sddm.log
[07:32:56.016] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("root"): Operation not permitted
[07:32:56.043] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("root"): Operation not permitted
[07:32:56.111] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("root"): Operation not permitted
[07:32:56.189] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("root"): Operation not permitted
[07:32:56.271] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("root"): Operation not permitted
[07:32:56.354] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("root"): Operation not permitted
[07:40:01.396] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("joe"): Operation not permitted
[07:40:01.418] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("joe"): Operation not permitted
[07:40:01.483] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("joe"): Operation not permitted
[07:40:01.554] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("joe"): Operation not permitted
[07:40:01.616] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("joe"): Operation not permitted
[07:40:01.684] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("joe"): Operation not permitted

Here is the full sddm.log --

Here is rc-status --

 # rc-status --all
Runlevel: sysinit
 devfs                                                             [  started  ]
 sysfs                                                             [  started  ]
 cgroups                                                           [  started  ]
 kmod-static-nodes                                                 [  started  ]
 systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev                                        [  started  ]
 dmesg                                                             [  started  ]
 udev                                                              [  started  ]
 udev-trigger                                                      [  started  ]
Runlevel: default
 dbus                                                              [  started  ]
 net.wlan0                                                         [  started  ]
 sysklogd                                                          [  started  ]
 dhcpcd                                                            [  started  ]
 mysql                                                             [  started  ]
 net.eth0                                                          [  started  ]
 netmount                                                          [  started  ]
 php-fpm                                                           [  started  ]
 chronyd                                                           [  started  ]
 distccd                                                           [  started  ]
 sshd                                                              [  started  ]
 apache2                                                           [  started  ]
 cronie                                                            [  started  ]
 gpm                                                               [  started  ]
 elogind                                                           [  started  ]
 display-manager                                                   [  crashed  ]   <====
 rsyncd                                                            [  started  ]
 local                                                             [  started  ]
Runlevel: shutdown
 savecache                                                         [  stopped  ]
 killprocs                                                         [  stopped  ]
 mount-ro                                                          [  stopped  ]
Runlevel: boot
 termencoding                                                      [  started  ]
 keymaps                                                           [  started  ]
 hwclock                                                           [  started  ]
 modules                                                           [  started  ]
 fsck                                                              [  started  ]
 root                                                              [  started  ]
 mtab                                                              [  started  ]
 swap                                                              [  started  ]
 localmount                                                        [  started  ]
 systemd-tmpfiles-setup                                            [  started  ]
 sysctl                                                            [  started  ]
 bootmisc                                                          [  started  ]
 save-keymaps                                                      [  started  ]
 procfs                                                            [  started  ]
 binfmt                                                            [  started  ]
 loopback                                                          [  started  ]
 save-termencoding                                                 [  started  ]
 seedrng                                                           [  started  ]
 hostname                                                          [  started  ]
Runlevel: nonetwork
 local                                                             [  started  ]
Dynamic Runlevel: hotplugged
Dynamic Runlevel: needed/wanted
 display-manager-setup                                             [  started  ]
Dynamic Runlevel: manual
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2024 1:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Check if downgrading to

emerge -1av =x11-misc/sddm-0.18.1-r8

SDDM keeps trying to use /dev/tty1 whereas it should have picked another available one.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 2:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks, alamahant. I will try that when I return from travel next week.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2025 12:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have a similar problem. Same error.

Also the plasma desktop starts manually with
dbus-run-session startplasma-wayland

I wanted to try sddm-0.18 but is no longer in portage (I only see 0.21). Before doing archaeological work to find the old ebuild, did that work?
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2025 11:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi, majoron. At the time, I was away, and by the time I returned to the project, I also could no longer find sddm-0.18 available. So I did not get to try that.

On the system I described in August, I built sddm-0.21 with USE=" X elogind" and I built xorg-server-21.1.15 with USE="elogind ... -suid" and I have elogind-255.5-r1 in the boot runlevel (contrary to advice from NeddySeagoon, but as advised by alamahant) -- and this works.

However on a system I built more recently, I also compiled sddm-0.21 with USE=" X elogind" and xorg-server-21.1.15 with USE="elogind ... -suid" but while elogind-255.5-r1 is installed, I do not have elogind assigned to any runlevel - and this also works. I am not certain whether to credit the upgrade of xorg-server or sddm.

Thanks for bringing me back to this. I'll go back and mark the thread [solved]
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 1:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thank you for the feedback.

I have the same packages with the same versions and use flags, but in my case it does not work.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 3:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry to hear that, majoron.

Have you gone through these? (Probably most useful for me was the xor server tutorial and xorg guide - last listed. I found most of the extra steps in the sddm article to be unnecessary - but there may have been an important thing or two among the extras).

I did also have to go back and fix some things in the kernel for my intel cpu/gpu (one board is N100, the latter was core i9 12th gen). Gentoo intel articles helped with that. (There are also links to them in Gentoo xorg/sddm articles - third listed below)
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 3:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for the pointers.
I think I went thru all that. But of course I could have missed some thing.

My system is a Lenovo X1 carbon gen 12. It has an Intel Core Ultra 7 165U and Iris Arc Graphics.
In the first place I missed a proper kernel config for the Xe driver. It is now solved but I need kernel 6.10.12 (I couldn't find any other valid version in the repo).

I also tried with Lightdm and it fails similarly to sddm what makes me puzzled. Maybe is elogind?

I'll review the wiki articles again anyway.
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