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Gentoo install on FLASH memory
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Joined: 10 Apr 2014
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:22 pm    Post subject: Gentoo install on FLASH memory Reply with quote

Hallo again, another question:
I have decided to spend some money for my "toys" (my powerbook 17" and iBook 12") I bought two expensive 128Gb FLASH cards and installed them to replace the old hard disks.
I would like to install Gentoo ppc in both computers but I am wondering if there is any file system that is better suitable for FLASH CARDS instead of the ordinary ext3-4, reiser etc.

I red that an operative system installed on a Flash cards has different exigences compared to the normal hard disks.
This is meant to exploit the typical characteristics of the flash cards that have different performances.

Any suggestion ?
Thank you
New in Gentoo but enthusiast !
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just have a regular SSD as my machines use SATA. I really don't do much of anything different for the SSDs. Same with some machines that I run with a CF card occasionally.

I don't know if CF cards typically support trim or not. If they do, ext4 has benefits there.

Else basically if you have a crappy card you will get crappy results. I don't really treat my SSD/CF cards any different than a mechanical HDD.

I've found that many CF cards' burst data rates tend to be not much better than the fastest mechanical HDDs out there today (but for PATA disks it may be a different story), but CF cards still completely outstrip the HDD in seek time, YMMV in overall performance.
Intel Core i7 2700K/Radeon R7 250/24GB DDR3/256GB SSD
What am I supposed watching?
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Joined: 09 Nov 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I use Samsung's Flash Friendly File System (F2FS) on RaspBerry PI. You must configure kernel to support f2fs.
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Joined: 10 Apr 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you very much for the answers.
I actually went to read the benchmarks between the different CF cards and some of them have TOTALLY different performances comparing to HD but each one of them has a different "profile" where it is better in 'I/O' or in reading/writing seek overall throughput.
I think (but I am not 100% sure) that the most important value is the random i/o writing for workstations like our laptops.,39.html

Workstation Benchmark Pattern
IOMeter 2003.05.10
(Total I/O operations per second)

The higher is this value the better should be our card unfortunately if I remember right (I red the benchmark three years ago) the most performing card was just 8Gb that is too small for my exigences. I bought now a LEXAR 800X 128Gb.

You are telling me that I have to include the file system inside the kernel when I compile right ?
Thank you and let me know your experiences.
New in Gentoo but enthusiast !
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