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Formatting improvements with a few new tags
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 16 Aug 2010
Posts: 127

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:59 pm    Post subject: Formatting improvements with a few new tags Reply with quote

Hi mods, admins.

The FreeBSD forums have a very strict set of post formatting rules. It is so strict that admins are editing users' posts, fixing the formatting and warning them about that. The result? Clean, easy to read posts!

Now, while I'm not suggesting such stringent rules be forced here, and I think the volume of posting on Gentoo forums is much greater than FreeBSDs and that would impose an unnecessary strain on mods, it is something to think about. But I am proposing an addition of some new formatting tags that would make reading easier:

  • a [package]www-servers/nginx[/package] or similar tag that links the FQDN package name to, in this case to www-servers/nginx.
  • a [cmd]source /etc/profile[/cmd] or similar tag that highlights commands inline (unlike the code tag that is block level)?
  • a [file]/etc/conf.d/net[/file] or similar tag that highlights inline paths
  • a [man=8]useradd[/man] or similar tag that would link to manual entry? Now, this is easy for FreeBSD as they have the official man subsystem that's part of the base. I don't know if Gentoo has some kind of online man system, but there's So for instance the example here could link to useradd(8).

Being a (Python) webapp dev, I could help if needed.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I highly dislike that, while i'm french i think i have post like 5 messages in french forum because of their bitch attitude toward post formatting.

It's simple, if i have something to say, i don't want/need to think about how i should say it, else i will just shutup it's faster and easier than trying to adapt myself to some rules that might be stupid.
I'm not against that only if mods took the work themselves to format as you may think is something good ; but i bet they have a life too...
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 16 Aug 2010
Posts: 127

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, my suggestion was not to install a grammar/formatting nazi that would go about editing users posts, I was just mentioning FreeBSD forums to give the idea credit where credit is due. I'm merely suggesting additional choice for those who might find such tools useful. You are of course free to ignore the buttons if added. :wink:
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Ant P.

Joined: 18 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Inline-formatted code tags would be a huge improvement.

Ideally we'd have all the same formatting options available here as the wiki/official docs get to use, so that it'd be no effort to move useful forum posts to those.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Look at the very bottom of your forums window. At the right hand side, you will see Powered by phpBB 2.0.23-gentoo-p11
Its unlikely that there will be changes until we get to phpBB-3


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 6:04 pm    Post subject: Re: Formatting improvements with a few new tags Reply with quote

GrueXYZ wrote:
  • a [package]www-servers/nginx[/package] or similar tag that links the FQDN package name to, in this case to www-servers/nginx.
  • a [man=8]useradd[/man] or similar tag that would link to manual entry So for instance the example here could link to useradd(8).

Agreed; useful. I'd like the cmd one as well (inline code block) same as Ant. Although it can be got round with color="green" it still needs to be in tty format ("tty" was the other name being discussed for it.)

Similarly file is easy enough simply to colour blue, and there's less need for it to be anything else (the formatting isn't a concern.)
Though I agree having one tag for it would enable it to be styled correctly.
NeddySeagoon wrote:
..Powered by phpBB 2.0.23-gentoo-p11
Its unlikely that there will be changes until we get to phpBB-3

Not being rude, but I've heard that pretty much since I joined these forums. The same meme crops up elsewhere, but afaict it's utter nonsense, since no-one is working on that migration, and users who are capable of working on it aren't really what's needed (something to do with it being "heavily-modded" which makes zero sense to me. Code is code.)

Unless you're saying the forums team is working on that migration currently?

To my knowledge desultory is a capable PHP coder, so I'd hope we could at least have some of the above in a reasonable timeframe. It's frustrating when we're told "nothing til 3.x" for several years, at the same time as we're prevented from helping out in any way (we can't even see the modded codebase.)

It's hardly rocket-science, OM.
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