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Laptop built-in keyboard and mousepad work intermittently
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Joined: 13 Dec 2011
Posts: 318

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 4:58 pm    Post subject: Laptop built-in keyboard and mousepad work intermittently Reply with quote

I have a Toshiba Satellite C55D-A-12N which came with Windows 8.1 pre-installed (I don't use Windows so not sure if the problem would happen there also).
I have installed Linux Mint Debian Edition, Arch Linux, and Gentoo.
The problem I am having is that intermittently the built-in keyboard and mouse pad stop working. The problem has occurred in Gentoo and Arch so is not unique to the kernel config (or init system), I think it happens in Mint as well but I infrequently boot into Mint so can't remember if it has happened in that as well.

I have a password set for startup, the built-in keyboard always works for this. The system boots to a command prompt but sometimes the built in keyboard and mouse do not work, so I can't login. If I plug in a USB keyboard and mouse they work and I can use the laptop. I can shutdown and restart the laptop and sometimes the built-in keyboard and mouse work and sometimes they do not.
The built-in keyboard and mouse work fine for a random number of startups between 1 and 10 (tried cold boot and shutdown with the keyboard working 5 times in a row), and then don't work for a random number of startup between 1 and 5 (tried cold boot and shutdown with the keyboard not working 3 times in a row).

I have tried making atkbd a module and loading it which does not seem to make any difference. However if I plug in a usb keyboard and do
modprobe -v -r atkbd
modprobe -v atkbd

the built in keyboard and mouse start working again.

I have dmesg output for atkbd unload, load and plug-in of the usb keyboard with the built-in keyboard working as and when the built-in keyboard does not work at

If anyone knows how to cure this issue, I'd appreciate a link to a solution ... if I figure it out I'll add it to this thread.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2013
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Location: Brisbane, Australia

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Try Windows or one of the LiveDVD's to determine if you have a hardware problem.
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