nellson n00b

Joined: 24 Jun 2004 Posts: 66
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:44 pm Post subject: LogSurfer+, help with mailx portion? |
Just a quick question on how Logsurfer deals with Mailx to send alerts. I have looks at several example .conf pages, and what my intent is to just have the host name in the subject line, but with the entire message in teh body of an e-mail. This config file (this is everything) does send teh e-mail, but the body is blank, and a tshark capture of the SMTP conversation shows [Malformed Packet] at the end of the block that sends the message.
What might I be doing wrong here?
Code: |
'^.{15} ([^ ]+) .* %STACKMGR-4-STACK_LINK_CHANGE:' - - - 0
open " $2 .* %STACKMGR-4-STACK_LINK_CHANGE" - - 600 300
report "/usr/bin/mailx -s \"Alert: $2 has issues.\" nellson@mydomain.dom" " $0 "
Code: |
5781 5769 427.356207 -> IMF 69 from: "Logsurfer Alert" <logsurfer@bertha.mydomain.dom>, subject: Alert: chg-lan-sw-01 has issues.\r\n, [Malformed Packet]