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Joined: 07 Jun 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 12:44 am    Post subject: miroR's Compositional Stylings Reply with quote

Split this off from the reporting thread as a permanent record. There's more to say, definitely, but mostly in private. — JRG

User: miroR
Topic: Uninstalling dbus and *kits (to Unfacilitate Remote Seats)
Post: post 7661780
Reason: *nonsense* ... and as its mostly directed me (and simply due to my having on all occations alluded to pointed out that his posting style is at best confused, distracting, and contrary to his stated claim ... reaching "newb" users), I'm inclined to think this needs moved to the dustbin as I can't be bothered defending myself against such NONSENSE!
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

User: miroR
Topic: Postfix smtp-tls-wrapper, Bkp/Cloning Mthd, A Zerk Provider
Post: post 7682770
Reason: what else to call this? Use your forum account (nay, one of your current threads) as a proxy so as to engage your ISP in a monolog about their having sent you an email about spam abuse. Mix in a little "cloning/backup method, postfix-tls-configuration, and censorship" ... add a sprinkling of your thoughts on "formatting" ... and await "possible reactions"?
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Joined: 02 May 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

khayyam wrote:
User: miroR
Topic: Postfix smtp-tls-wrapper, Bkp/Cloning Mthd, A Zerk Provider
Post: post 7682770
Reason: what else to call this? Use your forum account (nay, one of your current threads) as a proxy so as to engage your ISP in a monolog about their having sent you an email about spam abuse. Mix in a little "cloning/backup method, postfix-tls-configuration, and censorship" ... add a sprinkling of your thoughts on "formatting" ... and await "possible reactions"?

I'll not make friends with mods i know: but also, can one take the huge task of filtering out his IPs (i mean the 178. and 86. ones), i'm a bit surprise his paranoid attitude with anyone/anything didn't ring a bell when he write them. (the 86. range should be his ISP, the 178. one is some hosting service he use).
It's not i really fear someone hacking his hosts, it's i fear someone could ping one: it would mean another 1000 pages showing someone has ping him!!! and another story about how the vice president is a rat that must have ask someone to ping him (as everyone know vice-president is sold to nsa that wish his head).

ps (while you are it, because i don't have the force myself to try explain him that): from what i get about his story, the 178. mail server use service that have black/whitelist, his ISP list himself in it to force all his users to use one server for sending mail provided by him ; so the 178. mail server getting mail from 86. range will mark them as spam, no matter their content ; and he wonder why they send him a mail stating he is sending spam.
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Ant P.

Joined: 18 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 5:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

krinn wrote:
ps (while you are it, because i don't have the force myself to try explain him that): from what i get about his story, the 178. mail server use service that have black/whitelist, his ISP list himself in it to force all his users to use one server for sending mail provided by him ; so the 178. mail server getting mail from 86. range will mark them as spam, no matter their content ; and he wonder why they send him a mail stating he is sending spam.

Given the consistent lack of sense and obnoxious volume of verbiage in all of his posts, I begin to wonder if maybe he is a spammer, and that reason is why he wants to be so hard to detect and hard to shut up.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I read what khayyam, krinn and Ant P. wrote.

Pls., Moderators and higher, if you decide, I can, just as I said in the post itself, try and remove it as soon as I manage to post it elsewhere.

I don't feel that I need to do it, before, as I wrote in that post:
myself wrote:

senior members decide

Senior members being at least one Moderator or higher than Moderator rank member, at least one pro or con, if I understand correctly (if I don't, do tell me).

Pls. do notice that I am censored, and without a reason.

I kindly ask senior members, to leave my post, as it is also about Gentoo and the methods that people are pretty interested in, and which I have learned here on Gentoo Forums, as shown by the visits to:

Air-Gapped Gentoo Install, Tentative

Uninstalling dbus and *kits (to Unfacilitate Remote Seats)

I really don't think the explanation of that real censorship case, should detract from the Forums in any way.

But I will comply.

Pls., if you do decide that I need to remove the post, allow a number of hours for me to comply (as I wish to post a link to that text after I, as I said, hopefully manage to post it elsewhere). I'm not very versed in all things web and internet, so I will need time.

Also due to pranks thrown at me, by my pretty hostile regime, due to which I have to perform network packet capturing and analysis of those (and the analysis still takes me a multiple, even a few dozen and more multiple amout of time than the time I am online), I really can not do anything within a short notice. (And also the reactions have come up a few hours ago, if I get the time difference right btwn Gentoo U.S.A [EST or other] time and the time here in Europe;

EDIT START Thu 15 Jan 21:32:04 CET 2015, 4 hours after posting here in Gentoo Forums Feedback: I did get the times wrong, but because, differently than was previously the case, Gntoo now seem to show timestamps not in PST or EST or whichever that US timezone name --which was previously the way Gentoo Forums showed times--, but in the user's own local time. So my post was reported yesterday, more than a day ago, actually.

The post that has been reported is important to me... I'll check back before going to sleep tonight, if Senior Gentoo Members have decided pro or con.



Thank you for your understanding!

EDIT Sat 31 Jan 20:49:52 CET 2015:
This thread is in a way taken out of context.

Namely it is now not se evident what it was. It was two failed reports by khayyam, put into one. Originally part of the thread was in the report by khayyam on this one post of mine:

Of course, what I said in that context at that time, in the one report that I said it in, now applies, after thes changes and in this new context, differently.

And, while I'll try and see what these contributors below are trying to assert, I currently don't have time to do so. I apologize. Thank you!

Last edited by miroR on Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 07 Jun 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

miroR wrote:
I read what khayyam, krinn and Ant P. wrote.

miro ... you read, perhaps, but didn't understand.

miroR wrote:
Pls., Moderators and higher, if you decide, I can, just as I said in the post itself, try and remove it as soon as I manage to post it elsewhere.

This sounds as though the forums operate as your personal blog.

miroR wrote:
I don't feel that I need to do it, before, as I wrote in that post: senior members decide. Senior members being at least one Moderator or higher than Moderator rank member, at least one pro or con, if I understand correctly (if I don't, do tell me).

That's not how it works, both users and moderators work to posting guidelines. This isn't the place for you to have a monologue with your ISP. It has nothing to do with gentoo, censorship, or any of the babble provided by you in that post. Get a blog and you can post nonsense like the reported thread all day long, just stop using gentoo forums as a platform for your lack of understanding.

miroR wrote:
Pls. do notice that I am censored, and without a reason.

No, you are *not* censored, you just don't understand what is going on. Its you who are without reason, because for you not understanding is an opening for you to claim you understand ("censorship", etc). If you spent half the time and energy on trying to understand the problem rather than claiming you do, and writing nonsense on the forum, you might gain more sympathy, and someone might explain it to you. As it stands you just tax peoples patience, because you either don't listen, or bog down any discussion with trivia, speculation, and verbiage.

miroR wrote:
I kindly ask senior members, to leave my post, as it is also about Gentoo and the methods that people are pretty interested in, and which I have learned here on Gentoo Forums, as shown by the visits to: Air-Gapped Gentoo Install, Tentative

Here's a perfect example, you think that "visits" equate to "interest", you do realise that the site is crawled by robots, and that if you put that link in every post you make (as you do) then you increase hits? This is exactly what spammers do, that's how they increase their page rank on search engines ... the more links the more hits. The fact that you seem to think that people are interested in your muddled, overstated, long winded, and often incorrect, posts suggests you don't understand how "views" work. They do not attest to the content at all, in fact, anyone could raise the number of "views" on any post on the forum simply by linking to it from other posts. That's your trick, though your unaware that your doing it, I seriously doubt that anyone pays any attention to your posts at all ... having taken the time to try and correct your misconceptions, and failed, I simply don't bother reading ... unless in the case above where it was obvious within a few paragraphs you were using the forum as your own personal blog.

miroR wrote:
I really don't think the explanation of that real censorship case, should detract from the Forums in any way.

Yeah, "real censorship", your sure of that right? I mean blog away, just do it somewhere else because it *does* distract from the forum, that's why we have "posting guidelines".

miroR wrote:
Pls., if you do decide that I need to remove the post, allow a number of hours for me to comply (as I wish to post a link to that text after I, as I said, hopefully manage to post it elsewhere). I'm not very versed in all things web and internet, so I will need time.

Again, suggesting the forum is your personal blog ... if you need to have somewhere on the internet to "link to" then get a blog.

miroR wrote:
Also due to pranks thrown at me, by my pretty hostile regime, due to which I have to perform network packet capturing and analysis of those (and the analysis still takes me a multiple, even a few dozen and more multiple amout of time than the time I am online), I really can not do anything within a short notice. (And also the reactions have come up a few hours ago, if I get the time difference right btwn Gentoo U.S.A [EST or other] time and the time here in Europe;

Halarious ... honestly, gentoo forums is hosting this nonsense while you find somewhere else for it ... at "short notice"?

miroR wrote:
The post that has been reported is important to me... I'll check back before going to sleep tonight, if Senior Gentoo Members have decided pro or con.

Again suggesting you are using gentoo forums as your personal blog, being "important to you" doesn't qualify it being relevant to the forums ... which it isn't.

I personally object to the fact that you use "gentoo" in your "letter" and so create the impression that this validates your understanding of the "problem", it doesn't have anything to do with us ... its entirely your own problem (ie, lack of understanding of your "censorship case").

best ... khay
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Ant P.

Joined: 18 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

khayyam wrote:
miroR wrote:
Also due to pranks thrown at me, by my pretty hostile regime, due to which I have to perform network packet capturing and analysis of those (and the analysis still takes me a multiple, even a few dozen and more multiple amout of time than the time I am online), I really can not do anything within a short notice. (And also the reactions have come up a few hours ago, if I get the time difference right btwn Gentoo U.S.A [EST or other] time and the time here in Europe;

Halarious ... honestly, gentoo forums is hosting this nonsense while you find somewhere else for it ... at "short notice"?

Short notice!? He's been getting told to stop crapflooding for *years*! As far back as the initial thread full of insanity about Konqueror being hacked by the NSA or some utter tripe like that.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ant P. wrote:
He's been getting told to stop crapflooding for *years*! As far back as the initial thread full of insanity about Konqueror being hacked by the NSA or some utter tripe like that.

Ant ... that would make sense though, it was about that time that we started to get NSA like psy-ops from that account ;)

... and to prove it: miroR joined the forum on March 5th 2008, which just happens to be the birthday of Halsey S. Colchester, british spy (MI5), coincidence, I think not.

best ... khay
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