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PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:54 pm    Post subject: tclover, kdbus thread drama Reply with quote

Split from "Report violations, duplicates, misplaced posts, etc."

tclover wrote:
User: Ant P.
Topic: kdbus in the kernel
Post: post 7721400
Reason: Lock this for legal matters.

tclover wrote:
User: Ant P.
Topic: HOWTO: A modern init system in 3 minutes
Post: post 7610342
Reason: Lock at least this comment for the previous report for legal matter. Thanks.

Anon-E-moose wrote:
Rather than lock the kdbus thread, remove the posts by those who are polluting the thread with e-penis waving.

I don't really care about the juvenile behavior but it doesn't really have anything to do with the thread.

steveL wrote:
Anon-E-moose wrote:
I don't really care about the juvenile behavior but it doesn't really have anything to do with the thread.

Concur, 100%.

Ant P. wrote:
steveL wrote:
Anon-E-moose wrote:
I don't really care about the juvenile behavior but it doesn't really have anything to do with the thread.

Concur, 100%.

I feel dirty for responding to thread derailment at all and I want to third this.

But could you leave those posts visible for 4-5 days? I'm sticking to my word and giving him a fair amount of time to resolve this peacefully, but it's hard to do that if all those references I spent an hour curating for a GH issue mysteriously start vanishing.

steveL wrote:
Ant P. wrote:
But could you leave those posts visible for 4-5 days? I'm sticking to my word and giving him a fair amount of time to resolve this peacefully, but it's hard to do that if all those references I spent an hour curating for a GH issue mysteriously start vanishing.

Posts don't ever really get deleted (they just turn up in the dustbin, iirc.) In any event, I think what's needed is for tclover's digressions on his specific svc wrappers, in both of the topics mentioned, to be split out into their own thread about his wrappers.

ATM there's quite specific (and quite off-topic, imo) info in the two threads, and s/he clearly wants to discuss it further, and provide updates.

So let's just move to that without the hassle.

Ant P. wrote:
steveL wrote:
In any event, I think what's needed is for tclover's digressions on his specific svc wrappers, in both of the topics mentioned, to be split out into their own thread about his wrappers.

That'd be the best option, I've wanted to give mine some updates but haven't been able to get a word in edgeways for months.

In the meantime, I'll make myself scarce for a few days - looks like I've got a strongly worded letter to Github to write.

(Addendum: I note that I'm not the first target of this user's ranting and abuse.)

I'll see if I can decipher this later tonight.
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Last edited by pjp on Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ant P.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

  • I got a bit snippy in one thread in response to seeing this one gh repo being aggressively spammed across several sites, from someone who'd already hijacked one of my threads for advertising it (one of those ones being reported above)
  • Later found out he'd been directly leeching some of my code (which I couldn't care less about, really) and passing it off as his own and changing the license (oh hell no you don't); told him to stop doing that and remove all of it from the repo history. Three times, no less.
  • After being outright snubbed I give him a deadline to stop being an asshole, or else I'll go file a DMCA with Github.
  • He retaliates by flooding my thread with nonsensical all-caps gibberish, then comes here trying to get it deleted in a clearly malicious attempt to destroy all the evidence he can.

(The consensus seems to be: people want to split all his posts and the replies off into some other thread, the rest of this stuff will go away on its own. Or so I hope.)
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks, that helps. A bit. I went back to his first post in the thread and have made it through page 5, but I didn't see anything that seemed like it ought to be split out. That is to say the discussion seemed "within the bounds" of the discussion others were having as well. I'll continue reading from page 6 tomorrow :)

Side note: I was really annoyed with the forced requirement for initramfs. I just didn't realize it wasn't actually necessary :evil:
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ant P. wrote:
  • I got a bit snippy in one thread in response to seeing this one gh repo being aggressively spammed across several sites, from someone who'd already hijacked one of my threads for advertising it (one of those ones being reported above)
  • Later found out he'd been directly leeching some of my code (which I couldn't care less about, really) and passing it off as his own and changing the license (oh hell no you don't); told him to stop doing that and remove all of it from the repo history. Three times, no less.
  • After being outright snubbed I give him a deadline to stop being an asshole, or else I'll go file a DMCA with Github.
  • He retaliates by flooding my thread with nonsensical all-caps gibberish, then comes here trying to get it deleted in a clearly malicious attempt to destroy all the evidence he can.

(The consensus seems to be: people want to split all his posts and the replies off into some other thread, the rest of this stuff will go away on its own. Or so I hope.)

You're the one saying gibberish since the... beginning. Who asked removing the posts? I merely asked locking because you were caught lying on many points:

* First, "illegally appropriated your code" when I've just copied the content of a comment posted on a public forums intended to be used by other people without any explicit copyright nor any disclaimer restricting any usage.
* Second, I did not ask when there's no such requirement because of lack of any disclaimer, again, and indeed asked--but you decided to discarded it in your memory hole hoping that nobody knows how to read. [This seems to be an important issue for you.] And then say,--like a bad surprise,--"appropriated my code without even asking." Big deal, when it's actually the case... Where did you respond that "Denied. Period." again? In response of what again? Don't remember?
* Third, "relicensing your code" when I've just asked any terms you liked, if any, and used the same header--as any file in the repos--with questions marks waiting your approval or not.
* Four, "appropriated your code as my own" when your name is mentioned on the *main* and *only* of the repository in the CONTRIBUTORS sub-section with the name of the service--initctl--precisely stating what is your own code.--Which is a tiny file compared to the many tiny files that do not have any specific author line on the header. Appropriated?! And then you blatantly lied, again, in "your" supposedly thread saying that... your name was hidden in a cumbersome place.

Who's saying the gibberish since post ONE? Do you think anybody cannot read--as *you*? I guess anybody could say that you're playing a dirty game with your lies hoping that anybody would gladly accept your "nonsensical" statements without reading the actual facts because a kindergarten kid *could* obviously read the very few lines quickly and make his/her own opinion. Good luck!

NOTE: I have no knowledge of your supposedly repository, so, do not bring your oddball story in when I am only speaking of the code posted on "your" thread--no explicit copyright, license, disclaimer. This is, again, one of your many lies implying I've "stolen" the code in your repository knowing the terms et al. when I'm only speaking of a post without explict copyright, license, disclaimer...

PS: @mods: Still reiterating the lock requests for both threads because of the previous reasons. When dealing with a blatantly lier, keeping the posts locked would certainly help. Thanks.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I didn't see anything deserving of locking in the kdbus thread. I think I got all of its primary distractions. If not, let me know.

I'll look at the other thread next.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

tclover wrote:
User: Ant P.
Topic: HOWTO: A modern init system in 3 minutes
Post: post 7610342
Reason: Lock at least this comment for the previous report for legal matter. Thanks.

I don't see the problem here.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 3:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

pjp wrote:
I didn't see anything deserving of locking in the kdbus thread. I think I got all of its primary distractions. If not, let me know.

Thanks, appreciated.
I'll look at the other thread next.

IMO, the entire second page belongs with the other posts about supervision-scripts.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

steveL wrote:
IMO, the entire second page belongs with the other posts about supervision-scripts.

It's not at all. Supervision-scripts repository started February, 1st, of this year and was only mentioned in a single comment before quoting the problematic comment--a single sentence or two post (posted in the middle of March.) All my post previous to this was all about Runit/Init-Stage-[123],--the only subject of the posts,--which is a very tiny part of supervision-scripts--all the (uncompressed) text files combined are less than 2.5kB while supervision-scripts compressed archive is in the 20kB at least. So, no.

Last edited by tclover on Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

pjp wrote:
I didn't see anything deserving of locking in the kdbus thread. I think I got all of its primary distractions. If not, let me know.

The reasons of the requests is the numerous lies, see my previous post above,--never changing a single lie even after uncovering a few by posting real quotes of the matter at hands available publicly. The repository can be browsed to retrieve all the info I am talking about, while, the second thread shows an unlicensed file without any disclaimer of any sort. After, numerous lies, I am now accused to have stolen source code from his repository while I am only talking about the content of a single comment of the second thread--a lie never stops another.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 3:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

tclover wrote:
the second thread shows an unlicensed file without any disclaimer of any sort.

By our laws (in france) and i think in many other countries:
Any file without any infos in it are copyright by their authors, and you just cannot do anything with them.
Only a license can remove that limitation ; or time, it will not remove the copyright, just the limitation you cannot do anything with them.
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Ant P.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 3:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

tclover wrote:

Who's saying the gibberish since post ONE?

You. I'll be sending that DMCA letter now, as you seem hell-bent on being an utterly contemptible troll.

Although I'm sure that won't get me anything, as you're already trying to cover up your tracks on Github and on the supervision@ mailing list. "It was just a test! Look over here, ignore that repo that I didn't intend anyone to use despite the fact I've posted an announcement literally every two days!"

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

steveL wrote:
IMO, the entire second page belongs with the other posts about supervision-scripts.

tclover wrote:
It's not at all. Supervision-scripts repository started February, 1st, of this year and was only mentioned in a single comment before quoting the problematic comment--a single sentence or two post (posted in the middle of March.) All my post previous to this was all about Runit/Init-Stage-[123],--the only subject of the posts,--which is a very tiny part of supervision-scripts--all the (uncompressed) text files combined are less than 2.5kB while supervision-scripts compressed archive is in the 20kB at least. So, no.

Huh? That makes no sense at all. The entirety of that second page is you discussing your project on someone else's thread.

So yes.

Irrespective of what dates are what, which is entirely besides the point.

And fgs stop trying to pretend you can take people's code and ignore copyright Law, including in the US.

Just grow up, already.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I see this is going to take more time. But I don't have it tonight.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's quite simple: if someone (in this case whose code you want to use, but w/e) gets snippy, don't escalate it into a SHOUTING match. Just back off for a day or two, and allow them to have a bad-hair day.

If you're having a bad-hair day yourself, even more reason to close the window and come back to it at a later date.
That helps you to formulate a response more calmly; and 9 times out of 10 you don't need to, you can just let it slide (and discuss the more interesting technical part instead.)

No-one's a coward, or malicious here; just a bit melodramatic, afaic. It's only script ffs. ;)
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

steveL wrote:
steveL wrote:
IMO, the entire second page belongs with the other posts about supervision-scripts.

tclover wrote:
It's not at all. Supervision-scripts repository started February, 1st, of this year and was only mentioned in a single comment before quoting the problematic comment--a single sentence or two post (posted in the middle of March.) All my post previous to this was all about Runit/Init-Stage-[123],--the only subject of the posts,--which is a very tiny part of supervision-scripts--all the (uncompressed) text files combined are less than 2.5kB while supervision-scripts compressed archive is in the 20kB at least. So, no.

Huh? That makes no sense at all. The entirety of that second page is you discussing your project on someone else's thread.

Indeed confusing. I was just trying to say that the posts are all about init-stage-[123] from a init-system perpestive--which is the main point of the whole thread. Switching from SysVinit init-system will confront anybody to this first point. Second, supervison[-scripts] is mainly focused on the service-manager point. Third, I had no idea of sharing anything else but those init-stage files because I've just bumped to issues related to this first... point. And then I decided later, in February, to share other scripts related to the second point--service-manager--because I've bumped to numerous issues related to it.

Yet, there is no virtual/init-system but only virtual/service-manager in the tree, first. Second, even OpenRC calls itself an init-system,--when it's all about service management... *services* are called init script (service)... and indeed, there are init-system related services everywhere--sysinit/boot/shutdown run levels are full of those. This confusion is everywhere and is more apparent when considering switching to s6 because there is not even an init replacement (nor deamontools[-encore] which are besides the point of an init-system.--Notice taht... daemontools[-encore] are not in virtual/service-manager but... has a specific virtual/daemontools package. Stopping here.)
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 6:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

tclover wrote:
Indeed confusing. I was just trying to say that the posts are all about init-stage-[123] from a init-system perpestive--which is the main point of the whole thread.

IOW, you were wrong.

Can we move on now?

That would entail you realising that you've been OVERREACTING, and apologise, as that's not how we ask someone whether we can use their script or code.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

steveL wrote:
tclover wrote:
Indeed confusing. I was just trying to say that the posts are all about init-stage-[123] from a init-system perpestive--which is the main point of the whole thread.

IOW, you were wrong.

Can we move on now?

That would entail you realising that you've been OVERREACTING, and apologise, as that's not how we ask someone whether we can use their script or code.

What? And what for? No need to, I have nothing to make apologies. The guy overtly ignored me for months--I've sent another private message in the forums to no avail, and then waited patiently when the Emporor would daign to respond. I've said publicly [to him] what I did with his script--so he could have said his "Denied. Period." for months. And then waited for an opening to try to stab me in the back with his high heels and [angry] manners--having "all rights", "all know(s) [everything]" to do his righteous crusade to crush a mere user of a tiny script. I hate that kind of egoistic guy--who [without any fun] publicly threw the ego[manic] hand kerchief to anybody who did not kiss his high heels--to prove his [obvious] superiority which has no factual meaning because of what he is... actually doing. I've just *politely* responded against his attacks without needing any unnecessary low *ad hominem* attacks as he *did*, that's all.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 4:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm saying firstly that you were wrong about the thread; the entirety of the second page is you discussing your project, which you also did in another thread for quite a while until it was cut out. Those posts belong in one thread about your project, not on someone else's thread about theirs.

Please acknowledge that point, and that it is substantively correct.

ATM we seem to get long argumentation from you instead of a simple ack, much like we did about the fragile scripting you wanted to argue for two pages might just work in this situation, so therefore you were right and nothing should change (because you'd worked out that for every input you were currently using, it should not fail, though ofc that took a couple of attempts), and thank you for the "interesting" points/discussion.

It's not on, imo. (I actually find it rude, as well as tedious.) But that's just my opinion, ofc.

As for the rest, you're still personalising from where I'm sitting. If you cannot see that:
I hate that kind of egoistic guy--who [without any fun] publicly threw the ego[manic] hand kerchief to anybody who did not kiss his high heels--to prove his [obvious] superiority which has no factual meaning
is "ad-hominem" as you put it, then you need to take some time out.
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