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midnite Guru

Joined: 09 Apr 2006 Posts: 451 Location: Hong Kong
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:23 am Post subject: 裝了 KDE, 再裝 ibus-cangjie, 仍不能輸入倉頡 |
裝好了 KDE, 再 emerge ibus-cangjie, 因為 ibus-cangjie 需要 libcangjie, emerge 時也自動安裝了。
Emerge 後,跟著輸入 ibus-setup 指令, 彈出了設定視窗,taskbar 也多了個鍵盤符號,按鍵盤符號可以選『倉頡』或『速成』,但選了後,鍵盤符號仍然沒有變成倉頡符號,打字也只是顯示英文,而非倉頡碼或中文字。
請問有沒有大大,在 KDE 上用 ibus 輸入倉頡?
謝謝! _________________ - midnite. |
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midnite Guru

Joined: 09 Apr 2006 Posts: 451 Location: Hong Kong
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:39 am Post subject: |
當初找 Gentoo 的倉頡 package, 找到了這個:
Code: | ibus-cangjie The IBus engine for users of the Cangjie and Quick input methods
libcangjie The library implementing the Cangjie input method |
我 emerge 了 ibus-cangjie, 我認為, libcangjie 也應該自動 emerge 了, 因為:
Code: | sl33k ~ # emerge --search libcangjie
[ Results for search key : libcangjie ]
* app-i18n/libcangjie
Latest version available: 1.3
Latest version installed: 1.3
Size of files: 562 KiB
Description: The library implementing the Cangjie input method
License: LGPL-3+
[ Applications found : 1 ] |
Code: | sl33k ~ # emerge libcangjie
* Last emerge --sync was 34d 21h 20m 8s ago.
* IMPORTANT: 4 config files in '/etc/portage' need updating.
* See the CONFIGURATION FILES section of the emerge
* man page to learn how to update config files.
These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild R ] app-i18n/libcangjie-1.3
Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No] n
Quitting. |
這裡說 libcangjie 是 Re-emerge.
然後, 這是 emerge ibus-cangjie 的訊息:
Code: | * Messages for package app-i18n/ibus-1.5.11:
* To use ibus, you should:
* 1. Get input engines from sunrise overlay.
* Run "emerge -s ibus-" in your favorite terminal
* for a list of packages we already have.
* 2. Setup ibus:
* $ ibus-setup
* 3. Set the following in your user startup scripts
* such as .xinitrc, .xsession or .xprofile:
* export XMODIFIERS="@im=ibus"
* export GTK_IM_MODULE="ibus"
* export QT_IM_MODULE="xim"
* ibus-daemon -d -x
* (Note: Above message is only printed the first time package is
* installed. Please look at /usr/share/doc/ibus-1.5.11/README.gentoo*
* for future reference) |
我不知道甚麼是 sunrise overlay ???
當我執行 ibus-setup, IBus Preferences 視窗彈出:
然後, 當我按 Chinese-Cangjie 的 Preferences, 視窗沒有反應, 但背後有一些 Error 訊息 :
Taskbar 上, 也多了一個 [地球+鍵盤] 符號, 按一下可以選擇 Cangjie 或 Qiuck, 但選擇了之後, [地球+鍵盤] 符號也沒有改變成 [倉頡] 或 [速成], 鍵盤打字也只是英文。
右邊的 jp 是因為我用的是 [英文+日文] 鍵盤 (Shift 的符號位置跟美式鍵盤有一點不同), 按一下 jp 可以轉回 us (常見的美式鍵盤), 但在 us 模式下, 同樣不能輸入倉頡碼, 情況一樣, 所以我猜右邊的 jp 或 us 模式, 是沒有關係。
或你們是怎樣在 Gentoo KDE 上輸入倉頡??
謝謝!! 萬分感激!! _________________ - midnite. |
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