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Maxxx Guru

Joined: 12 Jan 2016 Posts: 595 Location: Italia
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:31 pm Post subject: Could not find the root block device in UUID= |
Salve, sono nuovo e mi presento... sono Max e mi appassiona il mondo del linux.
Sottoporrei gentilmente un quesito alla vostra attenzione.
Ho installato Gentoo su un hard-disk estraibile contenente anche dei salvataggi provenienti da Windows.
L'iter da me seguito è questo:
- ho avviato ubuntu con live usb e partizionato l'hard disco estraibile con Gparted come ext4 (su una partizione ci sono rimasti i salvataggi di Windows e la restante da circa 59 GB l'ho lasciata x Gentoo)
- ho avviato il CD minimal di Gentoo e all'avvio ho partizionato ulteriormente la partizione ext4 con fdisk -l /dev/sdb (in quanto l'estraibile me lo sente come sdb), creando 4 partizioni primarie (sdb1 BIOS-Fat32, sdb2 BOOT-linux, sdb3 Swap-linux e sdb4 ROOT-linux) come suggerito dall'handbook-Gentoo
- ho seguito tutto passo passo per scaricare lo stage3 (e il portage) e x scompattarli (i486, essendo il mio pc un pò datato - è del 2006)
- sono entrato con chroot e ho impostato manualmente il kernel (poi compilato manualmente non utilizzando genkernell)
- ho installato Grub2
All'avvio di Grub mi rileva il Gentoo, e fin qui tutto Ok, ma quando l'avvia dopo poco appare un msg simile a questo (adesso non mi ricordo esattamente, ma è molto simile):
"Could not find the root block device in UUID=....................................
Please specify another value or: press Enter for the same, type "shell" for a shell or "q" to skip... "
e se digito q:
"mount: Can't find /newroot in /etc/fstab"
E' che non sente la partizione di root?
Premetto che ho provato a editare il grub.cfg inserendo, sulle righe relative al root, /dev/sdb4 al posto dei numeri UUID... inoltre, sempre sullo stesso file, ho cambiato da root=(hd1,4) a root=(hd1,3) - infatti hd1,3 non dovrebbe corrispondere a sdb4 (visto che sda è il c: di Windows)? O forse per Gentoo sdb è sempre hd0?
Il file fstab dovrebbe essere configurato bene:
/dev/sdb2 /boot ext2 defaults 0 2
/dev/sdb3 swap sw defaults 0 0
/dev/sdb4 / ext4 noauto 0 1
E' forse un problema di compilazione del Kernel?
In fase di compilazione c'è stato un errore:
"sys-devel/bin86-0.16.21::gentoo failed (compile phase)
emake failed"
Ringrazio tanto chi mi vorrà dare una mano.
Saluti |
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NeddySeagoon Administrator

Joined: 05 Jul 2003 Posts: 55007 Location: 56N 3W
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:42 pm Post subject: |
Welcome to Gentoo
Moved from Kernel & Hardware to Forum italiano (Italian).
Google Translate is not good enough for me to help.
Please post in English in the main forums. _________________ Regards,
Computer users fall into two groups:-
those that do backups
those that have never had a hard drive fail. |
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Maxxx Guru

Joined: 12 Jan 2016 Posts: 595 Location: Italia
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:58 pm Post subject: |
Ok, thank you... wrong forum.
I just posted in italian session.
Tomorrow i post in english forum a translation.
bye |
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Maxxx Guru

Joined: 12 Jan 2016 Posts: 595 Location: Italia
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:31 pm Post subject: |
Hi, I'm new... I,m Max and I are passionate about the world of Linux.
Kindly I have subjected a question to your attention.
I installed Gentoo on a removable hard drive that also contains backups from Windows.
The process I follow is this:
- I started with ubuntu live usb and partitioned the removable hard disk with Gparted as ext4 (in one partition there were backups for Windows and the remaining approximately 59 GB I left for Gentoo)
- I started the minimal CD Gentoo and at startup I partitioned further ext4 partition with fdisk -l / dev / sdb (the removable HD is sdb), creating four primary partitions (sdb1 BIOS-FAT32, sdb2 BOOT-linux, sdb3 swap/linux and sdb4 ROOT-linux) as suggested from Gentoo's handbook
- I followed everything step by step to download the stage3 (and Portage) and unpack (i486, being my PC a little dated - was published in 2006)
- I came with chroot and I manually set the kernel (then compiled manually not using genkernell)
- I installed Grub2
I detect the start of Grub Gentoo, so everything OK, but when the start after just appears a msg like this (I do not remember exactly, but it's very similar):
"Could not find the root block device in UUID = ....................................
Please specify another value or: press Enter for the same, type "shell" for a shell or "q" to skip ... "
and if I type q:
"Mount: Can not find / newroot in / etc / fstab"
It does not detect the root partition?
I state that I tried to edit the grub.cfg inputting, the rows relating to root, / dev / sdb4 instead of numbers UUID ... also, always on the same file, I changed from root = (hd1,4) to root = (hd1,3) - in fact hd1,3 should not match sdb4 (sda is the HD of Windows)? Or maybe Gentoo SDB is always hd0?
The fstab file must be configured properly:
/Dev/sdb2 /boot ext2 defaults 0 2
/Dev/sdb3 swap sw defaults 0 0
/Dev/sdb4 / ext4 noauto 0 1
And 'maybe a problem of compiling the Linux kernel?
At compile time there was an error:
"Sys-devel / bin86-0.16.21 :: gentoo failed (compile phase)
emake failed "
I thank all those who want me to help.
Greetings |
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