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i92guboj Bodhisattva

Joined: 30 Nov 2004 Posts: 10315 Location: Córdoba (Spain)
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:53 pm Post subject: Getting Odoo (10.x) to work in Gentoo |
This will be, at least for now, a rough guide about what it takes to get Odoo (previously known as OpenERP if I am not mistaken) on Gentoo.
It took me a couple hours so here you are, in case you care
FIRST, you need to download it from here, I used zip, you can use zip or git. Whatever suits you.
SECOND, you need to open requirements.txt and waste like 1 hour translating package names to Gentoo speech (easy enough) and picking some of them from overlays, since they are not in Gentoo. After that, you will come to the conclusion that you need to:
Code: |
emerge -va dev-python/decorator dev-python/docutils dev-python/feedparser dev-python/gevent dev-python/greenlet dev-python/j
inja dev-python/lxml dev-python/mako dev-python/markupsafe dev-python/mock dev-python/passlib dev-python/pillow dev-python/p
sutil dev-python/psycogreen dev-python/psycopg media-gfx/pydot dev-python/pyparsing dev-python/pyPdf dev-python/pyserial dev
-python/pychart dev-python/python-dateutil dev-python/python-ldap dev-python/python-openid dev-python/pytz dev-python/pyusb
dev-python/pyyaml dev-python/qrcode dev-python/reportlab dev-python/requests dev-python/six dev-python/suds dev-python/vatnu
mber dev-python/vobject dev-python/werkzeug dev-python/wsgiref dev-python/xlsxwriter dev-python/xlwt psycogreen wsgiref media-gfx/wkhtmltopdf
I warn you that, a couple of these or three, are not in portage, particularly psycogreen and wsgiref. Probably there's some other I am forgetting about... emerge will tell you, just pay attention. When that happens, pick the missing ebuild from some random overlay and put it in your local overlay. You can use this to look for ebuilds:
THIRD, it works only with postgresql, so you emerge that, and while it compiles, you go here and follow instructions:
After that, you need to create a role with your user exact linux user name letter-by-letter (Odoo will attempt to log into postgresql using that, and fail otherwise). You need password-less local login for postgresql. The guide above tells you how to set that up so, please, follow it.
I warn you that you'll also need to grant creation permissions to your user role, because, well, odoo likes to be able to create and destroy dbs itself. It's just too much fun! Google for the details since it's the first time I used postgres and probably I did it the wrong way and don't want to spread bad advise (it works, though). I am a mysql kind of guy...
FOURTH, you then launch odoo-bin and discover that it fails miserably, because you don't have nodejs, so you emerge net-libs/nodejs.
FIFTH, you then launch odoo-bin, it might boot or fail, I don't remember, but you'll soon notice that they didn't tell you in their how-tos that you this behemoth also depends upon ruby gems. So you go emerge rubygems. After that, by trial and errors, you also notice that it needs lessc and json, so you will no doubt do this, as root (or use sudo).
Code: | sudo gem install json
sudo gem install less |
SIXTH, you will discover soon enough that, lessc, needs also therubyracer, so you control+c your odoo server, run "gem install therubyracer", and launch odoo-bin again. Now, it should boot, and by going to localhost:8069 (by default) you should be able to create your db and run into Odoo.
Take fun! |
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Eleazar Anzola Veteran

Joined: 17 Jul 2003 Posts: 1318 Location: Caracas / Venezuela
Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 8:58 pm Post subject: |
The most feasible solution I could find was to use Layman with the "zugaina" repository, which in advance was frozen in version 8 of odoo, so the final viable option was to edit the ebuild and change some options to fit the last version for today is 10, at the time of emerge I came up with an error with virtual dependency / python-imaging that according to law in some forum was replaced by his fork dev-python / pillow and should be done in the ebuild.
I copy the modified ebuild as it has worked for me and remember that the local overlay (in my case / usr / local / portage / app-office / odoo) should be added and once I do not forget to do the ebuild odoo (version) .ebuild (for version 10 odoo-10.0.20161005.ebuild) digest the command would be Code: | ebuild odoo-10.0.20161005.ebuild digest | to generate the necessary files in the local portage tree.
Do not forget to save the ebuild under the name: odoo-10.0.20161005.ebuild
Once you have completed all the necessary steps to get to this point you only have to do the and ready we crossed our fingers and wait for the installation to finish successfully.
Code: | # Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-office/odoo/odoo-7.0.20130219-r5.ebuild,v 1.2 2013/03/11 03:10:59 patrick Exp $
# virtual/python-imaging[jpeg] fue reemplazado por dev-python/pillow
# Odoo versión 10 odoo-10.0.20161005.ebuild
inherit eutils distutils user versionator
BASE_VERSION="$( get_version_component_range 1-2 )"
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
IUSE="+postgres ldap ssl"
CDEPEND="postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql[server] )
ldap? ( dev-python/python-ldap )
ssl? ( dev-python/pyopenssl )
pkg_setup() {
python_set_active_version 2
src_unpack() {
unpack ${A}
mv ${WORKDIR}/${PN}-* $S
src_install() {
newinitd "${FILESDIR}/odoo.initd" "${PN}"
newconfd "${FILESDIR}/odoo.confd" "${PN}"
keepdir /var/log/odoo
insinto /etc/logrotate.d
newins "${FILESDIR}"/odoo.logrotate odoo || die
dodir /etc/odoo
insinto /etc/odoo
newins "${FILESDIR}"/odoo.cfg odoo.cfg || die
dodir /var/lib/odoo
keepdir /var/lib/odoo
pkg_preinst() {
enewgroup ${ODOO_GROUP}
enewuser ${ODOO_USER} -1 -1 -1 ${ODOO_GROUP}
fowners ${ODOO_USER}:${ODOO_GROUP} /var/log/odoo
fowners ${ODOO_USER}:${ODOO_GROUP} /var/lib/odoo
use postgres || sed -i '6,8d' "${D}/etc/init.d/odoo" || die "sed failed"
pkg_postinst() {
elog "In order to create the database user, run:"
elog " emerge --config '=${CATEGORY}/${PF}'"
elog "Be sure the database is started before"
elog "Use odoo web interface in order to create a "
elog "database for your company."
psqlquery() {
psql -q -At -U postgres -d template1 -c "$@"
pkg_config() {
einfo "In the following, the 'postgres' user will be used."
if ! psqlquery "SELECT usename FROM pg_user WHERE usename = '${ODOO_USER}'" | grep -q ${ODOO_USER}; then
ebegin "Creating database user ${ODOO_USER}"
createuser --username=postgres --createdb --no-adduser ${ODOO_USER}
eend $? || die "Failed to create database user"
_________________ Salu2
Eleazar Anzola
Linux User : # 216232
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Leio Developer

Joined: 27 Feb 2003 Posts: 494 Location: Estonia
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:32 pm Post subject: |
I work with Odoo in a virtualenv from a github clone of odoo; the python stuff was installed into virtualenv via pip after removing all the version restrictions in their requirements.txt (and ldap as a whole, as it's optional for one stock module); working with unpinned package versions seems a recipe for disaster (and security I guess ). Though I always run it from command line for development and don't run it as a service.
lessc I got via emerge -va nodejs;npm install lessc inside the clone, which made a node_modules subdirectory, and then I just symlinked to node_modules/less/bin/lessc from virtualenvs bin/.
I don't recall any ruby gem needs whatsoever, so not sure what's that about. I guess that's because you got lessc from some ruby thing instead of the nodejs and npm path I went with.
I wasn't aware people are interested in an ebuild for this.. _________________ GNOME team lead; GStreamer; MIPS/ARM64 |
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i92guboj Bodhisattva

Joined: 30 Nov 2004 Posts: 10315 Location: Córdoba (Spain)
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:37 am Post subject: |
Hi, and thanks for sharing.
Leio wrote: | I wasn't aware people are interested in an ebuild for this.. |
Well, I just wanted to test it, and (speaking for myself) don't truly need an ebuild for anything.
I discarded Odoo because there seem to be no easy way to delete a bill. That alone is a no-go for me. I have been dealing with accounting in a big enterprise, and there are lots of situations when you need to do that.
I found 3 or 4 more no-go's, but I can't remember the details. I remember that under some circumstances, the setup screwed itself badly and I had to crean the DB and start afresh. As said, can't remember the details, but I was able to reproduct consistently, and that scared the hell out of me. I am not making my shop dependent on that thing.
Odoo is grown with a "you pay or you'll regret mentality, even if it's open source". Not truly adequate for a small/medium sized business. |
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Leio Developer

Joined: 27 Feb 2003 Posts: 494 Location: Estonia
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:25 pm Post subject: |
The problem with ebuild would be that you don't want to just get it upgraded without reserving time and testing to upgrade the databases as well for the upgrade. So the ebuild would be maybe one for each major version with as a dated version e.g _p20170215 and then advertised that this is a base version and everyone should symlink to it from an overlay with the date they need or something.
Regarding bills/invoices, they can be deleted when there are no accounting entries behind them. If there are, these need to be deleted first, etc. In proper accounting, you would be rather making credit invoices or so. There are some extra modules to let you more automatically get rid of the dependent accounting entries or at least reverse them, etc. At least in v8 I have one company just reset an invoice to draft, make fixes and confirm it again; for this the relevant accounting journals have cancelling allowed in their configuration.
Odoo module development is what mostly pays my bills right now and it is used by various companies for whom we do extra modules development for custom needs; small and big companies, using and being (mostly) happy for years, including heavy use of the accounting functionality. _________________ GNOME team lead; GStreamer; MIPS/ARM64 |
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i92guboj Bodhisattva

Joined: 30 Nov 2004 Posts: 10315 Location: Córdoba (Spain)
Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:50 pm Post subject: |
Leio wrote: | The problem with ebuild would be that you don't want to just get it upgraded without reserving time and testing to upgrade the databases as well for the upgrade. So the ebuild would be maybe one for each major version with as a dated version e.g _p20170215 and then advertised that this is a base version and everyone should symlink to it from an overlay with the date they need or something. |
I think it's just better to manage this outside your package manager, just like I manage kernels outside the PM as well. It's not worth the effort to use the PM for this just like it's not worth the effort to use a hammer to screw.
There might be someone who will think otherwise, of course. But I wouldn't put a single minute on that.
Quote: | Regarding bills/invoices, they can be deleted when there are no accounting entries behind them. If there are, these need to be deleted first, etc. |
No doubt it should be doable. I didn't manage to do it, though. I have experience with several ERPs so I am familiar with the concepts, even if the implementations vary. There was some problem I can't remember. Maybe I screwed something or did things in the wrong order and that prevented me from getting to the end. But I just can't afford to risk that happening in a real shop, and screwing up my accounting.
Quote: | In proper accounting, you would be rather making credit invoices or so. There are some extra modules to let you more automatically get rid of the dependent accounting entries or at least reverse them, etc. At least in v8 I have one company just reset an invoice to draft, make fixes and confirm it again; for this the relevant accounting journals have cancelling allowed in their configuration. |
In proper accounting, bugs and strange situations should ideally not happen, ever. But you know they do, if you truly used any ERP in production. As for any Odoo module that can do anything complex, they all seem to be payed.
That reminds me that importing stuff was also a nightmare, so, continuing with the above, I am not investing anything in software that I have no idea if/how it will meet my requirements.
Quote: | Odoo module development is what mostly pays my bills right now and it is used by various companies for whom we do extra modules development for custom needs; small and big companies, using and being (mostly) happy for years, including heavy use of the accounting functionality. |
That's quite nice, for a might-medium/big enterprise, I know because I worked for a big company for some years, and I was the first person in that enterprise which recommended and endorsed such a inversion, and it certainly was worth every penny. Investing in support for your ERP can truly mean a big difference if you can afford it. On the opposite, a small shop, at least where I live, can't certainly afford that investment. Maybe in some years... but not when you are starting and you don't know if you'll be able to pay the bills.
My impression is that I would easily break things that wouldn't be able to fix myself (not on a reasonable schedule to keep the business working, anyway). So I wen't with something simpler with an much smaller codebase that I can handle and fix myself if things break.
It's far from perfect, but, such is the way to world domination!  |
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med01 n00b

Joined: 12 Mar 2017 Posts: 11 Location: Tunisia
Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:17 pm Post subject: |
Hi guys,
I have a problem with lessc.
I installed postgres, odoo, and all python dependencies in requirements.txt.
I started odoo the first time and created the database. Then, I got the home page with ugly content with message "Could not execute command 'lessc'" in the top left.
I did : npm install -g less, then restart odoo, but the problem persists.
I can't find any package named lessc.
Please, could anyone help me ? |
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Leio Developer

Joined: 27 Feb 2003 Posts: 494 Location: Estonia
Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:39 pm Post subject: |
npm install -g lessc probably installed the binary in some location that isn't found in $PATH by odoo? _________________ GNOME team lead; GStreamer; MIPS/ARM64 |
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med01 n00b

Joined: 12 Mar 2017 Posts: 11 Location: Tunisia
Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 5:43 pm Post subject: |
Thank you Leio,
I fixed this by following this thread
The problem was with the prefix of node_modules directory. I fixed it then I did :
Code: | npm install -g less |
So, the lessc binary is given by the package less :
Code: | # ls -l /usr/bin/lessc
/usr/bin/lessc -> ../lib/node_modules/less/bin/lessc |
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Leio Developer

Joined: 27 Feb 2003 Posts: 494 Location: Estonia
Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:16 pm Post subject: |
I would try to at least get all this into /usr/local, not /usr. Outside Gentoo stuff has no business with /usr. _________________ GNOME team lead; GStreamer; MIPS/ARM64 |
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