statikregimen Apprentice

Joined: 16 Jul 2011 Posts: 173 Location: USA/Michigan
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 3:19 am Post subject: Installing on Lenovo Yoga 2 11 / Model No. 20332 |
Greetings fellow traveler.
Here I will humbly submit my experience installing Gentoo on the Lenovo Yoga 2 11" laptop/tablet convertible. I will see about adding a page to the Wiki as well, but tbh, I've never contributed to one before, so I'll have to figure that out later. Nevertheless, it seems appropriate to put at least a summary in the forums, so I can try to answer any questions, or try to test things upon request (and as time permits).
I am very new to Gentoo and come from a background in Debian, so I welcome corrections or suggestions. You can learn a little bit more about me and my experience here. There are also a few good tips from others' replies in that thread, which helped greatly in getting this system going.
First of all, the most useful thing to most people is probably going to be a starter kernel config. I have created a git repository that I will use to store all of my configs for various hardware, which can be found here. Please review the file for additional notes and credits, as well as any .txt file(s) in the appropriate directory containing your desired config
Currently this config gets the system booting all the way into Xorg/xdm, but there are a few things that I have not worked on yet, and may or may not any time soon.
I also added the following to /etc/portage/make.conf:
Code: | VIDEO_CARDS="intel i915"
In short, I didn't really have to do anything special. I used systemrescuecd installed to a USB flash drive as per their instructions. I could only boot from the USB 3.0 port intermittently which I suspect to be a physical issue with my machine, but just be aware if it will not boot, try using the USB 2.0 port on the other side (in one extreme case, I had to dd /dev/zero to it before I could image and boot it). I followed the Gentoo AMD64 Handbook's recommended procedures and defaults for most (actually all, I think) of the installation (Open RC, Grub2, Sysklogd, Cronie, wpa_supplicant, etc).
More to come, but this should get you started and save some time, if you've installed Gentoo before.
UPDATE: -- Success!
EDIT: Here is my first edit on this machine from Firefox! Word to the wise: It took well over 3 hours to compile on this machine. Do what you will with that information. While I'm on the topic, Xorg also took a great deal of time, but I did not think to time it. Compiling the kernel is pretty tolerable - I've done it a few times and can't imagine it takes more than 30 minutes. Certainly not more than an hour. |