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Personal Insult? Not So Much
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Joined: 19 Dec 2016
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 10:49 am    Post subject: Personal Insult? Not So Much Reply with quote

User: krinn
Topic: why emerge --depclean un-emerges the current kernel
Post: post 8164280
Reason: personal insult

Really? Where? You got upset about an apparent misunderstanding of your own system, not treating that as an especially grave event does not a personal insult make. -- desultory

Split from the reporting thread. — JRG
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Mr. T.

Joined: 26 Dec 2016
Posts: 477

PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

fe00 wrote:
User: krinn
Topic: why emerge --depclean un-emerges the current kernel
Post: post 8164280
Reason: personal insult

Really? Where? You got upset about an apparent misunderstanding of your own system, not treating that as an especially grave event does not a personal insult make. -- desultory

I haven't read the thread but krinn's post is a bit provocative. It should be noted that communication may be difficult. :|
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Joined: 19 Dec 2016
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

fe00 wrote:
User: krinn
Topic: why emerge --depclean un-emerges the current kernel
Post: post 8164280
Reason: personal insult

Really? Where? You got upset about an apparent misunderstanding of your own system, not treating that as an especially grave event does not a personal insult make. -- desultory

It is disturbing for me that the victim is blamed "that his behaviour provoked the attack itself..."!
The post in question has had nothing factual to do with the subject of the discussion, but is solely aimed at mocking me and putting me under pressure. It's disgusting and worth a real apology. However, this would require a deep understanding of the problem: krinn seems to be so convinced of his professional opinion that any means is right to enforce it. And no matter whether his opinion is correct or not: he should work with arguments, not fight people - that is unacceptable.
I may not be registered in this forum for a long time yet and fit wonderfully into the scheme in which people with many posts harshly want to represent their well-established opinion: from my point of view, such persons do enormous damage to the matter by bashing others and should be disciplined.
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John R. Graham

Joined: 08 Mar 2005
Posts: 10739
Location: Somewhere over Atlanta, Georgia

PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

fe00 wrote:
It is disturbing for me that the victim is blamed "that his behaviour provoked the attack itself..."!
The post in question has had nothing factual to do with the subject of the discussion, but is solely aimed at mocking me and putting me under pressure. It's disgusting and worth a real apology. However, this would require a deep understanding of the problem: krinn seems to be so convinced of his professional opinion that any means is right to enforce it. And no matter whether his opinion is correct or not: he should work with arguments, not fight people - that is unacceptable.
I may not be registered in this forum for a long time yet and fit wonderfully into the scheme in which people with many posts harshly want to represent their well-established opinion: from my point of view, such persons do enormous damage to the matter by bashing others and should be disciplined.
That's not my perception, nor is it really what desultory said. Neither of us really see an attack, nor a victim, nor any especially bad behavior. However, what you said
fe00 wrote:
Congratulations: You win. The system is rotten nevertheless: no more security updates, may-be error corrections in ZFS for the world - but not for me... & my personal favorite of gentoo is gone: seamless rolling-release managed system.
really amounts to, "I'm taking my marbles and going home." What krinn said in response amounts to a somewhat florid version of, "Don't let the door hit you in the backside on your way out." Although unnecessary, it was more or less a response in kind.

That all said, please don't get discouraged. The solution to your problem has already been explained in-thread. It's simple and it's not a work-around for something that's broken in Portage.

- John
I can confirm that I have received between 0 and 499 National Security Letters.
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