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Python 3.6 to become the default target
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Joined: 04 May 2015
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 11:44 am    Post subject: Python 3.6 to become the default target Reply with quote

I was reading the recent eselect news item about the Python 3.6 upgrade on or about June 22 --

In order to prevent dependency conflicts, please clean stray packages and rebuild/upgrade all packages with USE flag changes

It will be interesting to see how this will impact my system, especially if a new kernel comes out right about the same time.

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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 3:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've been on python3_6 for a while now.

Theres only a few packages that is preventing 3.5 from being depcleaned. (terminal-colors, fontforge and a few more)

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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 6:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What does it mean? Good question. I rather mis-posted the following on a related topic here:
but this question seems to be similar to mine.

Regarding the 5/22 news item "Python 3.6 to become the default target"

I found that to be a sufficiently cryptic news item. I have no python targets set, preferring to let portage sort it out. At one time that was a recommendation somewhere and my systems are stable, up-to-date, and everything seems to work just fine.

When I enter "eselect python list" I get:
Available Python interpreters, in order of preference:
  [1]   python3.4
  [2]   python3.6 (fallback)
  [3]   python3.5 (fallback)
  [4]   python2.7 (fallback)

I have since figured out that I might enter "eselect python update" which changes "eslect python list" to:
Available Python interpreters, in order of preference:
  [1]   python3.6
  [2]   python3.4
  [3]   python3.5 (fallback)
  [4]   python2.7 (fallback)

That seems better. Is that sane? SHOULD I do anything else? Will portage continue to sort python versions out for me?
Andy Figueroa
hp pavilion hpe h8-1260t/2AB5; spinning rust x3
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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 6:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What is cryptic to you? You haven't set a python target, so you use whatever is the default. The default will change, Portage will take care of it.
Your system could use some cleanup if you still have 3.4 on there.

bghoons wrote:
It will be interesting to see how this will impact my system, especially if a new kernel comes out right about the same time.
Kernel update does not care what python version is default...
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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 7:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What is cryptic to me? Thank you for asking.

1. The news item doesn't say anything about how to set the default version of python. I made some good guesses. It would be helpful if developers didn't assume such a high degree of knowledge and experience.
2. emerge --depclean does not offer to remove any version of python.

I love Gentoo as much as one can love a distribution and I've used it for a very long time. I keep my systems up-to-date, I read the portage elog entris and news articles, try to stay well informed, and try to help others as much as I can, but in the end, I'm just an ordinary user.

We ordinary users could sometimes use a little more direction when it comes to important changes. So, I posted what I did in response to the news item and asked in closing if i was on a sane path, because I do know that if I don't get python right, bad things are likely to happen.

Thanks again for asking for clarification about why I found the news item to be cryptic.
Andy Figueroa
hp pavilion hpe h8-1260t/2AB5; spinning rust x3
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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 7:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


You may have some world pollution that is preventing old versions of things being removed.

Pastebin /var/lib/portage/world please.

That file should only contain things you have explicitly installed.
Python, gcc, glibc and others are part of the @system set and should not be listed.
Its easy to forget --oneshot when you are fixing things and so odds and ends creep into world.

Don't use ${EDITOR} on your world file until you have a backup.


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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 7:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

figueroa wrote:
1. The news item doesn't say anything about how to set the default version of python. I made some good guesses. It would be helpful if developers didn't assume such a high degree of knowledge and experience.

It clearly tells you where PYTHON_TARGETS is set. And since you do not override it, you do not need to care.

Nowhere is this news item talking about eselect, which is a different thing - it selects the default for your user when you run `python`. If your current eselect python default is removed from the system, then eselect will choose the next best solution.

Last edited by asturm on Sat May 26, 2018 7:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 7:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a follow up. I found the following in my /var/log/portage/world file:

No doubt at one time I had to add 3.4 to world. Upon removing that line, emerge --depclean -p responded with:
>>> Calculating removal order...

    selected: 3.4.8
   protected: none
     omitted: 2.7.14-r1 3.5.5 3.6.5

That seemed like a sane thing to do, so I let it proceed. After than, eselect python list revealed:
Available Python interpreters, in order of preference:
  [1]   python3.6
  [2]   python3.4 (uninstalled)
  [3]   python3.5 (fallback)
  [4]   python2.7 (fallback)

Interesting that it knows that version 3.4 is uninstalled. I hope I did the right thing and won't suffer unintended consequences.
Andy Figueroa
hp pavilion hpe h8-1260t/2AB5; spinning rust x3
i7-2600 @ 3.40GHz; 16 gb; Radeon HD 7570
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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 7:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


dev-lang/python should not be in world either but its probably harmless.

What versions of Python you have installed is controlled by PYTHON_TARGETS, which is set in your profile.
You can override it in make.conf but you probably shouldn't.


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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 8:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

BTW, thank you asturm and NeddySeagoon for replying on this post.

As an experiment I removed dev-lang/python from /var/lib/portage/world and then depclean would have removed python-3.6.5. That didn't seem like a good thing so I restored dev/lang/python to world and then depclean is happy to do nothing.

My world file can be found at:
Andy Figueroa
hp pavilion hpe h8-1260t/2AB5; spinning rust x3
i7-2600 @ 3.40GHz; 16 gb; Radeon HD 7570
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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 8:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Ahh ... libraries like

are by definition installed as dependancies of other packages so shoild not be in your world file.

Why the old kernel?

More libraries

x11-drivers, like

are controlled by VIDEO_CARDS= and INPUT_DEVICE= in make.conf

More libs ...

That's just a quick look with Mk1 eyeball.

There is a script on the wiki that will check your world file and produce a list of entries that can be removed from world without breaking thlngs.
That does not mean that the packages can be removed from your system, just that the entries in the world file are redundant.

Beware things like
as you have nano, virtual/editor is satisfied, so it will put app-editors/vim on the list to be removed from world.
Then your next --depclean will remove vim. You might not want that.


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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 2:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you so much, NeddySeagoon, for your commentary on my world file. That world file has been developing since about 2004, and apparently long overdue a good scrub. I'll let you know how it goes as soon as I can sanely prune it later this weekend.

The reason for the old kernel sys-kernel/gentoo-sources:4.4.111-r1 is a backup to my running kernel 4.4.128, the latest stable 4.4 version. Everything else is just cruft, apparently, except for vim. I've been a vi user for 33 years and I'm pretty stuck on it.
Andy Figueroa
hp pavilion hpe h8-1260t/2AB5; spinning rust x3
i7-2600 @ 3.40GHz; 16 gb; Radeon HD 7570
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 10:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A somewhat off-topic commentary on cryptic info:

I spent several years as a programmer before moving into customer technical support. The new job consisted largely of finding which bit of the documentation the customer had ignored and explaining it to them. When I could take no more, I went back into software development (sounds sexier, and pays better, than programming). And realised it wasn't all the customer's fault.

Programmers, developers and other IT experts tend to have a mathematical/logical mind, and any decent developer soon learns the best program is the most succinct program. I.e the code say exactly what it does, nothing more, nothing less, and in the shortest most direct way. So they produce documentation in the same style. Not a word is wasted; it tells you everything you need to know, no more, no less

But the people reading it are not the people writing it. They need a bit of redundancy. IBM used to produce a standard set of manuals for each bit of software - General Information, explaining why you bought it, Concepts and Facilities, User's Guide (a load of use cases explained), Administrator's Guide (ditto), and Reference. Now you could derive everything you needed to know from the Reference; the other manuals were redundant repetition. But they made it much easier to get your head around why you had to do something. and provided examples to work from.

In Linux-land, we're lucky to get even the reference ...

On this particular news item, I too have used Gentoo for donkey's years, yet was not clear what I needed to do. I suspected the answer was nothing, as I always do:
emerge --update --deep --changed-use @world
emerge @preserved-rebuild
emerge @modules-rebuild
emerge --depclean --ask

and have no python targets set explicitly in /etc/portage files.
But I was, and still am, slightly concerned I might have misunderstood.
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 11:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just saw this thread this morning, and it seemed odd to me, especially considering my post of a few weeks ago.

"Standard updates" have uninstalled python-3.6 from my system. This morning seeing this post, I tried a few things...
$ emerge -ptv python

These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild  NS    ] dev-lang/python-3.6.5:3.6/3.6m::gentoo [2.7.14-r1:2.7::gentoo, 3.5.5:3.5/3.5m::gentoo] USE="gdbm ncurses readline sqlite ssl (threads) tk xml -build -examples -hardened -ipv6 -libressl {-test} -wininst" 0 KiB

Total: 1 package (1 in new slot), Size of downloads: 0 KiB
$ emerge -ptuvDN world

These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[nomerge       ] games-util/steam-meta-0-r20160817::steam-overlay  USE="steamruntime"
[nomerge       ]  games-util/steam-client-meta-0-r20160828::steam-overlay  USE="steamfonts steamruntime -flash -pulseaudio -streaming -trayicon" VIDEO_CARDS="-intel -nvidia"
[ebuild   R    ]   media-fonts/font-mutt-misc-1.0.3-r1::gentoo  USE="X (-nls%*)" 0 KiB
[nomerge       ] mail-client/thunderbird-52.8.0::gentoo  USE="crypt jemalloc minimal startup-notification -bindist -custom-cflags -custom-optimization -dbus -debug -gtk2 -hardened -ldap -lightning -mozdom (-neon) -pulseaudio (-rust) (-selinux) (-system-cairo) -system-harfbuzz -system-icu -system-jpeg -system-libevent -system-libvpx -system-sqlite -wifi" L10N="-ar -ast -be -bg -bn-BD -br -ca -cs -cy -da -de -el -en-GB -es-AR -es-ES -et -eu -fi -fr -fy -ga -gd -gl -he -hr -hsb -hu -hy -id -is -it -ja -ko -lt -nb -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt-BR -pt-PT -rm -ro -ru -si -sk -sl -sq -sr -sv -ta-LK -tr -uk -vi -zh-CN -zh-TW"
[ebuild     U  ]  x11-plugins/enigmail-2.0.5-r1::gentoo [2.0.5::gentoo] 0 KiB
[ebuild   R    ] media-fonts/font-cursor-misc-1.0.3-r1::gentoo  USE="X (-nls%*)" 0 KiB

Total: 3 packages (1 upgrade, 2 reinstalls), Size of downloads: 0 KiB
$ eselect python list
Available Python interpreters, in order of preference:
  [1]   python2.7
  [2]   python3.5
  [3]   python3.4 (uninstalled)
$ eselect news list
News items:
  (none found)

(eselect news hasn't done anything for me, for at least a year.)

So python-3.6 still isn't on my system, but if I were to directly emerge python, that's what would get installed. I've done nothing with PYTHON in /etc/portage, either. Is it just a wait-and-see, and it will all be fixed, or is something wrong? I have multiple systems basically all behaving like this.

[Moderator edit: added [code] tags to preserve output layout. -Hu]
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 11:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The default python target is not yet set to python 3.6 in stable system
/usr/portage/profiles/base/make.defaults:PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_5"

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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 12:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have had py36 set as the default for quite some time now partially because I am a heavy python user at work for analytical purposes and thus keeping my desktop in sync with my work machine is useful.

That said... there are still a number of packages that do not have py36 in their ebuild resulting in py34 still lingering on my system:

media-libs/gexiv2 # can be built upto py35 ONLY but my system only needs py27 support due to gimp

The tedious part is unpicking and rebuilding (botan was being held at a lower py because boost only supported a lower py)

I am more familiar with python so the unpicking and error messages are more familiar. Ruby however is a mess from my perspective.
#define HelloWorld int
#define Int main()
#define Return printf
#define Print return
#include <stdio>
HelloWorld Int {
Return("Hello, world!\n");
Print 0;
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 12:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

From the news article

On 2018-06-22, Python 3.6 will replace Python 3.5 in the default Python
targets for Gentoo systems.

So I would imagine that the "default" won't change until near that time.
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 4:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

depontius wrote:
So python-3.6 still isn't on my system, but if I were to directly emerge python, that's what would get installed. I've done nothing with PYTHON in /etc/portage, either. Is it just a wait-and-see, and it will all be fixed, or is something wrong? I have multiple systems basically all behaving like this.
Long answer: You will get Python 3.6 when you need it or when you ask for it, whichever comes first. You won't need it until packages try to depend on it. That will happen when a package with python3_6 in PYTHON_TARGETS has python3_6 enabled, whether affirmatively by you (via make.conf or package.use) or passively (by Gentoo maintainers updating the profile defaults, and you declining to locally override them to stay on older Python). If you want to get started migrating early, you can set python3_6 locally whenever you want. You might do this because you anticipate having more time now for migration than you will when the migration is default-enabled. In particular, if you have out-of-tree packages with Python components, you might want to migrate them early, so you can test their Python 3.6 compatibility and decide whether you need to pin them on an older version. You might do this because, like Naib, you have a non-maintenance reason for wanting Python 3.6, and you want to get it early for feature parity.

Short answer: your experience is fine. Nothing is wrong.
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 4:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just finished migrating my last box. No breakages whatsoever. Disappointed. Gentoo is supposed to be fun, no?
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 5:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Goverp wrote:
On this particular news item, I too have used Gentoo for donkey's years, yet was not clear what I needed to do. I suspected the answer was nothing

But that is written right there in the news item. It seems to me the problems shown in this thread are caused by not actually reading the news text.
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 7:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

asturm wrote:
Goverp wrote:
On this particular news item, I too have used Gentoo for donkey's years, yet was not clear what I needed to do. I suspected the answer was nothing

But that is written right there in the news item. It seems to me the problems shown in this thread are caused by not actually reading the news text.

Doing nothing may be implied, but after reading and re-reading the news item a dozen times, I don't get it. But I'm starting to get it thanks to you and others participating in this thread.
Andy Figueroa
hp pavilion hpe h8-1260t/2AB5; spinning rust x3
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 7:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

asturm wrote:
Goverp wrote:
On this particular news item, I too have used Gentoo for donkey's years, yet was not clear what I needed to do. I suspected the answer was nothing

But that is written right there in the news item. It seems to me the problems shown in this thread are caused by not actually reading the news text.

I'd love to, but...
$ eselect news list
News items:
(none found)
News hasn't worked for me for at least a year, not sure what to do about it. I just try to keep an eye on the forums here.
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 7:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

But that's a different bug entirely.
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 7:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeddySeagoon, your reply of Sat May 26, 2018 3:48 pm that commented on my bloated world file was greatly helpful. I removed files from world in groups, i.e. dev-libs, media-libs, sys-libs, x11-libs etc, alternating with emerge --depclean -p where 4 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 4 (total eighteen) packages were ultimately removed including many that I'm glad to be rid of.

I feel clean and have just learned so much that I'm truly thankful. That you for not assuming that experienced users just know things.
Andy Figueroa
hp pavilion hpe h8-1260t/2AB5; spinning rust x3
i7-2600 @ 3.40GHz; 16 gb; Radeon HD 7570
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 7:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

depontius wrote:
asturm wrote:
Goverp wrote:
On this particular news item, I too have used Gentoo for donkey's years, yet was not clear what I needed to do. I suspected the answer was nothing

But that is written right there in the news item. It seems to me the problems shown in this thread are caused by not actually reading the news text.

I'd love to, but...
$ eselect news list
News items:
(none found)
News hasn't worked for me for at least a year, not sure what to do about it. I just try to keep an eye on the forums here.

That sounds really serious. I don't understand eselect, but I do use it. I can follow instructions. The vast majority news items are over my head, but at least they scare me into trying to figure out how to avert disaster. Some news is better than no news. I wish I could help you.
Andy Figueroa
hp pavilion hpe h8-1260t/2AB5; spinning rust x3
i7-2600 @ 3.40GHz; 16 gb; Radeon HD 7570
amd64/23.0/split-usr/desktop (stable), OpenRC, -systemd -pulseaudio -uefi
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