GLSA Advocate

Joined: 12 May 2004 Posts: 2663
Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 5:26 pm Post subject: [ GLSA 201805-11 ] Rootkit Hunter |
Gentoo Linux Security Advisory
Title: Rootkit Hunter: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code (GLSA 201805-11)
Severity: normal
Exploitable: remote
Date: 2018-05-26
Bug(s): #623150
ID: 201805-11
A vulnerability has been found in Rootkit Hunter that allows a
remote attacker to execute arbitrary code.
Scans for known and unknown rootkits, backdoors, and sniffers.
Affected Packages
Package: app-forensics/rkhunter
Vulnerable: < 1.4.6
Unaffected: >= 1.4.6
Architectures: All supported architectures
A vulnerability was discovered in Rootkit Hunter that allows the
downloading of mirror updates over insecure channels (HTTP).
Furthermore, the mirror update is then executed in Bash.
A remote attacker, by performing a man-in-the-middle attack, could
execute arbitrary code, conduct a Denial of Service, or have other
unspecified impacts.
Users are advised to not trust insecure protocols such as HTTP and to
turn off any mirror updates utilizing such channels.
All Rootkit Hunter users should upgrade to the latest version: Code: | # emerge --sync
# emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=app-forensics/rkhunter-1.4.6"
CVE-2017-7480 |