oneghost n00b

Joined: 23 May 2015 Posts: 13
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 9:13 am Post subject: Script for installing Gentoo on the PS3 |
Hi everyone.
I was working on a bash script and few other tools that helps installing Gentoo on the PS3 game console.
It's still a work in progress, but works already, so I figured I share it if someone would be interested in trying it out and give me some suggestions.
The requirement is to have OtherOS/OtherOS++ running and petitboot installed. Then you need to run any linux from USB or DVD, and call this script to install Gentoo. Im planning to also create a bootable media with Gentoo that would help in the installation, but for now you should be able to use other distro or gentoo PPC64BE liveCD.
So to install, download the script and run it for example like so:
Code: | ./ --device /dev/ps3dd --config ps3 --verbose |
If all goes well, you should be able to reboot to Gentoo right after the script finishes. Installation takes few hours, but it's hands free during the process. If something fails, script pauses at the last command, giving you the change to manually fix the issue, and repeat or continue.
It contains pre-built kernel 6.5.4 for the PS3.
It's also possible to utilize distcc during the installation, to speed up the process a bit - if you have the host with distcc configured and available (--distcc flag in the script).
There is still a lot of work to make this work as good as it can be, but for me at least it's a really cool project .
You can also download the configuration file (config/ps3) and customize it to your needs.
The script is a bit more universal, and could be adjusted to other platforms also, I use it to prepare VM with Distcc/crossdev host on the Apple M1.
I mostly tested it on PS3-CECH2100 with OtherOS++, but I also have a Fat PS3 with original OtherOS, and will try it soon.
If anyone would like to try it, I would love some feedback and suggestions.
There is also a second repository where I keep tools that helps with preparing the kernel
If you want to see how it works, Im installing it right now, to test if everything works |