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Optimized Building for Pentium M (Laptop in general).
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Joined: 25 Nov 2003
Posts: 30
Location: Geel, Belgium

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:53 pm    Post subject: Optimized Building for Pentium M (Laptop in general). Reply with quote

hello, I am new to Gentoo.
Like it though. :)

My question is:
Are there any specific flags needed to built for the Pentium M. Like do I need to compile for P4 or P3? Any other special performance kicks, or battery life increasing options? (Laptop-mode maybe?)

Is a journalising fs better than a non for a laptop?

And what does a preempting do?

And as last the most important question.
Is there anyway to let Mozilla start faster?

thx for your replies. Geert.
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sumin k'adra

Joined: 20 Sep 2003
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Location: santa fe, nm

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 7:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

first things first: documentation,, and searching, see the upper right hand corner of your screen, are your friends... all of these questions are answered elsewhere (many times). But I'll be nice and go over a few things.

Are there any specific flags needed to built for the Pentium M. Like do I need to compile for P4 or P3? Any other special performance kicks, or battery life increasing options? (Laptop-mode maybe?)

Use pentium3 optimizations, I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure it's not compatible with pentium4 optimized code. I suggest searching for a more accurate answer. Performance control is through ACPI or APM in the kernel, with cpu frequency control daemons. Again, search for a fuller answer.

Is a journalising fs better than a non for a laptop?

It doesn't matter what type of computer you are using, a journalling filesystem is your friend. I suggest ReiserFS, it appears to be the fastest FS (soon--hopefully--to be replaced by Reiser4, which is currently unstable).

And what does a preempting do?

that is a very good question with a complicated answer. the general gist of it is that it reduces latency.

Patch was merged into 2.5.4-pre6.

This patch enables a preemptible kernel, which reduces the latency of the kernel. It allows processes to be preempted even if in kernel mode.

The design used is to allow a task to be preempted anywhere within the kernel, using spinlocks as markers for non-preemptibility regions. The resulting system response is greatly increased, with measured average latencies under 1ms.

that site has many great references.

Is there anyway to let Mozilla start faster?

The best way I know of is to use prelinking... see the prelink documentation page. you can also try compiling it with different optimizations to see which is fastest. last but not least you can load it into memory... see Which reminds me, I suggest you use Mozilla Firebird, emerge mozilla-firebird, instead of the bloated Mozilla, it runs much faster on my system.

Again, the sooner you start to use the search function the better person you will be.

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Joined: 12 Mar 2003
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Location: Ventura, CA, USA

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 8:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I can help answer some of your questions.

1. I dont know if there are any flags for the Pentium M chips, if there are, id like to know myself.
2. Journaling has a huge increase in performance. I recomend useing reiserfs, i have nothing but good things to say about it. also, reiserfs4 is coming soon
3. Preemptive kernel is a performance option, it allows the operating system to respond quickly to a process preemption request. When a realtime user process engages one of the fixed-priority scheduling policies, the kernel can break out of kernel mode to honor the preemption request. Its a great feature, id recomend useing it.
4. Mozilla is a beast! use MozillaFirebird, its far superior in my eyes.

hope this helps.
never trust a man who can count to 1023 on his fingers.

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Joined: 25 Nov 2003
Posts: 30
Location: Geel, Belgium

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 12:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thx guys, for your replies.

uh, just one thing. Gentoo 1.4 grp optimized for P4 seems to run on my laptop :). But i will search the fora...

And thanks for pointing out firebird, this is what I was looking for along> The prelinking stuff is also cool.

Now that is why Gentoo is better than the rest, you can actually USE these features, and learn them.

thanx alot.
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