GLSA Advocate

Joined: 12 May 2004 Posts: 2663
Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 1:26 am Post subject: [ GLSA 202011-01 ] BlueZ |
Gentoo Linux Security Advisory
Title: BlueZ: Arbitrary code execution (GLSA 202011-01)
Severity: normal
Exploitable: remote
Date: 2020-11-03
Bug(s): #749285
ID: 202011-01
A vulnerability in BlueZ might allow remote attackers to execute
arbitrary code.
Set of tools to manage Bluetooth devices for Linux.
Affected Packages
Package: net-wireless/bluez
Vulnerable: < 5.55
Unaffected: >= 5.55
Architectures: All supported architectures
It was discovered that there was a double-free vulnerability in Bluez
after the service discovery which occurs after a Bluetoth Low Energy
(BLE) connection has been established to a device.
A remote attacker, by enticing a user to connect to a malicious GATT
server or device, could cause the execution of arbitrary code with the
privileges of the user running gatttool client or cause a Denial of
Service condition.
There is no known workaround at this time.
All BlueZ users should upgrade to the latest version: Code: | # emerge --sync
# emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=net-wireless/bluez-5.55"
CVE-2020-27153 |