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Touchpad not working on Razer Blade
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Joined: 29 Nov 2020
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 3:19 am    Post subject: Touchpad not working on Razer Blade Reply with quote

I have been using Gentoo for a few months now on my Razer Blade 15 (2020 Base Model), but I have yet to get the touchpad to work using a manually-configured kernel. It works just fine with a standard genkernel kernel but I would really prefer to switch to my own configuration because the compile times are much shorter and there is less unnecessary stuff enabled.

This disparity makes me think that there is some kernel option enabled in the config made by genkernel but not in my manually-configured kernel. What do you guys think would be the best way to go about figuring out which option this is? I would also be appreciate of any other assistance with setting up the touchpad.

Here is some more specific information: In /etc/portage/make.conf I have
and I have the event interface enabled in my (manually-configured) kernel. I will gladly run any commands that you think would give me useful info to work with.
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Joined: 22 Jun 2007
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Location: New Zealand

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 8:56 pm    Post subject: Re: Touchpad not working on Razer Blade Reply with quote

mrlc wrote:
This disparity makes me think that there is some kernel option enabled in the config made by genkernel but not in my manually-configured kernel. What do you guys think would be the best way to go about figuring out which option this is?

Yes, if that's the only thing that's different (the kernel) then that's exactly what the issue is. You just need to enable the relevant option(s) in your custom kernel.

Assuming you've checked the obvious possibilities (e.g. synaptics support under Device Drivers - Input device support - Mice) and searched online for any less obvious stuff that might be discussed in the wiki or other guides, one thing you could do (after backing up your config of course...e.g. cp .config config_manual) is to launch the working kernel (i.e. you need to boot into it, so that it's actually running...your touchpad should be working) and run
make modconfig
in the kernel build directory. This will generate a config that includes all the running modules (and unfortunately probably a bunch of other stuff, but it will still be much more specific to your setup than a huge generic kernel). Then you can make menuconfig with the module-based .config (just as a reference to exit from without saving) and immediately copy your backed up custom .config over it and make menuconfig with that in another window to browse through the two configs side-by-side looking for relevant differences.

If you're completely unsure what you're looking for it can still take a while to find the options you need and are missing (because it could even be more than one, in different sections of the config)...however you'll get there in the end, as the touchpad's working with the larger kernel shows that everything else is configured correctly. If all else fails you could upload your whole .config and paste the link here so that someone else can browse through looking for problems...but the modconfig/manual comparison might be useful for you anyway (if you're not used to building kernels you may spot other stuff you need too, unrelated to the touchpad...or conversely you may spot things you thought you needed in your manual config and yet don't really need...although bear in mind that modconfig generates a .config from *running* modules, so for example if you have stuff unplugged or switched off you may still need lots of kernel support that you're not seeing after make modconfig) so I think it's worth trying that yourself first.
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