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mygendb - index and search all ebuilds
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Joined: 10 Oct 2010
Posts: 1483

PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 12:17 am    Post subject: mygendb - index and search all ebuilds Reply with quote

I wanted a more simple and flexible way for search
[Edit] A fast and simple frontend in a post below: mygshow
## name: mygendb
## version: 0.94
## author: ulenrich
## licence like: Mozilla
## Changes 0.94:
##   search: sed expression falsely had eaten a slot's leading '0/'
##   search: also display repo in -g search output like with -a search
##   search: don't ever eat -r0 for better comparism of slot changes

# mygendbDir must have USER=portage as owner!
# As USER=portage run --update:
#    sudo --user portage -- mygendb --update gentoo
# Although starting as root any --update session will invoke:
#    exec sudo --user portage -- mygendb --update <REPO>

function errExit() {
   [ "${1:1:3}" = "nfo" ] \
     && echo "$1 $2" \
     || echo " mygendb - Exit: $1 $2"
   exit 2

declare -x woFile="yet_we_dont_have_a_semaphore"
function removeworkFile() {
  [ "${woFile}" != "${woFile%${arch}}" ] && [ -f "${woFile}" ] && rm "${woFile}"
  exit 3
trap removeworkFile HUP INT KILL

function giveArch() {
   if [ "$1" = "--arch" ] ;then
   [ -z "$1" ] \
     && farch=$(sed -n \
       -e'/^ACCEPT_KEYW/{s/ACCEPT_KEYWORDS[''" =~]*\([[:alnum:]]*\).*/\1/p;q}'\
       /etc/portage/make.conf) \
     || farch=${1}
   [[ ${farch:0:1} = "~" ]] && farch="${farch:1}" # we need without '~'
   [[ -z ${farch} ]]        && farch='amd64'     # at least the likely default
   farch="${farch@L}"                            # we need lower case
   echo ${farch}
   return 0

function mygenRepoLocation() {
   # $1 = repo name
   # we look for name.conf and disabled repos .name.conf
   [[ -z $1 ]] &&errExit "need repo name for location"
   [ ${repo@L} = "merged" ] \
     && echo "/var/db/pkg" \
     && return 0
   [ ! -f "${conF}" ]  && return 1
   locD=$(sed -n -e's/#.*//' -e'y/"/ /' -e"y/'/ /" \
     -e'/^location[ =]*/{s_.*=__;s_[[:blank:]]*\(.*\)[[:blank:]]*_\1_p;q}' \
   [[ -d "${locD}" ]] \
     && echo $locD \
     && return 0 \
     || return 1

function asInteg() {
  declare -i I=0 c=0 k=0
  v=" $@" # we absolutely need a blank in front for the regex!
  v=$(sed \
    -e'{ s=.*= \U&=;y='$A'='$B'=;y=.,-_/=     = }' \
    -e'{ :eatzero;s= 0\([[:digit:]]\)= \1=;/ 0[[:digit:]]/b eatzero }' <<<"$v")
  for k in $v 0 0 0 0 0 ; do
      # zeros are needed if the higher version is shorter as the other
      c=$(( $c + 1 ))
      I=$(( $I <<10 ))
      I=$(( $I + $k ))
      (( c > 4 )) && break
  echo $I

function mygenlistUpgrades() {
  cd ${mygendbDir}/MERGED.${arch} || errExit "cannot cd MERGED.$arch"
  declare -i c=0
  for categ in * ; do
    while read sta nam ver rev slo ; do
      [ ! -s ${gFile} ] && continue
      while read stg nmg vrg rvg slg ; do
        [ "${nam}" != "${nmg}" ] && continue
        if [ $(asInteg ${vrg} 0 ${rvg}) -gt $(asInteg ${ver} 0 ${rev}) ] ;then
           # insert a zero before revision otherwise '_pNNN' releases missed
           #TODO  include slot change, but complicate to compare
           echo -e -n \
            "\n ${sta} =${categ}/${nam}-${ver}-${rev}:${slo}\n ${stg}" 1>&2
           echo -n " =${categ}/${nmg}-${vrg}-${rvg}:${slg}"
           (( ++c ))
      done< <(sed -n -e'/^['${flags}']* '${nam}' /p' ${gFile} |sort -r -V -k 2 )
    done< <( cat  ${categ} )
  echo -e "\n $c ebuilds with high versions. Masked ebuilds are included" 1>&2

function mygenDump() {
  [ -d ${mygendbDir} ] || errExit "not found $mygendbDir"
  cd ${mygendbDir}     || errExit "not found $mygendbDir"
  for d in *.${arch} ;do
        [ -d "$d" ] || continue
        pushd $d >/dev/null
        repo=$(printf '%12s' ${d%.${arch}} )
        for categ in * ; do
           [ -s ${categ} ] || continue
           while read sta nam ver rev slo ; do
                [ ${slo} = '0' ] && slo="" || slo=':'${slo}
                [ ${rev} = '0' ] && rev="" || rev='-'${rev}
                echo "${repo} ${sta} ${categ}/${nam}-${ver}${rev}${slo}"
           done < <(cat ${categ})
        popd >/dev/null

function isNotCategory() {
        # if $1 is not a category return true=0
        [ ! -d "$1" ]           && return 0
        [ "${1:0:1}" = "." ]    && return 0
        [ "${1}" = "metadata" ] && return 0
        [ "${1}" = "eclass" ]   && return 0
        [ "${1}" = "profiles" ] && return 0
        [ "${1}" = "scripts" ]  && return 0
        [ "${1}" = "licenses" ] && return 0
        return 1

function mygendbClean() {
  declare -i G=0 D=0  E=0 U=0
  # Unfound files not found in repo anymore
  # all entries of ebuild files of the repo
  cd ${mygendbDir}            || errExit "not found mygendb: $mygendbDir"
  for dbDir in *.${arch} ;do
        [ -d $dbDir ] || continue
        [ "${repo}" = "MERGED" ] \
          && L=/var/db/pkg \
          || L="$(mygenRepoLocation $repo )"
        [ -z $L ] && errExit "could not find location of $repo"
        [ ! -d $L ] && errExit "location of $repo not exists: $L"
        [ -f ${woFile} ] \
          && errExit " multi access problem with existing $woFile"
        touch $woFile    || errExit " as USER ${USER} we cannot write ${woFile}"
        pushd $dbDir >/dev/null
        for indexF in * ;do
           ## indexF =  'stat name vers revi slo'
           ## Status = (s)table (u)nstableTesting (w)ithoutKeyword (z)eroed
           while read k n v r s ;do
                [ "$r" = 'r0' ] && r='' || r='-'$r
                # Attention: Probmem with '=-'
                (( ++G ))
                [ "${k}" = 'z' ]   \
                  && D=$(( $D + 1 )) \
                  && continue
                if [ "${repo}" = "MERGED" ] ;then
                        [ -d "$L/$indexF/$n-$v$r" ] \
                          && (( E += 1 ))  \
                          && continue \
                          || (( U += 1 ))
                        [ -f "$L/$indexF/$n/$n-$v$r.ebuild" ] \
                          && (( E += 1 ))  \
                          && continue \
                          || (( U += 1 ))
           done< <( cat ${indexF} )
           sed -i -e'/^z /d' "${indexF}"
           [ -f "${indexF}" ] \
             && [ ! -s "${indexF}" ] \
             && echo "  Info empty category removd: $indexF" \
             && rm ${indexF}
        popd >/dev/null
        rm $woFile
  echo -e "\t $G \t total entries"
  echo -e "\t $D \t zeroed (these z entries were removed)"
  echo -e "\t $E \t entries with an existing ebuild file"
  echo -e "\t $U \t ebuilds not found, need --update"

function getSlot() {
        # $1 = file
        if [ -s "${1}" ] ;then
           # if filename=SLOT then examine the MERGED repo OR sed the md5-cache
           [ SLOT = $(basename $1 ) ] \
             && s=$(head -n 1 ${1} ) \
             || s=$(sed -n -e'/^SLOT/ { s/SLOT=//p ;q}' ${1} )
        [ -z ${s} ] && s="0"
        echo ${s}

function mygendbUpdate() {
  #  $1=repo $2=location
  R="$1"; [[ $R = "" ]] &&errExit "missing --repo argument"
  L="$2"; [[ $L = "" ]] &&errExit "missing location for repo $R"
  [ -f ${woFile} ] && errExit " multi access problem with existing $woFile"
  touch $woFile    || errExit " as USER ${USER} we cannot write ${woFile}"
  echo "  mygendb --arch ${arch} --update $R"
  mkdir -p ${dbDir}
  cd ${dbDir} || errExit "cannot create ${dbDir}"
  for indexF in * ;do
        ## First check if all categorie exist we had previously as index
        categ="${indexF}" # every category has an index
        if [ ! -d "$L/$categ" ] ;then
           # seemingly this category does not exist any more
           [ -f "${indexF}" ] && rm "${indexF}"
           echo " info category been removed:  ${categ}"
  declare -i namEbUpdatedC=0 namEbRefoundC=0 namesRemovedC=0
  cd "$L" || errExit "cannot cd into $L"
  for categ in * ;do
    [ "$R" != "MERGED" ] && isNotCategory $categ && continue
    [  -f $indexF ]  && Y=$(stat -c %Y $indexF)
    [ ! -f $indexF ] && touch ${indexF} && Y=0
    ##      indexF =  'stat name vers revi slot'
    pushd $categ >/dev/null
    for ins in * ;do
        [[ -d $ins ]] || continue
        Z=$(stat -c %Y $ins)
        (( Z <= Y )) && continue
        if [ $R = MERGED ] ;then
        sed -i -e"/^. ${nam} / s/^./z/" ${indexF}
        if [ $R = MERGED ] ;then
           [[ "$ver" != "$rev" ]] &&ver=${ver%-r${rev}} ||rev="0"
           [[ "$ver" = "" ]] && ver="0"
           [[ "$rev" = "" ]] && rev="r0" ||rev="r${rev}"
           [ "gentoo" = $(head -n 1 "$L/${categ}/${ins}/repository" ) ] \
              && sta="G" \
              || sta="O"
           slo=$(getSlot $L/${categ}/${ins}/SLOT )
           liny="${nam} ${ver} ${rev} ${slo}"
           if fgrep -q "z ${liny}" $indexF ;then
                sed -i -e"s=^z ${liny}=${sta} ${liny}=" $indexF
                (( ++namEbRefoundC ))
                echo "${sta} ${liny}" >>$indexF
           (( ++namEbUpdatedC ))
        else # not MERGED but normal repo
           pushd $nam >/dev/null
           for ebFile in *.ebuild ;do    # multiple is the difference to MERGED
                [ -f "${ebFile}" ] ||continue
                [[ "$ver" != "$rev" ]] && ver=${ver%-r${rev}} || rev="0"
                [[ "$ver" = "" ]]      && ver="0"
                [[ "$rev" = "" ]]      && rev="r0" || rev="r${rev}"
                liny=$( sed -n -e \
                 '/^[[:blank:]]*KEYWORD/{s/^.*\"\(.*\)\".*$/ \1 /p; ;q}'\
                if   [[ "${liny}" = "${liny%${arch} *}" ]] ;then
                elif [[ "${liny}" != "${liny%~${arch} *}" ]] ;then
                else sta="s"
                slo=$(getSlot $L/metadata/md5-cache/${categ}/${ebFile%.ebuild})
                liny="${nam} ${ver} ${rev} ${slo}"
                if fgrep -q "z ${liny}" $indexF ;then
                     sed -i -e"s=^z ${liny}=${sta} ${liny}=" $indexF
                     (( ++namEbRefoundC ))
                else echo "${sta} ${liny}" >>$indexF
                (( ++namEbUpdatedC ))
           popd >/dev/null
        fi # fi MERGED
        sed -i -e"/^z $nam /d" $indexF
    popd >/dev/null
    ### We have to look for packages the repo removed or renamed
    if [ "$R" = "MERGED" ] ;then
        while read stat nam ver rev slot ;do
              [ "${rev}" = "r0" ] && riv='' || riv='-'${rev}
              [ -d "$L/${categ}/${nam}-${ver}${riv}" ] && continue
              echo -e " info package was unmerged:  \t $categ/$nam-${ver}${riv}"
              sed -i -e"/^[GO]* ${nam} ${ver} ${rev} /d" ${indexF}
              (( ++namesRemovedC ))
        done < <(grep -v -e'^z ' ${indexF} | sort -V -k 2)
        #  sort makes sure we can write to the indexF with sed d command
    else # elif normal repo
        while read nam ;do
              [ -d "$L/${categ}/${nam}" ] && continue
              echo -e "     info package removed:  \t  \t $categ/$nam"
              sed -i -e"/^. ${nam} .*/d" "${indexF}"
              (( ++namesRemovedC ))
        done < <(sed -e'/^z.*/d' -e's=..==' -e's= .*==' ${indexF}|sort --unique)
    fi # fi MERGED
    if (( namEbUpdatedC  > 0 )) ;then
       echo -n -e "         examined ebuilds:  ${namEbUpdatedC}\t"
       namEbUpdatedC=$(( namEbUpdatedC - namEbRefoundC ))
       echo  -e "  new version:  ${namEbUpdatedC}\t${categ}"
    namEbUpdatedC=0;    namEbRefoundC=0;    namesRemovedC=0
  [ -f "${woFile}" ] && rm "${woFile}"

arch=$(giveArch $1 $2)
[ "$1" = "--arch" ] && shift && shift
[ -z "${arch}" ] && errExit "cannot find any ARCH (like amd64,arm)"

while [ "$1" != "" ] ;do
  case "$1" in
        ##@        Index all available ebuilds of all repositories for search
        ##@        Index lines save 5 fields: status name version revision slot
        ##@   mygendb --update <REPO> | -a <SEARCH>
        exec sed -n -e'/^[[:blank:]]*exec.*/d' -e's/^.*##@//p' $0
        ##@   -u|--update  <REPO>
        ##@        create and update the index in /var/cache/mygendb
        ##@        REPO must have an /etc/portage/repos.conf/REPO.conf
        ##@        Also plays nicely with disabled ".REPO" names
        if [ ! -d ${mygendbDir} ] ;then
           [ "${UID}" != "0" ]    && errExit "Only root can create $mygendbDir"
           mkdir -p ${mygendbDir}
           chown portage:portage ${mygendbDir}
           [ ! -d ${mygendbDir} ] && errExit "cannot create dir $mygendbDir"
        if [ "${USER}" != "portage" ] ;then
           [ "${UID}" != "0" ]    && errExit 'need USER portage for --update'
           exec sudo --user "portage" -- $0 --arch "${arch}" $@
           exit # this line just has documentary purpose
        [ "--repo" = "$2" ] && shift
        [ -z "$R" ] && R="$2"
        [ -z "$R" ] && errExit "missing repo name"
        #removing leading point for disabled repos to work:
        if [ ${R@L} = "merged" ] ;then
           [ ${arch} != $(giveArch) ] && errExit "not accept ${arch} for MERGED"
        L="$(mygenRepoLocation $R )"
        [ -d "$L" ] || errExit "missing repo location for $R : $L"
        [[ ${R:0:1} = '.' ]] &&R="${R:1}"
        mygendbUpdate $R $L
        ##@   -m|--updateMerged
        ##@        update the index of all your merged (installed) ebuilds
        ##@        All these installed will show as a repo named "MERGED"
        ##@        Entries have 2 status flags: 'G' for gentoo and 'O'ther
        exec $0 --update "MERGED"
        exit # this line just has documentary purpose
        ##@   -d|--dump
        ##@        dumps very fast the very raw data
        [ -d ${mygendbDir} ] || errExit "not found $mygendbDir"
        cd   ${mygendbDir}   || errExit "cannot cd $mygendbDir"
        fgrep --color=never -s -R -H -F ' '
        ##@   -g|--grepGentoo <SEARCH>
        ##@        grep the gentoo repo with your own search expression
        [ -z "${*}" ]        && errExit "missing arg for grep - give a point!"
        [ -d ${mygendbDir}/$R.${arch} ] || errExit "miss $mygendbDir/$R"
        cd   ${mygendbDir}/$R.${arch}   || errExit "cd $mygendbDir/$R"
        for F in * ; do
          sed -e\
     '{y= =-=;s=^\(.\).='$R' \1 '$F'/=;s=-r\([[:digit:]]*\)-=-r\1:=;s=:0$==}' $F
        done |sort -V -k 3 | grep --color=auto "$@"
        ##@   -a|--grepall <SEARCH>
        ##@        grep all repos with your own search expression
        ##@        This is the default action when called:  mygendb <SEARCH>
        [ -z "${*}" ]        && errExit "missing arg for grep - give a point!"
        [ -d ${mygendbDir} ] || errExit "miss $mygendbDir"
        cd   ${mygendbDir}   || errExit "cd $mygendbDir"
        for repo in * ;do
            [ -d  ${repo} ] || continue
            pushd ${repo} >/dev/null
            for F in * ; do
                #TODO  awk seems to be much simpler, but ?howto? eat slot ':0'
                #TODO gawk '{ print "'$R' "$1" '$F/'"$2"-"$3"-"$4":"$5 }' $F
                sed -e\
     '{y= =-=;s=^\(.\).='$R' \1 '$F'/=;s=-r\([[:digit:]]*\)-=-r\1:=;s=:0$==}' $F
#    '{y= =-=;s=^\(.\).='$R' \1 '$F'/=;s=-r\(.*\)-=-r\1:=;s=-r0:=:=;s=:0$==}' $F
            popd >/dev/null
        done | grep --color=never "$@" | sort -V -k 3
        ##@   --listupgrade
        ##@        find unstable Gentoo upgrades for all of repo "MERGED"
        [ -d ${mygendbDir}/MERGED.${arch} ] || errExit "Info: miss index MERGED"
        ##@   --listupgradestable
        ##@        find stable Gentoo upgrades for all of "MERGED"
        [ -d ${mygendbDir}/MERGED.${arch} ] || errExit "Info: miss index MERGED"
        ##@   --cleandb
        ##@        Remove dead "^z" entries (although they should not exist)
        [ -d ${mygendbDir} ] || errExit "not found $mygendbDir"
        if [ "${USER}" != "portage" ] ;then
           exec sudo --user "portage" -- $0 --cleandb
        ##@   --arch <ARCH>
        ##@        Not needed. Give this option before --update for another ARCH
        arch="$(giveArch --arch $1 )"
        [[ -z "${arch}" ]] && errExit "not understood argument for --arch"
        # the only time the while case loop will
        # NOT exit
        [ "${1:0:1}" = "-" ] \
          && errExit "not found an action like this for you: $1" \
          || exec $0 --arch ${arch} --grepAll "$@"
echo "If you see this line try:  mygendb --help"

Last edited by ulenrich on Mon Aug 09, 2021 4:52 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 10 Oct 2010
Posts: 1483

PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 9:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

# mygendb -h
        Index all available ebuilds of all repositories for search
        Index lines save 5 fields: status name version revision slot
   mygendb --update <REPO> | --grepGentoo <NAME>
   -u|--update  <REPO>
        create and update the index in /var/cache/mygendb
        REPO must have an /etc/portage/repos.conf/REPO.conf
        Also plays nicely with disabled ".REPO" names
        update the index of all your merged (installed) ebuilds
        All these installed will show as a repo named "MERGED"
        Entries have 2 status flags: 'G' for gentoo and 'O'ther
        dumps very fast the very raw data
   -g|--grepGentoo <SEARCH>
        grep the gentoo repo with your own search expression
   -a|--grepAll <SEARCH>
        grep all repos with your own search expression
        This is the default action when called:  mygendb <SEARCH>
        find unstable Gentoo upgrades for all of repo "MERGED"
        find stable Gentoo upgrades for all of "MERGED"
        Remove dead "^z" entries (although they should not exist)
   --arch <ARCH>
        Not needed. Give this option before --update for another ARCH
mygendb is so simple,
I thought I'll code it in 3 hours. The first working version was done in that time. But thinking it through, how I would include the installed versions in the index, that took me much longer. Until I found to handle all the installed packages just as another repo with special name: MERGED
... In the end --updateMerged is --update MERGED

I took some more time to think about security, how to do without root. And I included some examples for usable output: --grepGentoo --grepAll --listupgrades
But the main purpose of mygendb is the index, ready for scripting your search results.
repo.arch/category: status name version revision slot
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Joined: 10 Oct 2010
Posts: 1483

PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 10:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My first use case is to display reliably and faster than eshowkw, eg:
# time eshowkw -O app-misc/mc;echo ---;time mygendb app-misc/mc
Keywords for app-misc/mc:
             |                             |   u   | 
             | a   a     p s   a   r       |   n   | 
             | m   r h   p p   l i i m m s | e u s | r
             | d a m p p c a x p a s 6 i 3 | a s l | e
             | 6 r 6 p p 6 r 8 h 6 c 8 p 9 | p e o | p
             | 4 m 4 a c 4 c 6 a 4 v k s 0 | i d t | o
[I]4.8.26-r4 | + + + + + + + + ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ | 7 o 0 | gentoo
   4.8.26-r5 | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ | 8 o   | gentoo

real   0m1,633s
user   0m1,571s
sys   0m0,060s
MERGED G app-misc/mc-4.8.26-r4
gentoo s app-misc/mc-4.8.26-r4
gentoo u app-misc/mc-4.8.26-r5

real   0m0,597s
user   0m0,424s
sys   0m0,185s
If emerge --sync has removed your installed version, you have to use a second command, because eshowkw won't show your merges then. ... And you get some output although you don't remember fully:
# mygendb a*c/mc
MERGED G app-misc/mc-4.8.26-r4
gentoo s app-misc/mc-4.8.26-r4
gentoo u app-misc/mc-4.8.26-r5
gentoo s net-misc/mcproxy-1.1.1-r1
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Joined: 10 Oct 2010
Posts: 1483

PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

inserted in first post of this thread:
mygendb v0.94 - fixed a bug and changed output of searches a bit
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 6:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Moved from Portage & Programming to Documentation, Tips & Tricks.
Questions are guaranteed in life; Answers aren't.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2010
Posts: 1483

PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 2:33 pm    Post subject: frontend mygshow Reply with quote

A frontend for mygendb: mygshow
# script name: mygshow
#@           mygshow is a frontend for mygendb
#@           It intends to be the better eshowkw
#@           In a single run it displays
#@           multipe search results with:
#@           You can use mygshow with a pipe instead:
#@ mygshow | grep something
#@           example given:
#@ # mygshow | grep -A 1 ^MERGED...x11-wm
#@ MERGED G x11-wm/marco-1.24.2-r0:0/2
#@ gentoo u x11-wm/marco-1.24.2-r0:0/2
#@ --
#@ MERGED G x11-wm/mutter-40.3-r1:0/8
#@ gentoo u x11-wm/mutter-40.3-r1:0/8
#@           What else? Lines you just read with:
#@ mygshow --help
#@           How to use mygshow most effectively:
#@ mygshow --hint

# Changelog:
#  - renamed script to resemble eshowkw
#  - added pipe awareness
#  - added a hint how to use mygendb in postsync

[ "$1" = "-h" -o  "$1" = "--help" ] \
  && exec sed -n -e's/^#@//p' $0
[ "$1" = "--hint" ] \
  && exec sed -n -e's/^##@@//p' $0


function createCacheFile() {
   declare -i Y=0 Z=1
   if [ -s $C ] ;then
      Y=$(stat -c %Y $C )
      for m in /var/cache/mygendb/* ;do
         [[ -d $m ]] || continue
         Z=$(stat -c %Y $m )
         ((  $Z > $Y )) \
           && newBOOL='y' \
           && break
   if [ "${newBOOL}" = "y" ] ;then
      [ -f  "$C" ] && rm "$C"
      if not touch "$C" ;then
         echo  "cannot create cache: $C"
      echo "  .." >&2
      mygendb -a . > "$C"

##@@ You can use one single /tmp/mygenDbCache for everyone
##@@ with a line in /etc/portage/repo.postsync.d/FirstScript
##@@   mygendb --update "$1"
##@@ And these following two lines
##@@ in /etc/portage/postsync.d/SecondScript
##@@   mygendb --update MERGED
##@@   mygendb -a . >/tmp/mygenDbCache
##@@ Both scripts need the executable bit set
# Have general cache instead of having to use createCacheFile?
[ -s   "/tmp/mygenDbCache" ] \
  && C="/tmp/mygenDbCache" \
  || createCacheFile

if [ -z "$1" ] ;then
   [ -t 1 ] \
     && echo " try:  mygshow --help" >&2 \
     || cat $C
  while [[ -n $1 ]] ;do
    grep --color=auto $1 $C

Last edited by ulenrich on Mon Aug 09, 2021 4:54 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 10 Oct 2010
Posts: 1483

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 3:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Using the above script mygshow is much faster and condensed than with eshowkw:
# time mygshow|grep -A 1 ^MERGED...x11-wm;time eshowkw x11-wm/marco x11-wm/mutter x11-wm/twm
MERGED G x11-wm/marco-1.24.2-r0:0/2
gentoo u x11-wm/marco-1.24.2-r0:0/2
MERGED G x11-wm/mutter-40.3-r1:0/8
gentoo u x11-wm/mutter-40.3-r1:0/8
MERGED G x11-wm/twm-1.0.11-r0
gentoo s x11-wm/twm-1.0.11-r0

real   0m0,007s
user   0m0,002s
sys   0m0,007s
Keywords for x11-wm/marco:
             |                             |   u     | 
             | a   a     p s   a   r       |   n     | 
             | m   r h   p p   l i i m m s | e u s   | r
             | d a m p p c a x p a s 6 i 3 | a s l   | e
             | 6 r 6 p p 6 r 8 h 6 c 8 p 9 | p e o   | p
             | 4 m 4 a c 4 c 6 a 4 v k s 0 | i d t   | o
   1.24.1-r1 | + ~ ~ o o o o + o o o o o o | 6 o 0/2 | gentoo
[I]1.24.2    | ~ ~ ~ o o o o ~ o o o o o o | 6 o     | gentoo
Keywords for x11-wm/mutter:
           |                             |   u     | 
           | a   a     p s   a   r       |   n     | 
           | m   r h   p p   l i i m m s | e u s   | r
           | d a m p p c a x p a s 6 i 3 | a s l   | e
           | 6 r 6 p p 6 r 8 h 6 c 8 p 9 | p e o   | p
           | 4 m 4 a c 4 c 6 a 4 v k s 0 | i d t   | o
 40.2.1    | + ~ + o o ~ o + o o o o o o | 7 o 0/8 | gentoo
[I]40.3-r1 | ~ ~ ~ o o ~ o ~ o o o o o o | 7 o     | gentoo
Keywords for x11-wm/twm:
          |                             |   u   | 
          | a   a     p s   a   r       |   n   | 
          | m   r h   p p   l i i m m s | e u s | r
          | d a m p p c a x p a s 6 i 3 | a s l | e
          | 6 r 6 p p 6 r 8 h 6 c 8 p 9 | p e o | p
          | 4 m 4 a c 4 c 6 a 4 v k s 0 | i d t | o
[I]1.0.11 | + + + ~ + + + + ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ | 7 o 0 | gentoo

real   0m2,236s
user   0m2,108s
sys   0m0,124s

Although there is a little caveat sometimes:
You don't need to write the full package name,
but if get more than you want
# mygshow dev-python/pycurl
MERGED G dev-python/pycurl-
gentoo s dev-python/pycurl-
gentoo u dev-python/pycurl-7.44.0-r0
gentoo u dev-python/pycurl-requests-0.2.0-r0
gentoo u dev-python/pycurl-requests-0.2.1-r0
... the only way around that obstacle is to add to the search term:
# mygshow dev-python/pycurl-[0-9]
MERGED G dev-python/pycurl-
gentoo s dev-python/pycurl-
gentoo u dev-python/pycurl-7.44.0-r0
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