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Joined: 18 Nov 2021
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 7:02 am    Post subject: What motherboard should I purchase? (Solve, Completed) Reply with quote

Hello I am new to the Gentoo forums, anyway I just want to have a suggestion for what motherboard should I get for my custom computer, like I'm using this computer for gaming and as a workstation any suggestions? Thank you.

P.S. I was researching for one and I looked at the GIGABYTE B450 AORUS PRO Wi-Fi (AMD Ryzen AM4/ATX/M.2 Thermal Guard with Onboard Wi-Fi/HDMI/DVI/USB 3.1 Gen 2/DDR4/Motherboard) would be fine but I don't know. Also I'm not going for like the latest tech and not very expensive, just some hardware that was made like 2 or 3 years ago. Thank you.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 8:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Welcome to the forums.

Don't think about the motherboard in isolation. You need to consider the motherboard, RAM and CPU requirements together.
e.g. If you will ever want more than 64G RAM in the life of the system, you need 4 DIMM slots.

If you expect to upgrade the CPU, buy a motherboard that can take the best CPU you are likely to want.

Any motherboard chip set less than the X570 will only give you a single PCIe Gen 4 slot, for the primary graphics card.
Will that be OK for the life of the system?

Personally, a motherboard is for the life of the system, I don't replace them. GPUs and RAM on the other hard are upgrade targets and the old ones get passed on as upgrades to other family members.

I put a new system together in early September. They are in short supply. I had to get a motherboard with features that I'll never use because I couldn't get the one I wanted.


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 10:46 am    Post subject: Thank you for the suggestion Reply with quote

Thank you for the suggestion, yeah I do need 4 DIMM slots because I want to maintain this computer for a long time. Also what about the type of brand because I researched and some other companies like AS Rock and MSI are not a great idea, which should I choose thank you. Also this computer is going to have AMD processor and Radion graphics card to be specific. The processer that I want to have is AMD and it about three to two years old like a Ryzen 7, but not the latest processor.

P.S Sorry I'm kind of new to building custom computers.

By the way thank you for welcoming me to the community I really appreciate it. :)
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 11:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Was hoping NeddySeagoon could link to a posting about the bucket list system, thing sounds like a monster and I'd be interested to read more about it. What geek and Linux user doesn't like talking about their hardware and specs afterall ? :)

@OP .. Seems like such a potentially complicated subject I don't have anything to offer, plus ... am not a gamer, never bothered focusing much on the topic ... outside of basics and that subject has to be almost a specialty field of gnu/Linux. Do think it couldn't hurt joining and/or stalking forums devoted to the topic and asking in those communities too. Gaming is no doubt a specific niche in gnu/Linux and like any niche that has a lot of interest, do know there are distro's dedicated to it. Would imagine they'd know plenty about the hardware side of things too. Have some good discussion and info for whoever wants to look over. Hope your build turns out well. :)

Funny sidenote: Linux user ... going through his wallet with some acquaintances, errrrrr, yeah what's that ? Oh ... that's my new system, ... hmmmm, okay, who are those people ? Ah those are just my kids, here's some more pics of my system though. :P
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 11:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well this system is not like a beast of system, like I want to use it for some gaming and mostly like a workstation so like nothing to fancy. And sorry. Maybe not a Ryzen 7 something lower but I will research. So to sum it up a system that is not too latest tech something that you could still game on, use mostly like a workstation, and hardware that can last a long time. Also Thank you for the suggestion.

P.S. sorry for my grammar.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 11:25 am    Post subject: Re: What motherboard should I purchase? Reply with quote

mtw85 wrote:

had a similar board on my main setup, worked great with ram OC to 3.2Ghz, got fried a few months ago, now I have an asus b450 plus, can only work up to 3Ghz.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former - Albert Einstein

Last edited by DaggyStyle on Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 11:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So you think that the motherboard I selected could be alright for what I need like just for some gaming and mostly use of college and workstation (GIGABYTE B450 AORUS PRO Wi-Fi (AMD Ryzen AM4/ATX/M.2 Thermal Guard with Onboard Wi-Fi/HDMI/DVI/USB 3.1 Gen 2/DDR4/Motherboard) . If so, I do need to have it support expansion slots like two or three max. Sorry If I'm confusing the topic a bit. Also I don't plan to overclock.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 11:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

No worries my grammar (how badly it sucks) is the stuff of legend in some circles. :D

For whatever reason got the impression gaming was more of a focus. Still think there's merit in what was suggested. Such communties (gamer distro's or boards) should be discussing topics like best bang for a users buck hardware and pitfalls or OEM's known to be trouble. Comes to Linux and hardware overall, still think is a complicated affair but I tend to over-think just about everything. Things are subject to changing, up and downs, a brand might be good here, fall off there. A few times I've taken a stab at what you're describing, trying to zero in on sources of info which make it easier to identify OEM's that are consistently good for open source and those who are known to be problematic.

Never came across an authority database on it and that would be awesome if such a thing existed. Many distro's, quite likely this one tend to have a list your specs or show your system kind of threads. Always seemed like one place maybe worth checking. Sounds like you've already done some research and are thinking things through. I tend to agree with you that cutting edge hardware maybe not being best on the Linux platform, with open source taking a bit of time to catch up, am happy to think that's changing though.

You also mentioned AMD/Radeon, with them working more closely and open sourcing graphics drivers etc. Would stand to reason future would be getting brighter for people using that brand. Don't quote me on that though, as don't want to mislead you/anybody. Just the impression I got. Been awhile since comparing AMD vs Intel but generally always gotten the impression AMD offers a bit more, for a bit less. Definitely don't quote me there and then there's the Intel side-channel fiasco, Spectre and Meltdown and rampaging Gremlin on crack or whatever the latest exploit they've found in those old Intel's may be. :D

Only graphic's entity that's long been on my avoid list would have to be Nvidia, am sure there are plenty of people getting good results with their stuff too, only seen many a horror story from a Linux user related to them and if Linus Torvalds resorted to publicly giving them the finger ... you know ?

Personally don't think OEM's not jumping to support gnu/Linux are so much evil, it's just business and they reasonably enough don't want to invest a ton of effort into a small market segment, they're in it to make money. Still also as more people start using Linux, more users .. more potential profit. Thus do think things are changing for the better and more people are taking notice. Still always gotten the impression Nvidia has demonstrated a tad more hostility towards Linux users than needed. Thus the one finger salute from a guy like Linus T. Anyone who watches him on stuff like Youtube, a person can tell he's a fairly nice and level headed guy.

Must be bad for him to have gone that far with it. Well actually have read about it and yes, he and other people openly discuss Nvidia treating open source like a red-headed stepchild. Only 2 cents, too much coffee and A LOT of typing. :)
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for the response I really appreciate it, I will check with other gaming topic forums on the subject. And thank you for your help. Also yeah I done some research I believe that this mother-board is the best for my needs (GIGABYTE B450 AORUS PRO Wi-Fi (AMD Ryzen AM4/ATX/M.2 Thermal Guard with Onboard Wi-Fi/HDMI/DVI/USB 3.1 Gen 2/DDR4/Motherboard) I just thought there might be some other options, but I think I'll stick with it. Also what processor type should I use for both gaming and workstation, I want to stick with the Ryzen series anything from 5-7 or something like that not too old and not too new. Thank you.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mtw85 wrote:
Thank you for the response I really appreciate it, I will check with other gaming topic forums on the subject. And thank you for your help. Also yeah I done some research I believe that this mother-board is the best for my needs (GIGABYTE B450 AORUS PRO Wi-Fi (AMD Ryzen AM4/ATX/M.2 Thermal Guard with Onboard Wi-Fi/HDMI/DVI/USB 3.1 Gen 2/DDR4/Motherboard) I just thought there might be some other options, but I think I'll stick with it. Also what processor type should I use for both gaming and workstation, I want to stick with the Ryzen series anything from 5-7 or something like that not too old and not too new. Thank you.

be sure you get fast ram and that not all ryzens have apus
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former - Albert Einstein
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 1:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright thank you so much for the help so I'll keep that in mind to get fast ram. Thank you for help everyone have a nice day. :)
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 1:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

^ Think dang good point too DaggyStyle. This has prompted my starting a thread. You're welcome for the wall of babblings @mtw85 and you're in the right place, no doubt a TON of very knowledgeable/experienced Linux users and techies among the Gentoo crowd. Think previous posts made it clear I kind of favor AMD but don't want to champion them exclusively. Sounds like you're already leaning towards a mobo/AMD based system.

Have seen Linux users in places discussing Ryzen's and believe overall gotten good reviews from those users. Errrr .. though I excel at finding new and exciting ways to bork Linux operating systems, more than in assembling of hardware. So ya may want to wait for more qualified feedback. :P Could help a bit too giving people here some idea of price range you're looking at. I mean it might influence suggestions somewhat.

Personally I favor buying used anyway, as I tend to stay broke. So really Intel/AMD doesn't so much matter to me, will still tend to avoid Nvidia, of course depending on spec$ and price, though mentioned I don't game, so nouveau would suit my needs anyway. Only ever use pc's for the same thing majority of people do with them and thanks to Linux, even dated hardware blazes along fine ...
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 1:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mtw85 wrote:
Alright thank you so much for the help so I'll keep that in mind to get fast ram. Thank you for help everyone have a nice day. :)

Most MB manufacturers will have a list of memory vendors that are guaranteed to work with their MB. Go to the web site and look in the support area for that motherboard.
UM780, 6.12 zen kernel, gcc 13, openrc, wayland
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 2:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Way over my posting quota but another good tip if don't already know it OP is using google advanced search, I really like the site: operator such as in the following search example ...

site: Intel vs AMD

Going to delete that thread I started, as it's a topic that's no doubt been discussed and done to death already. Could try searches for Ryzen 5 and etc too though. See what the Gentoo community thinks about whichever topics. :) Probably double back later, to check out some searches on it too, as I'd like to know what people here think about it.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 4:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I chose an X570 based motherboard because I wanted some future proofing.
My last PC was used for 12 years. If this PC lasts 12 years it may last longer than me.

The B... chipsets would do me today but maybe not in 5 years.
Having settled on the X570 chipset, the motherboard needed to be passively cooled. Mostly because small fans are noisy and don't last very long.

Passively cooled X570 chipset motherboards narrows the choice quite a lot.
It had to have 4 DIMM slots. My old motherboard started out with 2x2G sticks in 2009 and that was plenty. In 2019, its 16G maximum was no longer enough.

I did think of fitting 32Gx2 now and adding another 32Gx2 later but I'm supposed to be a pensioner, so there will not be much spare cash for PC updates.
I have a part time job right now, so I put the 128G max RAM in from day one. Its supposed to be 3200MHz capable but that needs over volting various bits and pieces, so it won't be happening here.

The CPU is a AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor because I'm not likely to have cash for updates once I retire again :)

I did not get a new video card. There are none to be had in the UK for sensible money. The video card was migrated from the old PC. Its a Radeon 540/540X/550/550X.
I'm not a gamer but I do have a 4k display. A video card, possibly a Radeon 5600 based card is a possibility.

Back to the motherboard. I expressly did not want WiFi or Bluetooth. My home network is physically segregated into trusted (Gentoo devices), untrusted wireless devices, e.g. Android devices. I did not want any accidental combined devices. While I found specs of suitable motherboards, there were none for sale.
I also did not want any flashing lights. The PC just sits there almost out of sight, its not a work of art. I had to have flashing lights too.

The 1TB NVMe card is PCIe4 to match the slots it goes in.

The PSU is well derated. Its an 850w unit bu probably never goes much over 500w. It will be quieter and last longer that way.

There is some rotating rust storage too. My /home is huge as almost nothing gets deleted. distfiles and packages are OK on conventional HDD, as magnetic drives are good at sequential access.

That's my rationale for my choices.

"Choices" is a bit of an overstatement. After that, it was a case of whats in stock, nowish or with believable dates.


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 6:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Neddy, about the memory, if the memory chips have xmp capability (many do) then you could use that setting and the mb should adjust all power settings properly for the "3200" speed.

That's how I set my mem, which is 3600, and it runs stable, I just set the xmp profile on the mb.

Edit to add: I'm glad I bought mine parts early 2020 before the supplies got ridiculous out/short supply/etc.
Should have bought another video card, as they were reasonable at that time. "oh well"
UM780, 6.12 zen kernel, gcc 13, openrc, wayland
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 6:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I'm a retired hardware engineer. XMP is another name for 'overclocking'. :)
The BIOS says its supported.

Maybe in a few years but while rust builds in under 15 minutes

$ sudo genlop -t rust
 * dev-lang/rust

     Wed Sep  8 01:08:38 2021 >>> dev-lang/rust-1.54.0
       merge time: 12 minutes and 34 seconds.

     Mon Sep 13 21:39:30 2021 >>> dev-lang/rust-1.55.0
       merge time: 13 minutes and 21 seconds.

     Mon Oct 25 16:02:19 2021 >>> dev-lang/rust-1.56.0-r1
       merge time: 13 minutes and 44 seconds.

     Thu Oct 28 20:49:23 2021 >>> dev-lang/rust-1.56.0-r1
       merge time: 13 minutes and 40 seconds.

     Tue Nov  2 08:35:58 2021 >>> dev-lang/rust-1.56.1
       merge time: 13 minutes and 34 seconds.

     Sat Nov 13 12:50:17 2021 >>> dev-lang/rust-1.56.1
       merge time: 13 minutes and 30 seconds.
I don't feel the same need for speed as I did with the just retired Phenom II.

For the terminally curious, the shopping list was
    Corsair Obsidian 750D Airflow Edition Full Tower PC Case
    Thermal Paste Arctic MX-4 (2022)
    AMD Ryzen 5950x
    Noctua NH-D15 CPU Cooler
    Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 64G 3200MHz DDR4 x 2
    850W Corsair RM Series RM850 Full Modular, 80PLUS Gold,
    1TB Samsung 980 PRO, M.2 (2280), PCIe 4.0 (x4) NVMe SSD
    Toshiba X300 4TB * 4
    Akasa InterConnect EX card reader for 5.25" Bay
    ASUS AMD Ryzen X570 ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero

I didn't want that motherboard because it has WiFi, Bluetooth and lots of flashing lights. It was also a lot more expensive than the one I wanted.
I ended up with 4 8TB HDD because I couldn't get 4TB ones. There wan not a huge price difference there.
A 128G RAM pack of the same sticks was £200 more expensive that 2 64G packs.

There is no video card as I couldn't get a new one for a sane price.

As I've hinted, its probably a 'bucket list' system. :)


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 7:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for an example bucket list and yeah that a bit expensive but I check this motherboard out, but I'm going to stick with my original picked board. Is it ok for a start cause I'm new to custom built computers.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 7:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeddySeagoon wrote:

I'm a retired hardware engineer. XMP is another name for 'overclocking'. :)
The BIOS says its supported.

It's getting common for mb makers to support xmp, and the memory vendors are supporting it.
Yeah, it's overclocking ... but it's automatic. :lol:
On the other hand, the memory will stay cooler running at a lower speed. Everything is a trade off ;)

I don't feel the same need for speed as I did with the just retired Phenom II.

I hear you on the upgrade.


ASUS AMD Ryzen X570 ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero

I didn't want that motherboard because it has WiFi, Bluetooth and lots of flashing lights. It was also a lot more expensive than the one I wanted.

Yeah, I had looked at the the ROG, but it didn't quite fit my needs (and at the time I had plenty of choices) and I wanted plenty of pcie slots, so I went with the Prime X570 Pro.

I swear they've gone nuts with lights ... on everything, 1st thing I do is turn them off. With fans, I just clip the led leads :lol:
UM780, 6.12 zen kernel, gcc 13, openrc, wayland

Last edited by Anon-E-moose on Fri Nov 19, 2021 7:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 7:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


It looks like a good place to start. Its reasonably upgradeable.

Think about the Video system you will start with. That motherboard can support a CPU with internal Graphics.
No separate video card required. If that is how you intend to go, that's fine.
If you will install a separate Video card, you are paying for motherboard features you will not use.

Combined GPU/CPU is generally a bad thing as the GPU pixel buffer is in main memory, not in the video card RAM.
This means that the GPU and CPU have to share the available bandwith.
The GPU needs to refresh the image on the display surface and draw the next image into the pixel buffer, so that memory bandwidth is lost to the CPU.

If you intent is to start with a combination GPU/CPU and add a separate graphics card later, that motherboard looks good.
I want comment on Gigabyte as a vendor as I have never used them.


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 8:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeddySeagoon wrote:
The PC just sits there almost out of sight, its not a work of art.

Sounds pretty dang close though .. Nice system and surely don't call it a bucket list item for nothing eh. Thanks for listing stats and esp the reasoning behind it, what was selected and why, seems a lot of thought went into your build and ended with a beast that can handle anything you want to throw at it. :)

That's another thing I remind myself to be grateful for on this side of the pond. Access to affordable consumer electronics. Seen plenty of fellow geeks and Linux users discussing VAT's and this and that's and sounds like it stinks a bit. Annoys me even if not directly affected. Ah but the US govt doesn't care what I think/say, so pretty sure the one's in the UK could give a crap less. Also afraid you've got to stick around for longer than 12 more yrs. Aren't enough grey beards to go around, if you kick the bucket, who are all us young whipper snapper geeks gonna pester for information ? :P
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright I believe that is what I need to know thank you for the help everyone, oh one more question which Ryzen is a good processor to start I heard Ryzen 5 3600 is a good start but what do you think? All I need is a powerful processor that is not too old and not too new just right and last a longtime.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 9:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


That's a processor only. You will need a Graphics card too.

Why buy a motherboard that can take a GPU/CPU combo then not use it?
You may be able to get a better motherboard without the video output hardware that that CPU cannot use.

Take care that you do not get an old stock motherboard. Your chosen CPU is Zen3.
Early versions of that motherboard were Zen1 and Zen2 only. They needed a BIOS update to work with Zen3 CPUs.


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 9:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh I am aware of that, I plan to purchase a Radion graphics card. Question I'm new to this but how do you update your motherboard firmware in Linux?
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 11:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

One more thing to consider - support for ECC (error correcting) memory.
  1. Researchers keep finding new Rowhammer attacks; maybe they're practical now; and
  2. predicted error rates (from cosmic rays and the like) are (I forget the details) something like one bit flip every 10 hours for 16 GB memory; mostly they will be in unused memory (due to C's wasteful memory management), but sometimes things will break.

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