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sub-zero weather...time to update 890 packages: PVR box...
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Joined: 01 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 8:22 pm    Post subject: sub-zero weather...time to update 890 packages: PVR box... Reply with quote

Well, with the below zero temperatures outside, probably a good time to update my PVR box. Fortunately only 9 months out of date, last update was in March 2022. 890 packages need to be updated.

I got portage to solve need to start the update. Probably will take 1.5 to 2 days to update, and that's with distcc help.

Question is... what's the chances that it will finish all 890 packages without bombing on one package :D

Usually the chance is 100% that it will bomb on at least one package that will require a --resume or restart... sigh.

... And then I'll need to clean up things like mythtv and mysql that sometimes do not upgrade cleanly with config file changes, hopefully not ...
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 10:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Use --keep-going and pick up the pieces at the end.
... unless portage is too old to have --keep-going :)


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 11:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I use --keep-going too.

But to be honest, Portage rarely fails these days when it comes to large updates.
..: Zucca :..

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 12:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Zucca wrote:
Portage rarely fails these days when it comes to large updates.

Indeed, if it fails it's usually from something in the local repo I've hacked together in lieu of a proper ebuild.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 3:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, even with --keep-going, still have bits and pieces that need to be fixed either way...

My last recent failure on a different machine was due to my machine trying to use ruby 2.6 to build the newest webkit-gtk which gloriously failed. Eselecting 2.7 fixed that up.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

First failure with --keep-going --jobs=3: dev-perl/DBD-mysql failed due to the perl routines not finding DBI ...

So, I emerge -1 DBI

but it too fails due to perl somehow not being updated. Ugh.

So I just blindly emerge @world from the start ... Now finished 75 packages of the 571 that didn't finish with the DBD-mysql failure.

About at the halfway point!


Next failures in the 890 packages:

sys-apps/memtest86+ - /boot not mounted (easy fix)
app-misc/screen - failed my workaround (easy fix)
sys-libs/tdb - failed, needed to disable distcc ...


webkit-gtk - ruby rears its ugly head again.


Finally all packages went through. Had to remove the old mythplugins as it doesn't support mythtv-32. And I need to update all my frontends to 32...

Total time to build all packages: about 24 hours (with distcc, and subtracting out the dead time when it was waiting due to the aborted runs.)
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 4:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cold weather, yes, time to update the Gentoo boxes. Only, my Pi's and arm laptop barely even work as hand warmers. My Ryzen desktop will get toasty, but it can do an --emptytree in a bit over three hours, not much use there.

Using a single core Athlon as a room heater is a distant memory.

The current option for me is only gaming that maxes the video card.

Thanks for the laugh, sorry about the extra work updating.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 10:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can't be the only one having these random failures?

And --keep-going usually ends up leaving a lot of things on the table...

Hmm... on the verge of my Atom finishing its set of updates, about 5 months out of date, took about 5 days 24/7 compile time with distcc help.

Just started updating another box - my old Pentium M laptop (1 year out of date, about the same number of packages need updating) - and first thing that failed was that eselect-wine had a file collision with wine-vanilla-6 that would not go away without intervention (file collision) - had to unmerge wine-vanilla before letting updates go through despite emerge -uDNp @world was successful finding a solution. And then had to manually re-merge dev-perl/XML-Parser to allow xscreensaver to merge, even though it was installed already... This seems to happen way too much for me, almost seems like a deptree issue.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 6:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

eccerr0r wrote:
I can't be the only one having these random failures?

And --keep-going usually ends up leaving a lot of things on the table...

Hmm... on the verge of my Atom finishing its set of updates, about 5 months out of date, took about 5 days 24/7 compile time with distcc help.

Just started updating another box - my old Pentium M laptop (1 year out of date, about the same number of packages need updating) - and first thing that failed was that eselect-wine had a file collision with wine-vanilla-6 that would not go away without intervention (file collision) - had to unmerge wine-vanilla before letting updates go through despite emerge -uDNp @world was successful finding a solution. And then had to manually re-merge dev-perl/XML-Parser to allow xscreensaver to merge, even though it was installed already... This seems to happen way too much for me, almost seems like a deptree issue.

The wine thing was warned about in pkg_* -- you possibly have FEATURES="collision-protect" instead of FEATURES="protect-owned" (see news item for app-alternatives too). Also, wine 6 is long-obsolete, so nobody adapted it for newer eselect-wine.

As for XML-Parser, need to run perl-cleaner --all after Perl upgrades, but sometimes Portage gets the ordering wrong with Perl upgrades which is a known issue.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 9:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I sort of hoped it would have magically removed the old version and installed the new version without intervention, alas I ended up short circuiting the update so I wouldn't forget (unmerged wine-vanilla-6 and then immediately merged wine-vanilla-7 since the deps appeared to be all there and able to be used.) I'm not sure what I would have done there other than make a note somewhere after unmerging wine-vanilla-6 if the deps were not there (like if python or something needed to be updated before wine-vanilla-7 could be installed.) Alas this was probably self-inflicted as it is a really old package, so I'm not too concerned about it.

I do see XML-Parser ordered wrong frequently. Since perl was updated at some point during the @world update, seems like it's best that Portage does it correctly... Is there a b.g.o bug report with respect to the ordering issue?
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 10:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Don't forget to run this too!
emerge -v1 @golang-rebuild @rust-rebuild

Portage just reminded of me about @golang-rebuild. Luckily I have very little go packages. Same with rust.
..: Zucca :..

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2023 1:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

eccerr0r wrote:
Finally all packages went through. Had to remove the old mythplugins as it doesn't support mythtv-32. And I need to update all my frontends to 32...

mythplugins still works just fine. It's just that the person who updated the mythtv ebuild doesn't use any plugins, so the plugins ebuild wasn't updated with it. It has since been removed. It's not too hard to hack the old ebuild to work with the current code.
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