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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 4:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

User: mike155
Topic: Alsasound: error: failed to import hw [UNSOLVED/ONGOING]
Post: post 8773494

The user is highjacking the topic.
Contributes nothing to it.
The user's observation could have been said in a PM.
I have been here since 20 Aug 2005 and all my solved or unsolved topics have the same line and no moderator has ever made any remark.
Do you hear the sound of inevitability?
With age, comes great grumpiness and that, was 20 years ago...

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 5:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think it's highly unfriendly to shout in a subject line with uppercase characters "[UNSOLVED/ONGOING]". Therefore, I asked hexiled to stop doing that.

Many users have questions. Everybody should be treated equally. It's unfair if someone tries to gain particular attention by using uppercase letters like "HELP!", "PLEASE HELP ME" or "[UNSOLVED/ONGOING]".
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 6:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

HeXiLeD wrote:
User: mike155
Topic: Alsasound: error: failed to import hw [UNSOLVED/ONGOING]
Post: post 8773494

The user is highjacking the topic.
Contributes nothing to it.
The user's observation could have been said in a PM.
I have been here since 20 Aug 2005 and all my solved or unsolved topics have the same line and no moderator has ever made any remark.
mike155 wrote:
I think it's highly unfriendly to shout in a subject line with uppercase characters "[UNSOLVED/ONGOING]". Therefore, I asked hexiled to stop doing that.

Many users have questions. Everybody should be treated equally. It's unfair if someone tries to gain particular attention by using uppercase letters like "HELP!", "PLEASE HELP ME" or "[UNSOLVED/ONGOING]".
Other than general "netiquette," I'm not aware of a specific rule against doing it. Subjects with all (or most?) text in all caps are automatically converted.

I don't consider one comment such as mike155's to be "thread hijacking." It wasn't discourteous either. A PM could have worked, but I don't recall a rule requiring PMs.

However, I also dislike this use of all caps similar to how mike155 described. My solution is to ignore those topics.

I don't know if HeXiLeD is the only one that uses that style, but I don't recall any recurring complaints about using all caps for that purpose, so as much as I don't personally care for it, I don't think it reaches the level of forcing users to stop it.

I'll support the status quo ("it might annoy some, but isn't a 'problem'") or a change if other moderators / admins have stronger opinions. The lack of prior complaints suggests it doesn't bother enough users to warrant enforcement.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 6:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mike155 wrote:
I think it's highly unfriendly to shout in a subject line with uppercase characters "[UNSOLVED/ONGOING]". Therefore, I asked hexiled to stop doing that.

Many users have questions. Everybody should be treated equally. It's unfair if someone tries to gain particular attention by using uppercase letters like "HELP!", "PLEASE HELP ME" or "[UNSOLVED/ONGOING]".

How is it that anyone who can do the same here would even consider not to have the same oportunity to do the same to justify non equality?

This is not the case for attention but rather in the spirit of helpfulness.

There is absolutelly no topic of mine with "HELP!", "PLEASE HELP ME"
If you take a look at my topics marked solved, they are also in caps and they are very detailed. Comon sense should be enough to understand the intention behind the poster.

What are you going to next in regards to the topics that post kernel configurations which are all in caps by default?

Are you going to force everyone to lower case?

Please take your wokeness elsewhere. You highjacked the topic for Virtue signaling when you could have simply reported it to a moderator if the true intention was another.
Do you hear the sound of inevitability?
With age, comes great grumpiness and that, was 20 years ago...

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Last edited by HeXiLeD on Thu Feb 02, 2023 6:58 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 6:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pjp wrote:

I don't know if HeXiLeD is the only one that uses that style, but I don't recall any recurring complaints about using all caps for that purpose, so as much as I don't personally care for it, I don't think it reaches the level of forcing users to stop it.

It has been done here for years for the reasons I mentioned. Any search by the "[SOLVED]" will show many users adding it to the topics.
Do you hear the sound of inevitability?
With age, comes great grumpiness and that, was 20 years ago...

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"SOLVED" wasn't the issue. That helps people find topics about problems that have been solved. In support forums, the default is that your topic is unsolved. So SHOUTING that your topic is UNSOLVED/ONGOING draws attention to your topic above others. I don't think this is unknown to you. My point was that I was unaware if any other users also used UNSOLVED. Also, it doesn't matter because as I mentioned, I don't recall it being a major theme of complaint.

Also, please keep unhelpful comments off the forums. Attacking users about their motives which you cannot possibly know is an example of such an unhelpful comment.
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Last edited by pjp on Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pjp wrote:
I'll support the status quo ("it might annoy some, but isn't a 'problem'") or a change if other moderators / admins have stronger opinions. The lack of prior complaints suggests it doesn't bother enough users to warrant enforcement.

Capitalization in a title tag is not a problem for me either, and it is not the first time it has been used..
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

@Hexiled: there's a big difference.

It's nice to write "[SOLVED]" in the subject to line to signal everyone that this topic has been solved. That's helpful for helpers, because they can quickly jump to the next topic.

You write "[UNSOLVED/ONGOING]" in the subject line to get particular attention. That's selfish.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am an old man and I used the FIDO-net before we had Internet in Germany. All was ASCII-text. No Underline - no bold - no different sizes of text. If you wanted emphasize a word you wrote it BIG or with _underscore_ or - even more ugly - with *_ugly_* around. Later some people wrote whole sentences in capital letters and this was - correctly - feeled as shouting. Later we had some "super correct" users who thought every WORD in capital letters is shouting, but this is not true ... for us old users .. it is only emphazing a word.

If I look to many threads which are solved, we have many with [Solved] and also many with [SOLVED] ... So I go with @pjp and I think BOTH should be no problem.

Because space in a title is limited and because "Unsolved" and "Ongoing" tell the same, I would believe it is sufficient to mark a thread as [ONGOING].

Nobody can read minds and therefore any talking about intentions is senseless. I believe Mike that he thought it is shouting and I believe HeXiLed that he used it since 2005.

I want to close this with a last note: All moderators would act if something is going wrong in our forum. This is - for me - not a reason to act.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 8:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mike155 wrote:
@Hexiled: there's a big difference.

It's nice to write "[SOLVED]" in the subject to line to signal everyone that this topic has been solved. That's helpful for helpers, because they can quickly jump to the next topic.

You write "[UNSOLVED/ONGOING]" in the subject line to get particular attention. That's selfish.

I would take a look at evidence of the posts that you mike155 have replied here in this forum, over the years which have capitalized letters in the topcis as a TAG and without any observation done by you mike155, to those orginal posters.
You have even replied to some of mine in the past with the tags that you now complain about, but never said anything before.

You could have even replied to that topic that you complain about it, providing a possible solution to the alsa-lib problem and casually make the observation in regards to the tags used by myself.

I also have used the tag [TERMINATED] when no solution was found and I clearly moved on. How does that prove being selfish?
Did you click my username to see all my topics and saw the evidence to support your claim?
I also messaged you in private about his matter, which you ignored, but prefer to drag this in public, but you accuse me of wanting attention.

I am from a generation that valued evidence and due process before convition but that nowadays has been trumped by subjectiveness of how people feel that day.
Evidence suggests that your actions are to single me out for something and are your continuous personal attacks to my personality, and charater as an individual by calling me selfish, within the rules of usage in this forum?

Several moderators who are the ones to handle this matter have been clear about it. I broke no rules.
pietinger was very clear.
When someone annoys me here or on the irc chat. I do what another moderator that has spoken about this matter does and use my maturity to ignore it.

I took pietinger observation as positive one and procceded to moderate those tags without having to do so or to please you.

Best of luck on your future endevours here in the forum and that your post count number keeps pushing you up the ranks, Advocate mike155
Do you hear the sound of inevitability?
With age, comes great grumpiness and that, was 20 years ago...

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

HeXiLeD wrote:
Evidence suggests that your actions are to single me out for something and are your continuous personal attacks to my personality, and charater as an individual by calling me selfish, within the rules of usage in this forum?
Did the "continuous personal attacks" occur prior to mike155's post that you reported here? Could you provide references to those posts?
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 5:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have noticed HeXiLeD's unsolved style for many years as well. I never much liked it, but it did not annoy me enough to say anything. I sometimes thought it was actively counterproductive, when I caught myself skipping over the thread because it had SOLVED in its subject, then realizing it was UNSOLVED. ;) Mostly I just scanned those threads for obvious rule violations, then left without trying to determine whether I could solve the ongoing problem.
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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2023 4:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hu wrote:
I have noticed HeXiLeD's unsolved style for many years as well. I never much liked it, but it did not annoy me enough to say anything. I sometimes thought it was actively counterproductive, when I caught myself skipping over the thread because it had SOLVED in its subject, then realizing it was UNSOLVED. ;) Mostly I just scanned those threads for obvious rule violations, then left without trying to determine whether I could solve the ongoing problem.

I am pretty accurate on making SOLVED on solved topics and I am not aware of having forgotten any behind. As for some left UNSOLVED is because they were never actually solved and there is one or two that never had solution and both the software or and hardware got obsolete. I have also used TERMINATED due to no solution.
When it is SOLVED I have always diligently marked them as such.

mike155 as action towards myself transcend the forum and follow a narrative of neo Marxism which should not be brought here. Marking me as unfriendly either to coerce me to be what he subjectively thinks that I should be or force me to write the way he wants are actually the issue here and outside the forum.
Himself has participated in many topics that are capitalized in the subject line, but only decided to attack me. Any search for his participation on such topics is more than enough evidence and there is a vast abundance.
Do you hear the sound of inevitability?
With age, comes great grumpiness and that, was 20 years ago...

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2023 12:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


For me, any topic not marked solved is unsolved until I read it.
Many topics are solved but never tagged as such.

Adding Ongoing, Unsolved or whatever to the title is superfluous and just wastes the limited space in the topic title.
Capitalising words is irritating on (my) eye but nothing else.

I'm for the status quo.


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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2023 12:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have thought this thread is completed. :(

As far as I understood @Mike155 correct, he is (and was) NOT against a capital SOLVED. He thought that you use a capital [UNSOLVED/ONGOING] "to get particular attention". As you now use only [ONGOING] this is fine for me (*) ... and ... I have not recognized any new complaint since february from any user - also @Mike155 - about this . So - for me - it is actually not an issue here anymore.

HeXiLeD wrote:
[...] are actually the issue [...] outside the forum.

If this is the problem you have actually now, then I must answer: This is not relevant for me as moderator and I am also not competent for anything outside this forum.

(* BTW: I have read some of your threads and I have seen your structuring of your problem descriptions. I like this very much - it is very clear to me. Sadly I cannot help because it is outside my knowledge)
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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2023 12:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

HeXiLeD wrote:
a narrative of neo Marxism

Never go full ridiculous.
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PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2023 3:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pietinger wrote:
I have thought this thread is completed. :(
asturm wrote:
Never go full ridiculous.

HeXiLeD wrote:
mike155 as action towards myself transcend the forum and follow a narrative of neo Marxism which should not be brought here. Marking me as unfriendly either to coerce me to be what he subjectively thinks that I should be or force me to write the way he wants are actually the issue here and outside the forum.
Himself has participated in many topics that are capitalized in the subject line, but only decided to attack me. Any search for his participation on such topics is more than enough evidence and there is a vast abundance.
Or maybe it is something simple, such as Netiquette. Although the term is from last millennium, so that has to be considered as well.
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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2023 10:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Personally, I check all threads I find interesting (or due to other reasons) regardless of how the title has been formed.

Labels/tags are often written in upper case, so I probably don't think SOLVED and such as yelling either... but I really don't mind even if it was the intent.

As long as it fits, and doesn't trigger our friendly title length bug, I don't mind if it says 'unsolved' either. Could work as a reminder to the poster, or a reader, too.

All in all, responding to the initial report: I don't think I think of it as jacking of sorts, but I do think it was unnecessary. I agree that if they felt that strongly about it, they could have sent a private message explaining their feelings on that style of posting, or/and report it to us directly, rather than post it there in-thread.

Going forward, I'm thinking of making an option available that allows for making the topic title blink if the issue is on-going, maybe with bold letters switching to italics and/or non-bold, and have the title sticky-scrolling with the page... maybe some audible bells too, why not, but perhaps we should wait for The Big Forums Upgrade(tm) before going for that.
Kindest of regardses.
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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2023 12:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chiitoo wrote:
All in all, responding to the initial report: I don't think I think of it as jacking of sorts, but I do think it was unnecessary. I agree that if they felt that strongly about it, they could have sent a private message explaining their feelings on that style of posting, or/and report it to us directly, rather than post it there in-thread.
I've always found perspectives to be fascinating. I considered it equivalent to when people request that a topic owner add SOLVED to the title.

Chiitoo wrote:
Going forward, I'm thinking of making an option available that allows for making the topic title blink if the issue is on-going, maybe with bold letters switching to italics and/or non-bold, and have the title sticky-scrolling with the page... maybe some audible bells too, why not, but perhaps we should wait for The Big Forums Upgrade(tm) before going for that.
Don't forget unlimited repetition of the same animated emoji. Letters and words are so archaic.
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