dk_millares n00b

Joined: 23 Oct 2005 Posts: 21 Location: SP, Brasil
Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 2:39 pm Post subject: Gentoo Prefix macOS Big Sur falha no stage 3 |
Ola pessoal!
Estou tendo um erro ao instalar o portage no macOS Big Sur.
Segue um pedaço do log, que está completo no seguinte link:
Code: | >>> Installing (1 of 1) virtual/os-headers-0-r2::gentoo_prefix
Warning: File compression unsupported zstd. Missing package: app-arch/zstd
Warning: File compression unsupported zstd. Missing package: app-arch/zstd
* checking 0 files for package collisions
>>> Merging virtual/os-headers-0-r2 to /
>>> virtual/os-headers-0-r2 merged.
Warning: File compression unsupported zstd. Missing package: app-arch/zstd
>>> Auto-cleaning packages...
>>> No outdated packages were found on your system.
* GNU info directory index is up-to-date.
USE=-acl -berkdb -fortran -gdbm -git -libcxx -nls -pcre -python -qmanifest -qtegrity -readline -sanitize bootstrap clang internal-glib PKG=sys-devel/gettext
!!! BINPKG_COMPRESS unsupported zstd. Missing package: app-arch/zstd
These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies .... done!
!!! The ebuild selected to satisfy "sys-apps/portage" has unmet requirements.
- sys-apps/portage- USE="native-extensions (prefix) (prefix-guest) -apidoc -build -doc -gentoo-dev (-ipc) -rsync-verify (-selinux) -test -xattr" PYTHON_TARGETS="(-pypy3) -python3_8 -python3_9"
The following REQUIRED_USE flag constraints are unsatisfied:
any-of ( python_targets_pypy3 python_targets_python3_8 python_targets_python3_9 )
(dependency required by "app-admin/perl-cleaner-2.30::gentoo_prefix" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "dev-lang/perl-5.36.0-r1::gentoo_prefix[-minimal]" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "sys-apps/help2man-1.48.5::gentoo_prefix" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "sys-devel/automake-1.16.5::gentoo_prefix" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "sys-devel/libtool-2.4.7::gentoo_prefix" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "dev-libs/expat-2.5.0::gentoo_prefix[unicode]" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "sys-devel/gettext-0.21.1::gentoo_prefix" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "sys-devel/gettext" [argument])
Hmmmm, I was already afraid of this to happen. Running
/Users/claudinhoo/Gentoo/usr/bin/bash ./ "/Users/claudinhoo/Gentoo" stage3
somewhere failed :( Details might be found in the build log:
(no build logs found?!?)
I have no clue, really. Please find friendly folks in #gentoo-prefix on, mailing list, or file a bug
at under Gentoo/Alt, Prefix Support. This is most
inconvenient, and it crushed my ego. Sorry, I give up.
Should you want to give it a try, there is /Users/claudinhoo/Gentoo/stage3.log
Faz bastante tempo que não uso um fórum, se estiver faltando mais alguma informação útil, me digam por favor.
Obrigado |