logrusx Advocate

Joined: 22 Feb 2018 Posts: 2845
Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:47 am Post subject: |
User: vokiel
Topic: [Solved] Ryzen 7 AMDGPU - Rembrandt [680M] - Black Screen
Post: post 8794611
Reason: troll
A late response, but one nonetheless. When you first reported, I didn't have the energy to figure out what was going on. I honestly still can't make sense out of the reply that you've reported. I would have offered that the reading disability comment might have been a friendly jab. In the US, that would probably be reserved for friends who would understand the intent. Although given the user's responses elsewhere in the thread, that favorable interpretation seems less likely.
I'm inclined to make two references regarding this report. First, as NeddySeagoon suggested regarding the previous report, use PM to try and resolve any issues. My second reference would be your own "p.s." made in the same thread, just before the post you reported. Especially after a PM, it may be that some people aren't worth interacting with.
At this point, 15 days later seems to long to address after the fact. --pjp, 2023-07-20 |