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Rubber-duck debugging - An underrated tool
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Joined: 19 Sep 2023
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:08 pm    Post subject: Rubber-duck debugging - An underrated tool Reply with quote


This topic is intended to push a very good habits, that will help mostly less experienced user or even more advanced one having troubles. It is the rubber-duck debugging, but with some context, I just had used it this morning and avoided some time waste for other Gentoo users.

The way is very simple: You have a problem and you start to be annoyed to not found the proper fix. So, you give up and go to the forum to get help, good move ! You start explaining your problem, in details, retrieving every pieces of information that would lead helper to a solution to your problem. I did that this morning, was sure to have missed up something while doing my stuff. And suddenly, my mind hit a detail, it was my problem all this time.

For context: I have a nspawn container, it was not having proper IP address while was using machinectl start and login, too bad I need the good IP.

Then I remember you can use the nspawn command with -b and -D option, that was my problem. Using this is giving me the good IP. 

I realized that because the rubber-duck technique is the best way to find a solution to a problem so many times. So many times.

Why ?

Because while you explain your problem to other, you have to give them information, process and configuration around the problem. Doing this will force you to get another point-of-view. While you are stuck, specially for peoples as me, you become sometimes a bit stupid because you are keeping the wrong point-of-view, the one of someone stuck and within a pit of despair and mind-blocking process.

It is magic, really. Never heard of it ?

Well, it also works if you speak to a wall, your dog, a pen, your fiancée or… A rubber-duck.

I hope this will help some, by remembering this bebugging method or learn it to some unaware of it.

Mind hacking ! It is something mysterious :).

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