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[SOLVED] Can't launch Spectacle from a keybind
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Joined: 09 Nov 2024
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Location: State of São Paulo, Brazil

PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 2:47 pm    Post subject: [SOLVED] Can't launch Spectacle from a keybind Reply with quote

Running Plasma on X11, when trying to launch Spectacle by pressing the Print Screen key, I get this notification:

Launching Spectacle (Failed)
No such method 'Activate' in interface 'org.freedesktop.Application' at object path '/org/kde/spectacle' (signature ")

It also happens if I launch it from the Application Launcher.

However, if I enter spectacle on the command line, it launches normally, although it prints:

qt.qml.list.incompatible: Cannot append QQuickRepeater(0x56e906792200) to a QML list of QQuickAbstractButton*
qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/spectacle/private/Gui/DialogPage.qml:164:13: QML NavigationTabBar: Binding loop detected for property "width"
qt.qml.list.incompatible: Cannot append QQuickRepeater(0x56e906792200) to a QML list of QQuickAbstractButton*
qt.qml.list.incompatible: Cannot append QQuickRepeater(0x56e906792200) to a QML list of QQuickAbstractButton*
qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/spectacle/private/Gui/DialogPage.qml:164:13: QML NavigationTabBar: Binding loop detected for property "width"
qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/spectacle/private/Gui/DialogPage.qml:164:13: QML NavigationTabBar: Binding loop detected for property "width"

, which I'm not sure if it's to be expected.

My guess is that I might have disabled some USE flag on one of Plasma's dependencies that affected how it works, but I'm not sure which one it could be.

Someone told me it could be a problem with qdbus, as launching with a key shortcut/by the App menu runs the program with it.

I did try setting a custom shortcut to just run /usr/bin/spectacle, which didn't work, and then bash -c 'spectacle', which also didn't work. On both, nothing would happen when triggering the shortcut. Not even a notification appeared!

I'm also thinking of recompiling Plasma with Wayland support to see if it works there, but I'm not willing to do that now···

I also apologize for any confusion, forum newbie here :)

UPDATE: problem solved — just removed everything in .cache.

Last edited by ruby_R53 on Sun Nov 10, 2024 12:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 7:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Without knowing how you installed KDE Plasma and with what use flags, it would be very difficult to guess what is missing or going on i.e. Plasma meta vs. haphazard cobbled piecemeal. Until you find the problem, you could try a workaround. Create a bash script:
spectacle& exit

Name it something purposeful i.e., etc.
In System Settings, add a new shortcut and select from the list choose 'command or script' and browse to the script you just created to make a KDE Plasma shortcut to launch spectacle using the print_screen key.
If that still doesn't work, you might want to look closely at your Plasma installation.
Based on something you stated in your post: If you somehow have avoided having Wayland on your system with use flags (-wayland, etc.), you might want to consider re-evaluating your use flags and stick closer to the defaults instead. Wayland and X are both used in KDE Plasma for now.
I would also look at troubleshooting D-Bus as well.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2024
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 7:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Without knowing how you installed KDE Plasma and with what use flags

oh right, for that i used the plasma-meta package with the following flags:


Until you find the problem, you could try a workaround. Create a bash script:

welp, now that did work somehow···

If you somehow have avoided having Wayland on your system with use flags (-wayland, etc.), you might want to consider re-evaluating your use flags and stick closer to the defaults instead. Wayland and X are both used in KDE Plasma for now.
I would also look at troubleshooting D-Bus as well.

no wonder why it asked me to add the wayland USE flag for some of its dependencies then x)
and regarding D-Bus, i don't really know how i could troubleshoot it, i mean, never messed with it or anything
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 8:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I read your post on Reddit about the same issue. Did you previously have Plasma 5 installed and then upgraded to Plasma 6?
If you did and this problem has been occurring since then, I would suggest deleting the cache in your home directory. You can either move the files if you are concerned ( you can always move them back) or delete them. It should be completely harmless and all the files will be recreated by various programs as need after logging in. I don't know your skill or experience level . . .
I would suggest doing it from outside of Plasma (when you are not logged into a Plasma session) from a tty.
An example, if you want to delete the files, as your user (not root):
rm -rv ~/.cache/*

or create an empty directory:
mkdir ~/cache.bak

and move the files there:
mv ~/.cache/* ~/cache.bak/

After deleting (or moving) the files in the user cache and then logging into Plasma desktop, try running Spectacle again with the normal shortcut (not the workaround) or any other way that was giving you the error:
Launching Spectacle (Failed)
No such method 'Activate'

Corrupt or stale files in the cache can cause errors like this in my experience, esp with the Plasma 5 to Plasma 6 upgrade.
Deleting the files in .cache would eliminate this as a possible cause.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2024
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Location: State of São Paulo, Brazil

PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 12:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I read your post on Reddit about the same issue. Did you previously have Plasma 5 installed and then upgraded to Plasma 6?

not really, i had Plasma 5, upgraded to 6, noticed some bugs and temporarily moved to GNOME, deleting everything KDE i had (cache, configuration files, apps), and just now finally went back to Plasma

If you did and this problem has been occurring since then, I would suggest deleting the cache in your home directory. You can either move the files if you are concerned ( you can always move them back) or delete them. It should be completely harmless and all the files will be recreated by various programs as need after logging in. I don't know your skill or experience level . . .

i don't recall it happening before, maybe it did considering how buggy Plasma 6 was back when it just came out
i'm not sure about my skill level either lol, but i've been using Gentoo for 2 years now, and Linux overall for like 5 or 6

Corrupt or stale files in the cache can cause errors like this in my experience, esp with the Plasma 5 to Plasma 6 upgrade.
Deleting the files in .cache would eliminate this as a possible cause.

welp, as i wrote this reply i tried removing the cache, and it's now working somehow??
maybe when i moved to GNOME i overlooked a related cache file and then didn't remove it?
problem solved i guess···
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