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E2E emails with autocrypt
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Joined: 27 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2024 2:02 pm    Post subject: E2E emails with autocrypt Reply with quote

One of the emails I've received (actually a legit email from a new contact) showed up with an icon I did not recognize, clicking on which offered an option to add an openpgp key to my trust store.
Checking SMTP headers, I noticed Autocrypt, containing a good chunk of b64 encoded data.

Apparently, it's an attempt to gradually get people on board with encrypting emails without getting in the way of usability. I'm leaving the link for anyone interested in the concept:
Now we just need a slightly better email client more people would actually want to use. Unfortunately, pretty much everyone I know is webmails instead.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2022
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 5:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi. With regards to emails, I have lived the life of an idiot, and used webmails for such a sufficiently long time that I am probably unwittingly a secret agent of Google or some other group who is using my data against me to make me into a monster antithetical to the good things. Nevertheless, sometimes it's fun to try to win even when you know you lose.

To that end, I bought a Librem 5 phone and bricked my Android around the same time, and I have been using Librem 5 and never looked back. So my phone is a dockable GNU linux thing instead of Android or iOS. After using that for a year and a half, I never want to change back and I am not interested in the opinions of others who feel it's their job to make me change back.

But I am using a webmail on the Librem 5, accessed from whatever manner of Epiphany or Firefox or Chromium that I happen to decide to use on that day. Given that I can compile whatever email app I want and run on it on my phone, and that Gnome desktop entries show up as homescreen apps and let me laugh at our Planet of the Apps everyone else lives in, I'm curious about what email client you would use that would automatically include this Autocrypt thing. Obviously as a user I can search something like, but it seems to be a mess of things where almost every user names their own email client. Maybe that's an indication that I should write my own, but I have a few decades to go before I can retire.

Anyway, I really like the idea of E2E but I had mostly given up on it recently when faced with how much apps like Signal seem like creepy government-funded honeypots, all while advertising themselves so well. My use case for E2E would basically be to tell a friend information in my personal life and keep it out of corporatocracy, so that when I took a poop or wished a family member happy holidays in 2025 is not used against me as part of an individualized marketing campaign in 2035. I haven't admitted to myself yet that E2E is strictly required for survival, still trying to live in denial even when it became so obvious that in USA where I live the technology is quickly becoming some horrible dystopia like China but where we're better at lying to ourselves that it isn't. So I was mostly just living without it, to avoid the hassle of pretending to have it with a honeypot like Signal.

But I think it would be really cool to have. Would be great fun to receive emails knowing that they weren't being actively fed into AI systems by the middlemen in order to calculate my life actions in advance and bend them to the will of rich corporate overlords who I'll never meet in person but somehow get to own a more intimate data history of my entire life than I do, in some cases.

Moderator note: Fixed the link. -- Banana
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