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Joined: 01 Nov 2005
Posts: 491
Location: Salem, OR

PostPosted: Thu Dec 19, 2024 12:46 pm    Post subject: PostgreSQL/PostGIS And SFCGAL Reply with quote

There exists an extension to PostGIS, postgis_sfcgal, which is not explicitly supported by Gentoo. The postgis_sfcgal extension provides access to a system's installation of SFCGAL, "Simple Features for CGAL," where "CGAL" is the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library. Thus, SFCGAL provides a bridge that allows the use of advanced geometric operations compliant with the Simple Features standard on top of CGAL. In other words, SFCGAL is a library which provides advanced 2D and 3D spatial functions. Gentoo does not offer SFCGAL as a package, though Bug 653086 "sci-geosciences/sfcgal - new package" tracks a request.

By "explicit support" I mean that there is not a USE flag or any mention of this extension. Yet, the PostGIS configuration file for building PostGIS recognizes (see Chapter 8. SFCGAL Functions Reference" of the PostGIS 3.5.1dev Manual ) and will install support for SFCGAL if SFCGAL is present on the system. See also

I thought I would want to be able to define a 3 dimensional object in space on a map and then perform queries against the object to determine if a 3 dimensional positions, e.g. latitude, longitude, and elevation, fall within object. I'm tracking aircraft. It turns out in PostGIS, you can have 3 dimensional objects such as a six-sided box, but if your try to query whether an object is "within" the box, you are really performing a 2 dimensional query or a query of whether an object is within a face of the box. Since my application concerns aircraft and defining whether an aircraft is within a three dimensional "approach" to a runway. I don't want to be concerned with jets flying 5,000 or more feet above, I only want to identify those which are within certain altitudes and which the "Glide Slope" of the approach path. I learned that PostGIS differentiates between box-like structures containing six faces and "solids" and that SFCGAL is what I would need to define a solid area and then perform queries if an aircraft's track goes through the solid. As I went down this trail I learned the following:

You can have an instance of Gentoo's Postgis and have it extended to use the SFCGAL libraries by doing the following:

1) Download and install SFCGAL. I use /usr/local/src to stage foreign projects.

    cd /usr/local/src
    tar -xf SFCGAL-v2.0.0.tar.gz
    time cmake -S . -B build && time cmake --build build

Building takes several minutes, e.g. more than 10?, on a Ryzen 7950.

Then perform an install in SFCGAL's default location.

    sudo cmake --install build

I have staged permanently on PasteBin the 141 line install session showing what is installed where. PostGIS will, during the "config" phase of a build, search for any installation of SFGAL on the system, so I re-installed dev-db/postgis on my Gentoo system, and PostGIS's configuration script determined I had SFCGAL installed and included it in the build.

However, the emerge session noted a warning:

* QA Notice: Unresolved soname dependencies:
* /usr/lib64/postgresql-16/lib64/

This "Unresolved" issue is easily overcome by creating a soft link within the postgresql's lib64 subdirectory (if you have several versions of postgresql, you may have to go through the re-install and soft link creation).

    ln -s /usr/local/lib64/ /usr/lib64/postgresql-16/lib64/

Then restart PostgreSQL and in a psql session install the extension:


You can use the above CREATE command again to confirm:

    mydb=# CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis_sfcgal;
    NOTICE:  extension "postgis_sfcgal" already exists, skipping

You can also verify installation with:

    SELECT PostGIS_Full_Version();

Example, see "SFCGAL="SFCGAL 2.0.0, CGAL 5.6, BOOST 1.84.0"' below:

    mydb=# SELECT PostGIS_Full_Version();
    POSTGIS="3.5.0 d2c3ca4" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="160" GEOS="3.12.1-CAPI-1.18.1" SFCGAL="SFCGAL 2.0.0, CGAL 5.6, BOOST 1.84.0" PROJ="9.4.1 NETWORK_ENABLED=OFF URL_ENDPOINT= USER_WRITABLE_DIRECTORY=/var/lib/postgresql/.local/share/proj DATABASE_PATH=/usr/share/proj/proj.db" (compiled against PROJ 9.12.1) GDAL="GDAL 3.9.1, released 2024/06/22" LIBXML="2.12.9" LIBJSON="0.18" LIBPROTOBUF="1.5.0" WAGYU="0.5.0 (Internal)" RASTER (raster procs from "3.4.2 c19ce56" need upgrade)
    (1 row)


As for testing and trying out queries, see the Official PostGIS documentation for SFCGAL where some examples are provided. See also:

(ChatGPT 4o users: ChatGPT is not up to the task for mastering 3D queries as of 12/18/2024, you're better off using the examples in the documentation)
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