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How to get data from web forms without a server
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Joined: 07 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 7:05 pm    Post subject: How to get data from web forms without a server Reply with quote

My old school alumni group are organizing a commemorative event and want members to book online for various activities. Their first thought was to use Adobe PDF forms, as they pay a (very expensive) licence for Adobe products for use with their web site. (The web site is actually just a load of simple web pages and loads of photos, so the Adobe stuff is hardly being used, but that's not my remit.) However, AFAICT Adobe's documentation says that when the user clicks on Submit for their completed form, it sends some formatted extract of the data (FSF file, IIRC) to a web server, expecting a CGI script or similar to process it. Needless to say, there's no they can get such a script onto the commercial third party's web service used.

My alternative suggestion is a simple HTML form to send an email to the organizer, populated with booking details from the form. But it's years since I wrote any HTML containing forms, so I'm not sure if that's even possible. A brief Google search results suggest it would be a minefield, and the organizer's inbox would rapidly fill with spam after miners found the email address.

Any suggestions, alternatives and experiences would be most gratefully received.

(And for background information, the society's webmaster uses either an iPad or a Windows desktop PC, so the Gentoo and Linux aspects are negligible.)
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 7:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome to form processing...

I suspect you mean you want to do what's under the hood like how f.g.o accepts peoples' posts and saves it to a database?

I do have to agree with the sentiment with spam and also people doing brute force attacks. However I've written a few CGI processors of form data and monitor what people http post. For the most part people just put in crap and see if the crap they put in shows up somewhere they can easily see. If they do see this, they will keep on doing it -- not unlike spam posts on phpbb on f.g.o. This is the major concern.

I also have a cgi form login. This has a lot of security issues as well as cross site scripting issues. Agree with what you saw, there indeed is a minefield. However as prominent my login is visible, I have not seen bruteforce attacks on it like I do on ssh. I suspect it's because they're unsure about the reward.

While I support that you write your own minus avoiding the minefield, people have used public services like "google forms" to do the same. It might be easier and more secure...minus the fact google gets to collect more information about people... Sign Up Genius is another public service that might do what's needed. I do not and hell do not endorse either so I'm not putting in http links to them...
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 7:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome to form processing...


And that is a lot of the internet works (well the part where you use your browser and do stuff) :-)

Without any "backend" which process the input, there is no email. HTML only does not solve your problem here. You could just put mailto: in the form action, but this is a lazy "solution" and you do not have an control over it.
So, you need a server or something which handles the input data.

There is: , , and a FOSS which has self hosting available.

At the end ou need something wich displays your form and something to process your data => a hosted solution.

Regarding SPAM:
the more the URL is know, the more SPAM you will get. Running something for a small amount of ppl for a short period of time, will produce less spam.

(And for background information, the society's webmaster uses either an iPad or a Windows desktop PC, so the Gentoo and Linux aspects are negligible.)

Does this limit the solution to a IIS based one?
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Joined: 07 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 9:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks eccerr0r, Banana, I hadn't considered (not sure I was even aware of) Google forms et al. That looks the right path; we're not able to run our own server, and I doubt the provider we use would let us do any server-end processing, at least not without the liberal application of money.
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