vvgloo n00b

Joined: 09 Feb 2006 Posts: 31
Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2025 5:06 am Post subject: [resolved]Migrating from old bios to uefi. grub boots suc |
I bought a new disk, so migrating from old disk to new disk. and migrating from old bios start to uefi. motherboard is support old bios start and uefi.
but grub boots successfully and the screen stopped in:
"Booting 'Gentoo GNU/Linux'
Loading Linux 6.6.74-gentoo6.6.74 ...
Loading initial ramdisk ....
the migration include
prepare new disk, the first partition is EFI. second is swap, third is /, last is home
rsync old files of / to new disk.
make menuconfig
make && make modules_install
make install
genkernel --kernel-config=/usr/src/linux/.config initramfs
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=GRUB
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
dmesg is the same as the old one, can't see what the problem is
the "genkernel all" can boot new system. but his config configuration file differs a lot from my original. For example, the wireless card won't start.
Are there any steps of manual compilation that are still not done correctly, and what else can be checked in the logs?
thinks a lot for the help.
I missed config_fb_efi. the main reason. |