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Joined: 18 Feb 2024
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Location: Dolomiti, Italy

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 1:29 am    Post subject: Postfix Admin Cheat Sheet Reply with quote

I'm proud to make one of my mighty cheat sheet ever made, this is my first for Gentoo Community. 8)
Any kind of suggestion over my work, are welcome folks!
I'm under from 3 week about try to start with Postfix Admin webapp, on one new mail server installs, and I found some issue on workflow so, need to fix'up them all with greater help of my cheat sheet for Postfix Admin.
Enjoy to all of us my friends :P 8O
Cheat sheet is under building, I'm closely done with second stage "An Super Admin account" on Gentoo wiki talk section.
So I'm try to follow wiki blueprints sheet, but I'm novice and need to better learn markup styles, please let me to learn more stuff, next days...

Finally last thing, when I write the cheat sheet, I test all of the steps needed for a successfully installation of Apache/PHP with Postfix/Dovecot linked all among on PostgreSQL. :idea:

Follow up a list of mostly weird thing to avoid when try to configure all services running over mail server, logic workflow, and all other thing get my mind addicted to offer a very complete *free* mail server guide. Thanks.

Last edited by Babiz on Thu Jan 09, 2025 5:37 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 9:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for your work.

Right now it looks like you are using the "talk about an existing page" function to create complete new/additional content. This is not how it works.
If your contributions are more then improving existing content, please start a new wiki page.

If you are translating existing content, don't add new things which are not available in the base language.

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Joined: 18 Feb 2024
Posts: 23
Location: Dolomiti, Italy

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 6:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Banana wrote:
If your contributions are more then improving existing content, please start a new wiki page.

Basically I write for improve Postfix Admin section because if you try to follow The section mentioned on Complete Virtual Mail Server, on your fresh Gentoo installation, probably you give up after loading setup.php, (is completely broken if you missing key steps).

On the road, anyway, things must changes and more argument will be added with "cheat sheet style" cause I want to follow essential workflow like pre-configuration steps and installs packages, configures packages and ready to go.
So in Gentoo is fun doing this but sometimes, average users will lost into wiki.
This happen to me, and I waste weeks for diggings outs the issues founds.
But, Complete Virtual Mail Guide is one of most bigger wiki ever made and is tons of readings and testing to do on my server, this mean why I found Italian section empty and decide to post in it.
My native language is Italian, and I need to focus to content and explain some key step, I do better with my native language.
As you can read here my writing in English isn't fully perfect and I prefer to build my cheat sheet not in English, maybe I can translate to English when done, yes I agree.

If you are translating existing content, don't add new things which are not available in the base language.

Yes I understand this.

Another question is about upgrade existing "Complete Virtual Mail Server" pages with my experience, cause I'm in doubt if is better contact the owner of this guide and let itself to update, or is better to leave all unchanged because for my opinion, the Complete Virtual Mail Guide is so much labyrinthic, and for my opinion is better to rewrite from scratch, so this is another reason put me to make a "simple" cheat sheet without pretends of cover all single topics of making a virtual mail server really working in Gentoo.

I'm still learning, any advice are welcome, if you think is better make a dedicated wiki page for Postfix Admin walk trough, I agree with you, but this will not be immediatley done as I explained above.

I want to focus on a logical way carry one folk to follow a kind of guide, personally I'd not like much current flow of Complete Virtual Mail Server Guide, from a average Gentoo user is like go on black hole, and this will to be discuss more deep among others good users will contribute to this wiki topic.

Among of all this, I'm " ipovedente " this Italian word (not found similar concept in English) mean I'm a "fairly blind" unlucky neurological disease, and I work full time to make thing as normal folks do it in a bunch of hours, for me is not a problem go really slow on work, but others need to understand this aspect for interact with me, so isn't always easy.
My goal is keep life smarter and accessible as possible in this crazy world mate. :D
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