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PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 10:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

dwalexuk wrote:

I was setting up access point under windows and it asks key in hex format.
But wireless tool asks it in dec, am I wrong?

wireless tool accepts ASCII and hex only - afaik it doesn't like dec
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 10:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

allucid wrote:
Ok, I have everything working (almost) perfectly now. This is great. I do have a feature request, though. :)

Would it be possible to add a post-associate script option? I have a login script I run after associating with a certain access point that I would like to have run automatically.

You can already do this in the pre-up function in /etc/conf.d/net
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

UberLord wrote:
allucid wrote:
Ok, I have everything working (almost) perfectly now. This is great. I do have a feature request, though. :)

Would it be possible to add a post-associate script option? I have a login script I run after associating with a certain access point that I would like to have run automatically.

You can already do this in the pre-up function in /etc/conf.d/net

thanks again!
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 5:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i had changed /etc/conf.d/wireless and when i try the following command.i recievie this error..


root@fallenangel wireless-config # /etc/init.d/net.wlan0 start
 * Running preup function
 *   Configuring wireless network for wlan0
 *   Connecting to "Yang" (WEP enabled)...                                [ ok ] *     wlan0 connected to "Yang" in managed mode
 *     on channel  (WEP enabled)
 * Bringing wlan0 up...
 *   wlan0 dhcp   
                                                     [ !! ]


# Hard code an ESSID to an interface - leave this unset if you wish the driver
# to scan for available Access Points
# Set to "any" to connect to any ESSID - the driver picks an Access Point
# This needs to be done when the driver doesn't support scanning
# This may work for drivers that don't support scanning but you need automatic
# AP association
# I would only set this as a last resort really - use the preferred_aps
# setting at the bottom of this file

# Set the mode of the interface (ad-hoc or managed). Managed is default
# If it's ad-hoc you also need to specify the channel below

# If managed mode fails, drop to ad-hoc mode with the below ESSID?
# If this is set, then remember to configure wireless options such as ifconfig
# for the specified ESSID. Channel can be set (1-14), but defaults to 3 if
# not set.
# The below is taken verbatim from the BSD wavelan documentation found at

below is my configuration:
# There are 14 channels possible; We are told that channels 1-11 are legal for
# North America, channels 1-13 for most of Europe, channels 10-13 for France,
# and only channel 14 for Japan. If in doubt, please refer to the documentation
# that came with your card or access point. Make sure that the channel you
# select is the same channel your access point (or the other card in an ad-hoc
# network) is on. The default for cards sold in North America and most of Europe
# is 3; the default for cards sold in France is 11, and the default for cards
# sold in Japan is 14.

# Setup any other config commands. This is basically the iwconfig argument
# without the iwconfig $iface
iwconfig_wlan0="channel 10"

# Set private driver ioctls. This is basically the iwpriv argument without
# the iwpriv $iface

# We can define various timeouts here.

# By default a successful association in Managed mode sets the MAC
# address of the AP connected to. However, some drivers (namely
# the ipw2100) don't set an invalid MAC address when association
# fails - so we need to check on link quality which some drivers
# don't report properly either.
# So if you have connection problems try flipping this setting
# Valid options are MAC, quality and all - defaults to MAC

# Some driver/card combinations need to scan in Ad-Hoc mode
# After scanning, the mode is reset to the one defined above

# Below you can define private ioctls to run before and after scanning
# Format is the same as the iwpriv_eth0 above
# This is needed for the HostAP drivers
#iwpriv_scan_pre_eth0="host_roaming 2"
#iwpriv_scan_post_eth0="host_roaming 0"

# Define a WEP key per ESSID
# You can't use "any" for an ESSID here
key_Yang="XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XX" ( i have masked this in this forum )
# or you can use strings. Passphrase IS NOT supported
# Note - this example also sets the encryption method to open
# which is regarded as more secure than restricted
# Here are some more examples of keys as some users find others work
# and some don't where they should all do the same thing
#key_ESSID="open s:foobar"
#key_ESSID="open 1234-5678-9012"
#key_ESSID="s:foobar enc open"
#key_ESSID="1234-5678-9012 enc open"

# You may want to set muliple keys - here's an example
# It sets 4 keys on the card and instructs to use key 2 by default
#key_ESSID="[1] s:passkey1 key [2] s:passkey2 key [3] s:passkey3 key [4] s:passkey4 key [2]"

# You can also override the interface settings found in /etc/conf.d/net
# per ESSID - which is very handy if you use different networks a lot
ifconfig_Yang=( "dhcp" )
dhcpcd_Yang="-t 5"

# iproute-2 style setup
#ipaddr_Yang=( "dhcp" )

# Setting name/domain server causes /etc/resolv.conf to be overwritten
# Note that if DHCP is used, and you want this to take precedence then
# please put -R in your dhcpcd options
# LEAP users will want to use the preassociate setting to specify
# an authentication script

# Map a MAC address to an ESSID
# This is used when the Access Point is not broadcasting it's ESSID
# WARNING: This will override the ESSID being broadcast due to some
# Access Points sending an ESSID even when they have been configured
# not too!
# Change 001122334455 to the MAC address and ESSID to the ESSID
# it should map to

# This lists the preferred ESSIDs to connect to in order
# ESSID's can contain any characters here as they must match the broadcast
# ESSID exactly.
# Surround each ESSID with the " character and seperate them with a space
# If the first ESSID isn't found then it moves onto the next
# If this isn't defined then it connects to the first one found
preferred_aps=( "Yang" )

btw..i am using linksys usb adapter, do i need to edit this line in net.wlan0


# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
depend() {
        use hotplug usb

the initial setting is use hotplug pcmcia...but i am using usb adapter so am i correcto to change to use hotplug usb as shown above??
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Tux's lil' helper
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 10:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

allucid wrote:
for ipw2100:
1) make sure /usr/src/linux is pointing to the correct kernel sources
2) make sure wireless is enabled in your kernel
3) make sure the crypto library, the ARC4 cipher algorithm, and the CRC32 library routines are enabled in your kernel
4) emerge ipw2100

The driver works fine as far as i'm concerned, i could even load the module, but no interfaces show up
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 11:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

what is the output of 'ifconfig -a'?

it would probably be a good idea if everyone got wireless working with the standard gentoo scripts before trying UberLord's scripts. This is turning into a general wireless support thread. 8O
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 11:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

UberLord wrote:
allucid wrote:
Ok, I have everything working (almost) perfectly now. This is great. I do have a feature request, though. :)

Would it be possible to add a post-associate script option? I have a login script I run after associating with a certain access point that I would like to have run automatically.

You can already do this in the pre-up function in /etc/conf.d/net

from that post:
postup() {
                local IFACE=${1}
                local IWGETID=`which iwgetid 2>${devnull}`
                local essid=`${IWGETID} -s ${IFACE}`
                if [ "unifunk1" == "${essid}" ]; then
                        /usr/bin/vpnc-connect &>/dev/null

when i run the startup script i get this error at the bottom
 * Running postup function
/sbin/ line 1: -s: command not found
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 7:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

UberLord wrote:

wireless tool accepts ASCII and hex only - afaik it doesn't like dec

It works great now ;-) great script.
I think it will be good idea to add example:
key_ESSID="aa2233bb" because I was trying to use key s:hexcode, and key dec code and of cause it wasn't workin. THnk you very much for support.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 8:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

spacezmonkey wrote:
i had changed /etc/conf.d/wireless and when i try the following command.i recievie this error..


root@fallenangel wireless-config # /etc/init.d/net.wlan0 start
 * Running preup function
 *   Configuring wireless network for wlan0
 *   Connecting to "Yang" (WEP enabled)...                                [ ok ] *     wlan0 connected to "Yang" in managed mode
 *     on channel  (WEP enabled)
 * Bringing wlan0 up...
 *   wlan0 dhcp   
                                                     [ !! ]

That shows that you cannot get a DHCP address. I would guess that the WEP key is entered wrong



# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
depend() {
        use hotplug usb

the initial setting is use hotplug pcmcia...but i am using usb adapter so am i correcto to change to use hotplug usb as shown above??

Correct :)
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 2:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i have retyped my wep address and the problem is still there...
is my configuration correct?? or do i need to change anything in /etc/conf.d/net ??

:?: [/quote]
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 2:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can we split this massive thread up, and/or stop posting to this one? all of my wireless queries seem to turn up this thread as #1 result, but there's no way I'm looking through 40 pages, or even the latest 20, for the answer. It's just not useful. If you have a question regarding a specific wireless topic, then post it in a separate thread, reference this one if you want to, but keep all of the discussion out of this thread.
-Phil Crosby
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 10:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

what we really need is the capability of searching posts. and not only searching an entire forum.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 3:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

iverson0881 wrote:
what we really need is the capability of searching posts. and not only searching an entire forum.

you can do that already. just click 'search' at the top left and select 'display results as posts'.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 4:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

spacezmonkey wrote:
i have retyped my wep address and the problem is still there...
is my configuration correct?? or do i need to change anything in /etc/conf.d/net ??


Well, try turning off WEP to see if it is the problem or not.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 12:08 am    Post subject: net.eth1 is not called Reply with quote

the script works great for me when I call it manually with

/etc/init.d/net.eth1 start

however when I add the wireless card to the startup sequence by doing

rc-config add net.eth1 default

nothing happens!

My wireless card is initialized by the pcmcia code and
apparently /etc/init.d/net.eth1 does not get called at all !?
Does anyone know what's wrong and what I can do about it?

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 1:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Check that pcmcia is in the default run-level as well.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 1:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pcmcia is there ... I can start the card as using iwconfig or by calling

 /etc/init.d/net.eth1 start

everything works as described until i want to have wireless included in the bootup sequence.

when the system comes up i get no output for eth1 ... only the note that eth0 has no wireless extensions (which is ok)
and the connection does not work after startup.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 4:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hey there,

I just solved my problem: apparently my dhcp settings caused the trouble. I had

dhcpcd_eth1="-NHD -t 10 -h niksbox"

I have not pinpointed the actual troublemaker yet. Maybe the timeout was too short.

Anyway, everybody watch out for those dhcp settings.

What is still strange:

I did not get any error messages when things failed and the usual output

/etc/init.d/net.eth1 start

gives when called on the command line is nowhere to be seen. Apparently the pcmcia startup routines suppress that output. Is that good? Should I maybe file an error?

Anyway, great script, thanks uberlord!
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 5:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

niknik wrote:
Apparently the pcmcia startup routines suppress that output. Is that good? Should I maybe file an error?

I think it does that by default - hotplug has a similar behaviour
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 7:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Helena wrote:
Well I've tried your ebuild versions 0.4.7 until 0.4.10. No luck. The error is persistent. With every up-/downgrade etc-update modifies /etc/init.d/ (which is OK with me). Only the downgrade to 0.4.7 modified /etc/conf.d/wireless. What else can I do?

Have you found a solution yet? I seem to have exactly the same symptoms. I have changed nothing to do with my wireless configuation, however it has suddenly stopped working? I think I emerged some updates at the end of last week, but I can't remember what....

Now I get the following if I try /etc/init.d/net.eth1 start


 * Running preup function
 *   Configuring wireless network for eth1
 *   Connecting to "PorthosNet" (WEP enabled)...                              [ !! ]

 * Failed to configure wireless for eth1
 * preup eth1 failed

It also fails to get an ip address if I try "dhcpcd eth1"


It's 5.50 a.m.... Do you know where your stack pointer is ?
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

roboguy wrote:


 * Running preup function
 *   Configuring wireless network for eth1
 *   Connecting to "PorthosNet" (WEP enabled)...                              [ !! ]

 * Failed to configure wireless for eth1
 * preup eth1 failed

It also fails to get an ip address if I try "dhcpcd eth1"

It will fail DHCP until you connect properly.
I very much recommend using preferred_aps=( "PorthosNet" ) instead of essid_eth1="PorthosNet" as you get much more output.
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

emerge it and follow the ebuilds instructions
If you don't run ~arch then you need to add wireless-config to your /etc/portage/package.keywords
echo "net-wireless/wireless-config ~x86" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords

(note - change ~x86 to match your ~arch)

My arch is ~amd64. I edited package.keywords, but it's still masked when i emerge it??
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 10:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

UberLord wrote:

It will fail DHCP until you connect properly.
I very much recommend using preferred_aps=( "PorthosNet" ) instead of essid_eth1="PorthosNet" as you get much more output.

The strange thing is that I haven't changed any of my wireless settings for weeks. I certainly haven't changed the SSID. Just for kicks I logged into the router and checked it and it is definately still set to 'PorthosNet'...

I made the change you recommended above and tried bringing the wireless interface up.


porthos conf.d # /etc/init.d/net.eth1 start
 * Running preup function
 *   Configuring wireless network for eth1
 *   Scanning for access points
 *     Found "PorthosNet" at 00:0D:54:F9:7F:DE (WEP required)
 *   Connecting to "PorthosNet" (WEP enabled)...                          [ !! ]

 *   No preferred access points found
 *   Trying to force preferred incase they are hidden
 *   Failed to associate with any preferred access points
 * Couldn't associate with any access points
 * Failed to configure wireless for eth1
 * preup eth1 failed
porthos conf.d #

As you can see, not much success. It seems WEP is definately not working now. I have tested under windows and everything still works fine, so I can only conclude that something has become borked with WEP under linux...

It's 5.50 a.m.... Do you know where your stack pointer is ?
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:01 pm    Post subject: patching conf.d/net Reply with quote

Just out of curiousity, why not define preup() and predown() in, then just check to see if conf.d/net sources /etc/init.d/

It seems it would be a bit cleaner and would require less work after baselayout screws up conf.d/net

Other than that, great work! I was just about to start writing something similar myself when I found this. I still think the gentoo devs are making a mistake not putting this into portage now, it works better than a lot of things already in portage.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 10:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

LordKefka wrote:
My arch is ~amd64. I edited package.keywords, but it's still masked when i emerge it??

~amd64 has been added to the ebuild keywords.
If you re-download the ebuild you should be able to emerge it
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