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ACPI sleep issues on a Lattitude D500 (gentoo-dev-2.6.2)
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Joined: 09 Apr 2003
Posts: 34

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 7:07 pm    Post subject: ACPI sleep issues on a Lattitude D500 (gentoo-dev-2.6.2) Reply with quote


If I stick:
echo -n "1" > /proc/acpi/sleep

To be called when my lid is closed bad things happen.

It seems to go to sleep just fine, but when I try to bring it out of sleep mode (by opening the lid and pressing power) things don't go fine. It outputs "Back to C!" followed by some things about the ide stuff coming back up and then does nothing. I have to hold the power button until it shuts off and then turn it back on to get it to respond again.

Then, when I check my /var/log/acpid.log file, I see this in it hapenning in between the start and stop markings of the lid button actions being called:

/bin/sh: line 30: `start-single-daemon': not a valid identifier

Is that some perl script trying to be ran with /bin/sh as the interpreter? Could this be a cause of my hung system on power restore?

If I don't put the machine to sleep when the lid button is closed, just do other things like spin down the harddrive (hdparm -y /dev/hda), then nothing bad happens and there is no strange /bin/sh error in the acpid log file.

Any help would be greatly appreciated... All I found on google was the /bin/sh error being caused by a perl script being ran with /bin/sh as the interpreter instead of perl... but it was for a completely unrelated problem (not even ACPI related).
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