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Quick Search: in Bad File Descriptor [SOLVED]
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 03 Sep 2002
Posts: 123
Location: Tallahassee, Florida USA

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 2:21 am    Post subject: Bad File Descriptor [SOLVED] Reply with quote

The following problem has been solved. It was solved by installed mod_perl 1.99_12. Note that only 1.99_11 is in portage as ~x86 right now. I modified the *_11 ebuild into a *_12 ebuild, and installed that. It installed fine, annd is now running fine.

I have installed apache 2.0.48 with mod_perl 1.99_11 on a Gentoo Linux system. The testenv script at says that mod_perl is installed in Apache
and that the script is using it (you can visit the testenv script for a full printout of the server setup), so all good on that front. And visiting is nice and speedy, so that seems to be working, too.

However, when I visit a web or topic under the base view script ( such as ), I get an Error 500, and the following in the Apache error log:


Feb 21 22:50:18 mathaw apache2[18620]: [error] [client] Error reading
'/var/www/theoretic/bin/view': 9:Bad file descriptor at
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.2/i686-linux/Apache2/ModPerl/ line 528. ,

If I reload, then the Error 500 is replaced by the correct mod_perl generated page (so I assume), but the Error 500 occurs everytime I visit a new URL under the view script until I yet again reload.

Here is the excerpt of the VirtualHost section of my httpd.conf:


DocumentRoot /var/www/theoretic
ServerAlias *

<IfModule mod_perl.c>
PerlOptions +ParseHeaders +SetupEnv
PerlRequire "/etc/apache2/conf/modules.d/"
PerlModule Apache2::ModPerl::Registry
PerlWarn On
<IfModule mod_auth_ldap.c>
ErrorDocument 401 /bin/oops/System/Registration?template=oopsauth
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex Home.html index.html index.php
#<IfModule mod_log_config.c>
# LogFormat
<IfModule mod_alias.c>
ScriptAlias /bin/ "/var/www/theoretic/bin/"
Alias / "/var/www/theoretic/"
Alias /icons/ /var/www/localhost/icons/
Alias /doc /usr/share/doc

<Directory /var/www/theoretic>
Options FollowSymLinks +Includes
AllowOverride None
Allow from all
<Directory /var/www/theoretic/bin>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
Options -Indexes ExecCGI
PerlSendHeader On
Allow from all

AuthName 'Enter your Theoretic username and password'
AuthType Basic

AuthLDAPEnabled on
AuthLDAPUrl ldap://,dc=theoretic?uid?one

<FilesMatch "^(viewauth|edit|preview|save|attach|upload|rename|rdiffauth|manage|installpasswd)$">
require valid-user

<Files "*">
allow from all

<Directory "/var/twiki/theoretic">
Deny from all
<Directory "/usr/share/twiki/templates">
Deny from all

Visiting one of those perl scripts protected by authentication (such as, and providing the correct authentication credentials also doesn't help. I again get an error 500, although it always stays even after reloading. The apache2 error logs shows the same error as above, nothing more. I also do see that apache reports successful authentication through LDAP, so I don't think that is the problem.

Now, I've seen at that mod_perl 1.99_12 fixes the problem, and since that version is not yet in portage, I installed in from the tarball. However, this did not seem to fix the problem, still getting those problems.

Any help would be very appreciated.
* Theoretic Solutions "The Internet's Open Think-Tank" -
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