oddjobz n00b

Joined: 04 Mar 2004 Posts: 29 Location: UK
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 10:53 pm Post subject: Gnome Meeting 1.0 |
Hi, for anyone who's not seen it, Gnome meeting is akin to M$'s old "NetMeeting" program and it lets you share audio/video with a text chat, from a good old Linux box.
(With some nice options like Voice-over-IP, h323 addressing, ILS directories etc etc..)
Anyway, I have it working - and I want someone to test against.. any offers?
(I'm registed in the default ILS as "Gareth Bult")
If you want to get it running, grab copies of the source from www.gnomemeeting.org .. you'll need gnomemeeting, pwlib and openh323.
All should compile cleanly if you do;
export CFLAGS="-fPIC -O3 -pipe"
cd <dir>
./configure --prefix=/usr
make && make install
If you recompile the 2.6.3 kernel and enable the camera modules, this helps also .. I have a Logitec web cam that's showing up as a Pro 4000 under the Phillips pwc driver - but by default the Gentoo kernel has all the web cam modules turned off. (it in the kernel->drivers->usb bit)
With any luck there might be an ebuild shortly, there's an accepted request on Bugzilla ...