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Joined: 05 Sep 2003
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Location: Brno, Czech Republic

PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2004 9:06 am    Post subject: Firewall: Activated Reply with quote

Ok, to live more securely I activated firewall on my router now I need to know a few things about what ports to enable for my applications to work.

1) I use IMAP and SMTP for my mail
2) I download files through the torrent network
3) I use xMule
4) I use DC
5) What ports to enable for portage and rsync (Ive enabled ports 80 and 21 both inbound and outbound trafic)
6) UT2004
7) Mplayer internet radio
8) I watch mpeg files hosted on sites on the internet through gxine
9) I also use Xchat to downlaod music, but i heared you have to open many ports for this one, is it true?

10) streamtuner
11) gdesklet weather display
12) Telnet (isnt that port 25?)
13) MSN and Jabber

Thats about it so far, i know i can search firewall logs for the ports, but that takes a while, i thought it might be easier to just ask here.
Thanks a lot to anyone who replies.
There is, a not-born, a not-become, a not-made, a not-compounded. If that unborn, not-become, not-made, not-compounded were not, there would be no escape from this here that is born, become, made and compounded. - Gautama Siddharta
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Joined: 08 Mar 2003
Posts: 1991
Location: France, Paris en Semaine / Metz le W-E

PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2004 9:52 am    Post subject: Re: Firewall: Activated Reply with quote

petrjanda wrote:
Ok, to live more securely I activated firewall on my router now I need to know a few things about what ports to enable for my applications to work.

petrjanda wrote:
1) I use IMAP and SMTP for my mail

look in you /etc/services : 143 for imap and 25 for smtp
petrjanda wrote:
2) I download files through the torrent network

I think it's 6881 to 6889 but I am not sure, however you just type 'bittorrent firewall' in google , click on the first link and you discover the list of ports:
As of 3.2 and later, the range has been extended to 6881-6999

petrjanda wrote:
3) I use xMule

It' 4992 by default, but a lot of people use different ports
petrjanda wrote:
4) I use DC

It's 412 and 1412 I think (may be 411 also ...)
petrjanda wrote:
5) What ports to enable for portage and rsync (Ive enabled ports 80 and 21 both inbound and outbound trafic)

look for rsync in your /etc/services: it's port 873
petrjanda wrote:
6) UT2004

Don't know
petrjanda wrote:
7) Mplayer internet radio

80 is ok most of the time, but that depends of the radio sometimes
petrjanda wrote:
8) I watch mpeg files hosted on sites on the internet through gxine

80 for http ?
petrjanda wrote:
9) I also use Xchat to downlaod music, but i heared you have to open many ports for this one, is it true?

6667 for irc (look at you /etc/services or at the logs of your irc client)+ maybe an other one for the files transfers
petrjanda wrote:
10) streamtuner

Don't know that one
petrjanda wrote:
11) gdesklet weather display

I think it's 80 for http
petrjanda wrote:
12) Telnet (isnt that port 25?)

look at your /etc/services, It's 23
petrjanda wrote:
13) MSN and Jabber

1863 for msn for me, I don't know for Jabber
Thats about it so far, i know i can search firewall logs for the ports, but that takes a while, i thought it might be easier to just ask here.
Most of the information is in /etc/services, also if you don't like your firewall's log, you can install tcpdump, or you might take a look at this:
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Joined: 05 Sep 2003
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Location: Brno, Czech Republic

PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2004 9:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

thanx a lot man :)
There is, a not-born, a not-become, a not-made, a not-compounded. If that unborn, not-become, not-made, not-compounded were not, there would be no escape from this here that is born, become, made and compounded. - Gautama Siddharta
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Joined: 05 Sep 2003
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Location: Brno, Czech Republic

PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2004 10:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

it wouldnt let me log into my msn account on port 1863, stops on "password sent" (in gaim)

EDIT: fixed it, had to open port 443
There is, a not-born, a not-become, a not-made, a not-compounded. If that unborn, not-become, not-made, not-compounded were not, there would be no escape from this here that is born, become, made and compounded. - Gautama Siddharta
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