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Promise Ultra IDE Controller + GRUB = No boot
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Joined: 09 Oct 2002
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Location: Portland, OR, USA

PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2002 6:26 pm    Post subject: Promise Ultra IDE Controller + GRUB = No boot Reply with quote

Note: This was also posted in the Installation forum.

I just finished installing Gentoo for the second time, this time onto its own 20GB hard drive. It compiled and installed correctly and without any errors, but I'm having problems with my GRUB configuration's way of dealing with my PCI IDE controller.

For reference, my drive configuration is set up like this (the names are the one given in WindowsXP's Device Manager:

Onboard PM - Quantum Fireball LM 19.13GB - 19.13GB NTFS Partition (/dev/hda1) - Windows XP - ATA 100
Onboard PS - Quantum Fireball LM 19.13GB - 19.13GB NTFS Partition (/dev/hdb1) - Multimedia Storage - ATA 100
Onboard SM - Sony CRX168B - ISO9660 (/dev/hdc) - CD-RW - ATA 33
Onbaord SS - Compaq SD-608 - ISO9660 (/dev/hdd) - DVD-ROM - ATA 33
PCI IDE PM - Maxtor 2049H3 SCSI Disk Device 19.08GB - 50MB FAT16 Partition (/dev/hde1), 150MB Ext3 Partition (/dev/hde2), 768MB Swap Partition (/dev/hde3), 18.18GB ReiserFS Partition (/dev/hde4) - DOS, Boot, Swap, Root -  ATA 100

The PCI IDE controller is listed under the "SCSI and RAID Controllers" category as a "Promise Technologies, Inc. Ultra IDE Controller". Also, it should be noted that the card loads a custom BIOS extention so that the drives are recognizable from DOS (or most any other operating system, for that matter) without any drivers.

When I was installing Gentoo, the Quantum drives were listed as /dev/hda and /dev/hdb, and the Maxtor was listed as /dev/hde. The installation went fine and, and GRUB said it configured correctly, but it won't boot Gentoo. I have it configured so that GRUB handles XP just fine, but when I try to boot into Linux, it says that the specified partition is missing, or something to that effect. When I was setting up GRUB, it showed only three hard drives: hd0, hd1, and hd2. This was my first sign that I was going to have some problems. When running in the GRUB prompt for the first time, I typed:

grub> root (hd0,0)
grub> setup (hd2)
grub> quit

It didn't give me any errors, and seemed to be successful. Next, I set up my /boot/grub/menu.lst file. It read:

default 1
timeout 10

title=Gentoo Linux
root (hd2,1)
kernel /boot/bzImage root=/dev/hde4 hdc=ide-scsi

title=Windows XP
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

GRUB loads fine, which is too be expected seeing as how it's written on the (hd0,0) MBR, but here's the part that gets me: the splash screen loads as well. That means that at the very least that GRUB A) Recognizes /dev/hde as (hd2), B) Can read off of the PCI IDE controller and C) Understands the partition table and can identify /dev/hde2 as (hd2,1).

That being said, does anyone know why I'm having problems booting? I'm thinking that there's something wrong with my menu.lst file, but I don't know what it'd be. Perhaps the kernel line? I'm new to Linux, so I'd really appreciate whatever help I can get.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2002 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2002 6:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Followups to Promise Ultra IDE Controller + GRUB = No boot.
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