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Joined: 31 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 5:47 am    Post subject: Streaming Music Reply with quote

I want to be able to play music at work(win2000) from my laptop back at home(gentoo). I cant drasticly change the network scheme at work. Anyone got any ideas

Thanks Again
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 6:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've been working with php and apache for a similar purpose. What you could do is set up apache (on an obscure port like 7538 if you worry about security) and write a quick script to generate a pls file (very simple syntax) with all of your mp3s with your http url prefixed.

example of a playlist.pls
File2=http://myserver:7064/mp3/Bob Marley%20and%20The Wailers/Legend/02_no_wo.mp3

and then open that in winamp or xmms, it'll stream the files over http. It might be a bit impractical or just plain overkill, but that's how I like to do things. The script I'm working on reads the id3 tags and throws the data into a mysql database (my actual intent is to emulate the incredible winamp 5 library), but I think there's something already in portage with a similar purpose.
mpd ( ). I've personally never tried it, but looks like it might do the trick?
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 9:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm a big fan of icecast + ices for this kind of application. It's not difficult to setup, is well documented, has been tested, and is very reliable. You can use ices as a music source connected to icecast, or write your own streaming source with the library. You can require passwords between the media player and the music source -- it's an all-around good package.

Scalded: I'm interested to hear that you're working on your own apache/mysql/music streamer. I went down that path maybe two months back and I'd like to see what you turn out. I'll confess to being rather excited at the potential of combining a music collection with an SQL backend. If you're looking for something similar to the Winamp 5 database, I suggest you check out the latest beta of amarok, powered by SQL-lite I believe. It's a good deal easier to us than some of the db music managers that are currently in portage.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 9:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well... what kind of security is choosing "an obscure port" for your webserver ? not at all.
I guess the first script kiddie that portscanning noticed that there is a stupid guy, screaming "RIAAAAA pls come and RAPE ME!!!!" that provides all his MP3s on a webserver will do no better than keep this little secret to himself ? You'll probably be surprised of how many guests you may find on your obscure port and in front of your door.
If you want to access your private data at home, you should do a better job.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 10:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

smart wrote:
Well... what kind of security is choosing "an obscure port" for your webserver ? not at all.
I guess the first script kiddie that portscanning noticed that there is a stupid guy, screaming "RIAAAAA pls come and RAPE ME!!!!" that provides all his MP3s on a webserver will do no better than keep this little secret to himself ? You'll probably be surprised of how many guests you may find on your obscure port and in front of your door.
If you want to access your private data at home, you should do a better job.

That is some severe paranoia you've got there. For one thing, I've had my entire mp3 directory open to the internet on an obscure port (one that isn't scanned by nmap by default) for weeks now, and I check the logs occasionally. I haven't had any strangers probing the port, only myself and people I know. If someone did stumble upon it, they'll be greeted with that apache test page, and no indication that i have anything worth looking for. HTTP Authentication works with winamp fine, and cracking that is enough to be considered unauthorized entry and nullify any legal complaints from the RIAA.

In the true Slashdot troll-style, you've dismissed everything and left no ideas of your own.

beowulf918 wrote:
If you're looking for something similar to the Winamp 5 database, I suggest you check out the latest beta of amarok, powered by SQL-lite I believe. It's a good deal easier to us than some of the db music managers that are currently in portage.

Amarok looks nice. The problem I had with few of those music managers is that they write corrupted ID3 tags for me, for whatever reason. XMMS, a CLI id3 app, some php library and a perl library all do it fine, but its like the few Qt apps that I've tried ROT13 the tags before writing them. Pain in the ass.
"...In the year 2005, mankind will face times of great suffering and oppression..." - Vote Arnold 2006, if you want to live.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 10:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


That is some severe paranoia you've got there. For one thing, I've had my entire mp3 directory open to the internet on an obscure port (one that isn't scanned by nmap by default) for weeks now, and I check the logs occasionally. I haven't had any strangers probing the port, only myself and people I know. If someone did stumble upon it, they'll be greeted with that apache test page, and no indication that i have anything worth looking for. HTTP Authentication works with winamp fine, and cracking that is enough to be considered unauthorized entry and nullify any legal complaints from the RIAA.

If you hadn't any one probing the port, you're VERY lucky, or just plain not noticing. I'm getting about a total of 1000 distributed probes a day.
Suddenly you come up with HTTP authetication... well, if you had at least sth. like that in your suggestion before... maybe one would not think now that you


In the true Slashdot troll-style, you've dismissed everything and left no ideas of your own.

would not have to correct your omission/main point from before. Well, everybody knows that there are webservers in this world, no ?

Check your original post and see that you suggested suicide.

But whatever, this is probably not the topic.

And no, i did not feel inclined to add sth. to that original topic, i'm not interested in that. But i felt it was A MUST to keep someone from doing sth. AS STUPID as what was originally sugessted BY YOU, being an open access.

And putting an authorisation in front of your webserver would only prevent me from thinking you're still stupid after i had verified the settings to be ok... do you use SSL with that ? But ok, in that i might have different requirements for myself than what others will accept.
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Joined: 13 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 10:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had no idea I was supposed to describe the security measures in detail before the guy even replied. I'm not interested in flame wars, which you seem to make a career out of, so make the last word while its fresh.

PS: consider yourself baited.
"...In the year 2005, mankind will face times of great suffering and oppression..." - Vote Arnold 2006, if you want to live.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 11:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

HA, lol. Your second name is spin doctor, isn't it ?


I had no idea i was supposed to...

is not a good answer to give when sbdy. gets into trouble because of your light headed advice. But hey, it's not your butt is it ?

The only point of all this is though, why i should not point out that your suggestion was lacking the security ?
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 10:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I went with icecast. WOW works awesome in conjunction with vnc to change songs
thanks for the help
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 9:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

another thing that might be worth checking out if you already have apache installed is mp3 toolbox
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 10:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

scalded wrote:

Amarok looks nice. The problem I had with few of those music managers is that they write corrupted ID3 tags for me, for whatever reason. XMMS, a CLI id3 app, some php library and a perl library all do it fine, but its like the few Qt apps that I've tried ROT13 the tags before writing them. Pain in the ass.

Look here ( The short answer is that amarok uses taglib, a package that may need to be upgraded to 1.1.1 for things to work correctly.

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