hiroki Guru

Joined: 29 Jul 2003 Posts: 327 Location: @home in germany
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 6:48 pm Post subject: SKK Problem (Japanese Input) |
Recently i am experiencing a weird problem with my SKKinput.
SKK seems to bee working but as the problem only occurs with SKK and no other Input System like Anthy, Canna, PinYin, etc... I guess it has to be SKK.
Anyway, here's the problem's description:
As usual I can write Japanese with SKK, BUT as soon as I need to choose a sign out of the drop-down-list, the drop-down-list disapears!
That means, I can see the list for a milli-second, and then it disapears. SKK then thinks I've chosen the second Kanji in the list. So it is impossible for me to choose a Kanji below the second position in the list.
So what can be wrong?
I have no idea what could have broken SKK.
I've already re-emerged skk, skkinput, skktools, skkserv, uim, scim-uim, anthy-ss, and any other i18n-related program... I also updated from gtk+-2.4.1 to gtk+-2.4.3. Nothing helped!
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot in advance!
hiroki |